Chapter 207 Shi Ao Ke vs. Royal Team
Dugu Yan felt that Teacher Qin's words were a bit strange and couldn't help but ask:

"Why? Teacher, don't you often tell us that there are no fathers and sons on the battlefield, so we must go all out and never show mercy? If you don't hurt your opponent, you may be hurt yourself."

Even though he usually respects Qin Ming, Dugu Yan cannot understand Qin Ming's request.

There was a wry smile on Qin Ming's face, "This time is different. You don't need to know yet. I will tell you the answer after this soul fight is over. Well, the time is almost up. Come with me."


"Wow, it's so lively. I didn't expect Sister Lingling to directly arrange a private room for us." Xiao Wu had a good view through the crystal glass window and had an unobstructed view of the entire Soul Fighting Stage.

"Small scene, this is a promising thing." Rongrong muttered in a low voice, but his eyes were already looking at the soul fighting platform, with happiness written all over his pretty face.

At this time, a pretty girl of eighteen or nineteen years old appeared on the soul fighting stage.

Wearing a long white dress, long wavy hair, and a professional smile on her face.

There was a pair of white feather wings on her back, which flapped gently and gracefully spun in a circle, making the audience cheer.

This is exactly the flying effect brought by her third soul skill. Although it is only a yellow soul ring, it is rare.

"The White Dove Martial Spirit, a cute and gentle white dove that symbolizes peace, appeared in the Soul Arena where souls are fighting for souls. Is it a mockery?" Cheng Rou laughed at herself.

On both sides of the soul fighting stage, two doors opened at the same time, and the contestants also walked out one after another.

"Hey, aren't those four Shrek boys?" Rongrong murmured to himself, but he didn't expect that they would be Lingling's opponents tonight.

At the same time, the audience in the audience cheered because of the appearance of both teams.

"Hey, isn't that bastard Tentacle Shura? I didn't expect that he would actually come to participate in the team spirit fight." A sharp-eyed audience member recognized Tang San.

"What? Tentacle Shura? This bastard, my neighbor's daughter is still a shadow because of the soul battle with Tentacle Shura. She dare not go out. She is simply a scumbag."

Several spectators around started talking.

"What's this? Last time I saw Tentacle Shura burrowing his tentacles into a human body. Until now, that person didn't dare to eat except drinking water."

"Tear, how twisted is your heart?"

"This is not bad. I have a friend. His girlfriend is fighting against the tentacled Shura soul. Guess what, you can't guess it in your dreams. After returning home, the girl checked her body and found that she was pregnant. She gave birth yesterday. He picked up a bunch of Bluesilver Grass." The man clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his flesh, and he looked at Tentacle Shura with an angry look on his face.

The people around him who heard this all looked at him with extremely complicated eyes.


On the soul fighting stage, Tang San didn't know anything about the audience's discussion.

Under the green mask, his evil face and sinister expression are hidden.

He looked at the seven people opposite him, and finally his eyes rested heavily on Yanyan and Lingling.

He couldn't help but lick his lips with his tongue.

I must make the binding perfect, and then make Xiao Wu feel comfortable...

Xiao Wu: I thank your whole family.

Tang San secretly thought about that scene, and his body couldn't help but tremble. .

Today's prey is these two girls.

Tang San's heart was twisted, but it was extremely clear and clear.

There were 14 people on the soul fighting stage, and fourteen powerful fighting intentions soared into the sky.

Under the soul fighting stage, Flanders saw Qin Ming opposite him at a glance. His expression suddenly changed, and then he gradually relaxed, and his original nervousness seemed to be relieved a lot.

"It's actually him. It seems that I don't need to worry about the safety of the little monsters this time."

Zhao Wuji also saw Qin Ming, his eyes widened suddenly, "How could it be him..."

Yu Xiaogang looked at the two suspiciously, "You know each other's team leader? What's going on?"


On the soul fighting stage, the battle was already in full swing.

"The Royal Team is so strong. I didn't expect that blue dragon to be able to deal with Tang San, Ma Hongjun, and Dai Yubai at the same time." Xiao Wu commented. On the soul fighting stage, Yu Tianheng was fighting one against three. "Their team worked well together, forming a cover with Lingling as the center and two defensive soul masters as a barrier, allowing the blue dragon to attack fearlessly." Cheng Rou also analyzed.

