Chapter 208 Tang Sanjie’s arrogant smile
However, the eyes of the remaining six people in Shi Aoke darkened.

In the original plan, the five of them would pull together the six members of the Royal Dou Squadron to clear the way for the captain's beheading operation.

This is a feasible and reliable plan that has been approved by everyone, but the reality is cruel.

"Damn it, Captain, I'm here to save you."

Niu Li shouted, and the horn on his head grew longer and sharper like substance.

"A corner of the sky."

Facing such a sharp and terrifying blow, Shi Mo couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Shi Mo was not around, and he knew he couldn't stop it alone.

But he still tried his best. He used his body's blood energy to transfer to the turtle shell on his body and resisted with all his strength!
The tortoise shell shone even brighter and became thicker.

But Shi Mo still underestimated the powerful soul skill of the Soul Sect.

The two collided, and sparks flew from the tortoise's shell.

Shimo was knocked back several steps by Dingtian Yijiao, vomiting blood, and then knocked away by Dingtian Yijiao.

However, this also consumed some of Dingtian Yijiao's momentum. Shi Mo, who came to support, finally blocked the attack, and Shi Mo was also caught by Yu Feng.

And Lingling's Nine-Hearted Begonia's light also submerged into Shimo's body at the right time, and the injuries on his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These are all battles that take place in a short period of time, but one detail in a team soul battle can determine success or failure.

Oscar, who was behind the crowd, saw Shi Mo being treated by Jiuxin Haitang and became active again as if nothing was wrong.

Oscar's face couldn't help but look ugly, "How can we fight like this?"

"No, Niu Li is in danger." Tang San's face turned pale as he noticed that Huang Dou's team had taken action again.

He didn't expect that Niu Li would be surrounded by the opponent, and he would repeat the same trick.

"Haha, you want to save your defeated general? You have no chance." Yutian Henglong's arms wrapped with blue-purple lightning, stopped Tang San and others who wanted to support him, "Yanyan, you did a good job, let's see next mine."

"Thunder Fury."


The thunder and lightning on Yu Tianheng's body strengthened again, turning into countless lightning bolts and shooting towards the three Shrek boys. Countless blue silver grasses were instantly annihilated.

"The defeated general? Yanyan?" Tang San remembered the last time he was humiliated by Yu Tianheng, and he had vowed to haunt the woman named Yanyan.

Now it seemed that the woman named Yanyan was Dugu Yan. Tang San seemed to have found the source of motivation, and raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.
"Boss Dai, block the attack and I'll go rescue you."

Dai Yubai nodded and immediately took action, "My defeated general? You are my defeated general."

"White Tiger Split Light Wave, White Tiger Protective Cover."

"Phoenix bathed in fire, Phoenix on the line of fire."

The light waves and lines of fire blocked most of the thunder arrows, and both sides took a few steps back.

However, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were still struck by lightning and were paralyzed for a short time, unable to move.

Yu Tianheng's chest was also burned black.

Tang San had already used Ghost Shadow Tracing Step, "Come in time!!"

The Bluesilver Grass seeds that had been scattered over the weekend grew under Tang San's control.The blue silver grass gathered into a snake and pulled Niu Li out of the encirclement.

Seeing Niu Li being rescued, everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team couldn't help but shake their heads, feeling a little regretful.

Niu Li breathed a sigh of relief after surviving the disaster. He also realized that he was too impulsive just now and was almost eliminated.

Oscar was not stingy either, making a few sausages for everyone to replenish.

The six Shi Aoke gathered together again.

"Boy, you did a good job." Niu Li scratched his head. As a big brother, he was a little embarrassed when such a problem occurred.

"What should we do? The captain has been eliminated." Oscar was a little anxious. The captain was included in the original battle plan!

Who would have thought that the captain would be the first to be eliminated. "What should I do? I'll go up and knock down a few first." Xue Ax was angry, and he was very unhappy that his eldest brother was eliminated.

"Brother, don't do this." Tang San and Niu Li hurriedly persuaded Xue Ax to stop.

"Now there are only six people left on our side. Except for the auxiliary soul masters, there are only five people left who can really fight." Tang San said seriously, knowing that his chance had come.

