Chapter 206 Shi Ao Ke Team

The four of them returned to the hotel and waited for nightfall...


In a luxurious room in the center of Soto City's Great Soul Arena, Manager Ao was so excited that he trembled when he thought about receiving the goods after tonight.

Manager Ao was skillfully teaching the female secretary while looking at the information and laughing:
"Tonight, you can get your money back. Those big nobles should bet heavily on me. I will let you lose everything."

Manager Ao's craziness made the female secretary admire her. She said softly: "My supervisor is wise, these seven people will definitely win."

Of the seven people she was talking about, four of them were the four Shrek boys.

During this period, their outstanding performance on the soul fighting stage and their winning streak attracted the attention of Manager Ao, who discovered their value.

"It's a pity that the Dance God can't be used by me."

Manager Ao looked at the female secretary's attractive face and charming figure, and said, "If I win tonight, I will divorce the yellow-faced woman at home and settle our affairs."

After hearing this, the female secretary untied Rosa without hesitation and sat on Manager Ao...

In another room, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Tang San looked excited.

They didn't expect to have the opportunity to participate in a team battle in the main soul arena.

And after winning, Manager Ao actually promised to give each of them [-] gold coins.

Ten thousand gold coins is so much, how can they not be excited?

Ma Hongjun: There are so many days of honey harvesting that I can’t even count.

Tang San: Raise the first pot of gold for the development of Tang Sect, Douluo Continent will tremble because of Tang Sect!

Oscar: I have money and a sense of security.

Dai Yubai was disdainful. Although the money was a lot, it couldn't make him very excited.

In addition to the four boys from Shrek, there were also Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, Zhao Wuji and three other participating soul sects in the room.

When Flanders learned that Ma Hongjun and others were going to participate in the team soul battle, he was also worried about gains and losses.

"If those four girls are still here, Team Shrek must have resounded throughout Soto City."

Yu Xiaogang hoped that through team soul fighting, Tang San could grow to a certain extent and make some money at the same time.

The other three soul sects all looked to be over 30 years old.

They are Niu Li, whose soul power is as high as level 48, and Wuhun Unicorn, who wears a horn helmet on his head. When he bends his body, the horns on his head will hit something in the next second.

It is also a level 48 blood ax and a martial soul blood demon ax.He has red and thick skin, giving him a thick and dangerous look.

Sun Orangutan, the owner of the level 49 beast spirit Big-headed Demon Orangutan.

She likes to wear her clothes open, exposing her breasts and exposing large areas of chest hair.

It is precisely with these three powerful and experienced soul sects, plus four outstanding Shrek boys, that Manager Ao is confident that he can win.

"Boss Dai, our team is obviously better than the Royal Dou Team." Ma Hongjun read the opponent's information again with a silly smile on his lips.

Seeing the little fat man's carelessness, Xue Ax reminded him in a thick voice, "They are very strong, don't underestimate them."

"Yes, Fatty, otherwise why would Manager Ao specially invite us?" Tang San also said.

"Hey, I got it, I'm bound to get the gold coins." Ma Hongjun scratched the back of his head honestly.

"Your boy is knowledgeable, has good combat experience and a good mind. He is very crazy and has the ability to be crazy." Sun Orangutan said to Tang San.

Obviously, the seven people had introduced each other before and had some training together, and they also knew some details about each other.

In this soul fight, Manager Ao promised that the rewards for the three soul sects would be much higher than those of Dai Yubai and the other four, so the three of them would naturally go all out.They also understand the meaning of team battle, take it seriously, and get along peacefully with the four boys.

Tang San said modestly: "We are just the unexpected effect, the icing on the cake. The most important thing is you three."

These three soul sects are so powerful that only four of them can defeat one of them by joining forces without using any trump cards.

The three soul sects were very satisfied with Tang San's knowledge.

"But is this Nine-Hearted Begonia really so magical? Manager Ao asked us to pay special attention to it." Oscar was confused. The information given by Manager Ao said that Nine-Hearted Begonia only has one healing soul skill.

Yu Xiaogang rubbed the stubble on his chin and said shrewdly: "Jiuxin Begonia? As for the treatment effect, it is very single. Just find a way to eliminate her."

Tang San looked at the introduction of Dugu Yan's martial spirit and raised the corner of his mouth: "Using a snake as a martial spirit and controlling it with poison? Ridiculous."

The understanding of poison and the understanding of poison are the essence of Tang Sect. Is there anyone who understands poison better than me?

While Shi Ao Ke was discussing, in another private room, members of the Imperial Fighting Team and Qin Ming were studying information on tonight's opponent at a crystal table.

Shio Ke team:
Captain: Sun Orangutan, martial spirit: Big-headed Demonic Orangutan, level 49 attack-type fighting spirit master, spirit ring, two yellow and two purple.

Vice-captain, blood axe, martial spirit: blood demon axe, attack type battle spirit master, two yellow and two purple spirit rings.

Team member, Niu Li, Wuhun: Unicorn, level 48 attack type battle soul master, two yellow and two purple.

Team Member: Evil-Eyed White Tiger, Martial Spirit: White Tiger, level 38 attack-type fighting spirit master.Soul rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team members: Qianshou Shura, martial spirit: Blue Silver Grass, a level 33 control system battle soul master.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team members: Evil Fire Phoenix, Martial Soul: Evil Phoenix, a level 28 assault-type battle soul master.Soul ring: Two yellows.

Team members: Sausage Monopoly, Martial Soul: Sausage, Level 31 auxiliary system soul master.Soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Seeing the students' indifferent expressions, Qin Ming said: "The opponent this time is very strong, I hope you will take it seriously."

"That's not enough. It's just three soul sects. We have also defeated a team of four soul sects." Yu Feng was disdainful and was the first to stand up and object.

"And how come this great soul master dares to come, as well as the Blue Silver Grass soul master? Are you trying to laugh yourself to death? Can you block one of my soul skills?"

Several other students also had the same thoughts as Yu Feng.

Today's Imperial Fighter Team is more than a little stronger than in the original work.

They are the elites of the Royal Academy, and the quality of their martial arts spirits is no worse than that of Shrek and the others in the original work.

Some even exceed it.

Since Ling Ling's terrifying healing ability was exposed, the Royal Team's training quality and difficulty far exceeded that of Shrek Academy in terms of the most basic physical fitness requirements and the requirements for soul skill control.

Not to mention that everyone has been through many battles.

They are naturally not afraid of Shi Ao Ke's team.

"I have fought against these people before. I once lost to the soul battle between the evil-eyed white tiger and the evil-fire phoenix." Yu Tianheng narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"It turns out they were the ones who made us run." Instead of being surprised, Oslo was very angry.

"Except for the three Soul Sects, the other four cannot be careless." Qin Ming snorted coldly and signaled for everyone to be quiet.

Then he introduced to everyone the achievements of Tang San and the four others this month.

This made everyone get serious.After all, achievements are achieved based on strength, and no one dares to underestimate them.

Qin Ming nodded slightly, "The information may not be true. You have to wait until you have a real fight to know. Never underestimate any opponent. Since Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena dares to send them out, they must have a certain degree of confidence. Another point is, My request to you. Regardless of the outcome of this soul fight, no one is allowed to kill those four non-soul sects, or even maim or maim their opponents. Do you understand? Yanzi, especially you, if the opponent hits you The poison must be detoxified immediately after the soul fighting is over. There must be no delay."

(End of this chapter)

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