On the soul fighting stage, the royal team always maintained a certain movement pattern. While Yu Tianheng was fighting against the three Shrek men, Graphite Shimo and Oslo Duguyan were fighting against the powerful Soul Sect, but they always formed a protective mirror against Lingling.

"Moreover, that flying spirit master grasped the attack angle and timing very well." Zhuqing saw that every time Yu Feng attacked from the air, it would always cause great trouble to the opponent, forcing the opponent to fight with all his strength.

"But if this continues, Lingling's team will lose." Rongrong said, "After all, on the soul fighting stage, there is still a soul sect from Shi Aoke's team who has not taken action."

From Rongrong's point of view, the situation is now evenly matched, but the addition of that soul sect will definitely change the situation of the battle.

"He is probably looking for an opportunity to deal with Ling Ling first." Cheng Rou thought for a while and said.

Zhuqing smiled lightly and agreed with Cheng Rou's point of view.

In a private room next to Xiao Wu, there were seven girls wearing school uniforms of blue combat skirts.

They are charming stories, some are innocent, some are naughty, some are cute, some are shy, and some are royal sisters.

These seven beautiful beauties should only appear in the lifelike picture at the same time.

At this moment, they are either crossing their legs, sitting cross-legged, or eating snacks, exposing large arms and legs, with skin as white as snow, and they are extremely beautiful.

"That soul sect is going to be fooled." The woman sitting in the middle said.

She has bright eyes and white teeth, and a slight smile. She is so superior, hazy and agile, and her mature face has a special charm that attracts people.

These seven people are the Tianshui team who have been trained here from Tianshui City, and the particularly outstanding girl among them is Bing'er.

Sure enough, just as Bing'er said, on the soul fighting stage, the soul sect who had been preparing for his attack found a flaw in the royal team.

He made a decisive move.

In the state of being possessed by a martial spirit, his head is enlarged and covered with the features of an orangutan, and the muscles all over his body are bulging and bulging. He seems to be a powerful and powerful spirit master.

He raised the corners of his mouth, opened his mouth to a terrifying degree, inhaled sharply, and his stomach expanded rapidly.

The third soul skill is the soul-shaking demonic roar.

A disturbing roar came from his mouth, slowing down the Royal Troopers' attacks.

"The second soul skill is three consecutive jumps in the air."

Sun Orangutan's figure disappeared from the spot, and at a speed invisible to the naked eye, he instantly broke through the Royal Team's defense line and came directly to three meters in front of Lingling.

"It's over." Sun Orangutan looked at Lingling coldly, like a little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered.

His eyes flashed, and he moved forward, grabbing Lingling's throat with his left hand, and concentrating his soul power with his right hand, preparing to release his soul skills without sparing any force.

Sun Orangutan is not only fast, but also unexpected. He himself thinks it is foolproof.

After all, in such a short period of time, the enemy's teammates have no defensive speed at all, and it is more than enough to remove an auxiliary soul master.

But the girl in front of him, her original expression of panic and fear disappeared, and instead she smiled slightly.

Sun Orangutan shuddered and realized something was wrong.

"No, the fourth soul skill..."

However, before Sun Orangutan could display his fourth soul skill, Graphite, Oslo, and Yufeng decisively abandoned their opponents and already came with their strongest attack.

What frightened Sun Orangutan the most was not the three people who came back to defend. He found that several important muscles in his body had almost atrophied, and his body suddenly lost vitality and could not move.

There is no doubt that Sun Orangutan and Shi Aoke's captain fell in disgrace. This was a counter-siege that lured the enemy deeper.

"Wonderful, what kind of formation do they have? Returning to defend and support and counter-encirclement, it was completed in the blink of an eye." Xue Wu couldn't help but exclaimed, and slapped Yue'er directly with a palm print.

Yue'er glared at Xue Wu, but her attention immediately returned to the soul fighting stage.

There was also a burst of cheers from the audience.

This chapter is over.

It’s a fanfiction, just look at the pictures and have fun, don’t take it seriously, don’t compare.

(End of this chapter)

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