Chapter 205 A New Day

Xiao Wu was wearing silk gauze short pajamas, rubbed her eyes, and stood up leisurely.

The lotus root arms are white, the legs are slender, the skin is white with pink, and the figure is slender and graceful.

Opening the curtains, the bright sunshine shone on her young face, which looked very innocent and pure.

"A new day has begun again." Xiao Wu stretched her arms and embraced the sunshine outside the window.

Set off by the sun, the whole body exudes soft brilliance, untainted by the fireworks of the world, like an elf walking out of a picture.

At this time, Rongrong suddenly hugged Xiao Wu from behind and said softly, "Yes, Xiao Wu, a new day has begun."

Xiao Wu didn't care about Rongrong's sudden hug.

The sisters have been close to each other for such a long time, and their feelings are already unfathomable.

They are best friends and the warmth that each other can rely on.

Even, sometimes, Xiaowu and Rongrong play different games.

Xiao Wu didn't think there was anything wrong with this, it was just a play between sisters.

But Rongrong didn't think so.

"Xiao Wu, when we all grow up, become adults, and get married, we won't be able to be together often." Rongrong said sadly, thinking of far away places, absent-mindedly.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Xiao Wu pulled away Rongrong's hand, put it around her waist, and stared at Rongrong.

"It's okay, I just think it's good for us to be like this. It would be great if we could continue like this."

Rongrong clasped Xiao Wu's pajamas with both hands and looked at Xiao Wu expectantly.

"Besides, which man can be worthy of you? When I think about you being hugged and held high by a boy in the future, my heart aches!"

In Rong Rong's eyes, Xiao Wu's extremely special existence is as pure as water, as white as jade, and flawless.

How can such a girl be with a man...

It hurts. When I think of that scene, my heart... hurts so much.

Xiao Wu was speechless. Rongrong thought I couldn't get married, and didn't want my brother and me to be together.

Rongrong saw Xiao Wu frowning, and seemed to realize that it was inappropriate to say this, "Xiao Wu, I mean, you are very good, you are a flawless work of art."

Xiao Wu's frown deepened. It turned out that Rongrong regarded me as an object, a work of art?
Forget it, I'm naturally beautiful and have a good temper, so I won't argue with you.

Xiao Wu blinked her beautiful eyes, held her head high, and felt a little proud.

"It would be nice if my breasts were bigger." Rongrong said again inappropriately.

"Haha." Xiao Wu was not polite and slapped her hands directly on the small curve of Rongrong's front belt.

"Today, my sister Xiao Wu will deflate yours." Xiao Wu's eyes were fierce and her hands were not slow in her movements.

But Rongrong didn't panic at all. He stepped back a few steps and said, "Oh, mine is a little bigger. What's the matter with you, Xiao Wu? There's no change at all."

Rongrong made a face, and did not forget to put his hands on his chest to compare his size.



"Xiao Wu and Rongrong are making trouble again. If you don't stop them, I'm afraid they will be complained again." Cheng Rou shook her head outside the door of Xiao Wu Rongrong's room.

Zhuqing nodded and said to the door, "Xiao Wu, are Rongrong ready?"

In the room, Xiao Wu Rongrong was maintaining a posture of hurting each other, each of them refused to let go, vowing to crush the other's defense line.

After hearing Zhuqing's voice outside the door, they finally found their reasons to take a step back and let go.

"Wait a moment," Xiao Wu said softly and cutely, quickly getting dressed.

He looked as if nothing had happened, as if he had forgotten that he and Rongrong were pinching each other just now.

"It'll be ready soon." Rongrong added numbly.Soon, Xiao Wu and the others appeared on the street and met Ling Ling Yan Yan.

It turns out that Xiao Wu and the others are going shopping with Yan Yan Ling Ling today and have a picnic by the way.

In a few days, the royal team will leave Soto City, and Xiao Wu and the others cannot refuse the warm invitation from Ling Ling and Yan Yan.

Although we can't be called very good friends, we are all excellent soul masters. We had a lot of fun chatting with each other several times, and it was easy to feel a pity for each other.

While walking, Yanyan read a copy of Jiujianxian's daily report and said softly, "Jiujianxian, you did a great job."

It turned out that the College Hot Issues column of Jiujianxian Daily revealed that the instructor of Canghui College used his power and strength many times to coerce female students of the college to do indecent things.

Many murdered girls have come forward to denounce, hoping that Jiujianxian Daily can give them justice and fight against the times.

"Nice job." Zhuqing couldn't help but say after reading it.

Rongrong noticed that Lingling and Yanyan looked at Zhuqing in surprise, and added, "Zhuqing's boyfriend is from the Jiujianxian sect."

Only then did Lingling realize. No wonder a girl who seemed as taciturn as herself was so excited. It turned out that her boyfriend was in the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect.

Lingling couldn't help but look at Zhuqing's eyes more kindly.

"What happened next? I hope the victim can get protection and justice." Cheng Rou said worriedly. As a girl, the most annoying thing is to be harassed and violated by strange things.

"Hehe, sister Rourou, don't worry. The Jiujianxian sect is the strongest. I have got the inside information, but it has not been announced in the Jiujianxian Daily." Xiao Wu said proudly.

"Xiao Wu, tell me?" Rongrong stared at Xiao Wu with shining eyes.

"Ahem, I heard that Shi Nian wanted to use gold coins to solve the problem and asked Jiujianxian Daily not to participate, but Jiujianxian Daily did not agree.

Shi Nian got angry and wanted to smash the publishing office of Jiujianxian Daily and shouted slander.But before I started to smash it, I was frightened by a powerful soul power and didn't dare to move..."

"Finally, it is said that a part of the body was missing back then, and now it is still kneeling at the entrance of the college..."

Listening to Xiao Wu's narration, the three people present, Zhu Qing, Ling Ling and Yan Yan, couldn't help but look a little proud.

"Xiao Wu, what is your brother's position in the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect?" Rongrong asked, becoming more and more curious about this inexplicable rise of the sect.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Wu stared at Rongrong.

However, he found that except for Rongrong, the other girls were looking at him with curiosity. Xiao Wu couldn't help but change his expression, and stared back as if to guard against a thief.

This made Lingling and the others a little embarrassed.



"I had a great time today. These are the admission tickets. Remember to come and watch our game tonight." As the sun set, Yanyan handed the four tickets to Xiao Wu.

It turns out that there is a team battle with high stakes tonight. The two sides are the Tiandou Royal Team and the Shi Ao Ke Team that was spontaneously organized by the Soul Arena.

This team is said to be composed of three soul sects, three soul masters, and one great soul master. The overall strength of the two soul sects and five soul masters in the Tiandou Royal Battle is equivalent.

This also attracted a large number of dog gamblers, making it a lively battle.

"Haha, you must win, I will give you a lot of gold coins." Xiao Wu said happily.

In fact, Manager Ao also invited Xiao Wu to join the Shi Ao Ke team and was willing to give Xiao Wu [-] gold coins as an appearance fee.

If he won, he was even willing to give Xiao Wu [-] gold coins as a reward, but Xiao Wu refused without even thinking about it.

Sister, is this little money short now?
The four Xiao Wus and the two Ling Ling parted ways.

"Let's go back to the hotel to rest and watch the game."

However, after Xiao Wu finished speaking, she bought a portion of beef stew with radish from a nearby stall.

"I'm also very curious. It should be exciting."

Cheng Rou understood that these four tickets were actually a thank you for taking them to visit Soto City today.

(End of this chapter)

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