Oscar: Am I a loser?I am useless?

Tang San said again: "Among the five people, the soul power of the great spirit master cannot be compared with them. There are only four people left who can really fight, and there are seven people on the opposite side. Needless to say how difficult it is to fight four against seven."

Ma Hongjun: Roasting blue silver grass is the easiest.

After hearing Tang San's analysis, Blood Ax calmed down, "It seems like this is the case. We are at a very bad disadvantage. What should we do?"

"We can only become more like a whole. Next, I hope you will all listen to my command..."

While Tang San was telling the plan seriously, the expressions of Dai Yu, White Horse, Hongjun, and Oscar slowly turned gloomy. Tang San wanted to step on them and get the upper hand.

The Imperial Fighting Team couldn't help but feel a little anxious when they saw that their opponents were gathering together for discussion but were reluctant to launch an attack.

Although changing tactics was risky and the opponent might be cheating, the Royal Team decided to take the initiative and launch an attack.

Yu Tianheng still found the three Shrek men, Dugu Yan dealt with a soul sect alone, and the Shi brothers and Oslo dealt with a soul sect.

When Tang San saw this, the corner of his mouth raised into a slanted smile, everything was going according to his plan.

With Tang San's pulling action, Niu Li, who was fighting with the Shi brothers, unexpectedly left the battlefield and participated in the battle against Yu Tianheng.

It turned out that Niu Li's anklet had already been bound by a bluesilver grass, causing it to move.

Facing the unexpected incident, Yu Tianheng's expression changed. He understood that his opponent's plan was to be defeated one by one and he wanted to eliminate him first.

The addition of Niu Li instantly changed the situation, turning it into a four-on-one situation.

Especially when there was another soul sect, Yu Tianheng persisted for just a few seconds before being defeated by the full bombardment of his opponent's soul skills.

His defense was ruthlessly broken, his flesh and blood were bruised, he fell to the ground unconscious, and he was bound tightly by Tang San's blue and silver coils.

The corners of Tang San's lips raised again, and he said to Yu Tianheng, "Jie Jie Jie, Bashan, tie me up? Just watch your Yanyan being tied up by me."

"No, why didn't anyone support him?" Dai Yubai realized something was wrong and quickly looked to another battlefield, only to find that Blood Ax had also fainted and lost consciousness!
It turned out that after the Shi brothers and Osluo saw Niu Li changing the battlefield, they did not rush to support Yu Tianheng, but instead solved the Blood Ax together with Dugu Yan.

Poor Blood Ax didn't have any advantage against the level 48 Dugu Yan. Then the Shi brothers, Oslo joined in, and Yu Feng was ready to attack in the air. It was a complete group fight. .

After eating many soul skills, Xue Ax fell to the ground almost at the same time as Yu Tianheng.

Tang San's expression changed. He didn't expect that the other party would completely ignore the safety of his companions and directly abandon Yu Tianheng.

How can you lead your opponent by the nose?How to control the battlefield, control teammates, and control enemies.

"If one soul sect is replaced by another soul master, we will lose."

Ma Hongjun's deep voice pierced Tang San's heart.

Tang San glared at Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun didn't flinch, but stared back naively.

"It's so miserable to bully our vice-captain." Oslo shook his long blond hair with an expression of gloating.

"Teacher Qin Ming is really weird. He told us not to hit hard or maim our opponents, but the vice-captain is already half dead." Shi Mo said dissatisfied, "Captain, I won't play with them anymore."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Dugu Yan glanced at Shimo.

Shi Mo trembled and said quickly, "Haha, how dare you."

Dugu Yan glanced at the opposite side leisurely, and the third soul ring on his body lit up, and the green scales lit up with purple light.

A mouthful of rich purple mist spurted out from her mouth, and her powerful lung capacity kept her going, shrouding her in the direction of Shio Ke.

"Everyone come back and gather around me." Tang San shouted. The purple mist had divided the battlefield like a barrier. Unless they flew up or retreated from the Soul Fighting Platform, they would be enveloped by the poison.

Before the poisonous mist arrives, a tangy aroma has already spread to the nostrils, but after inhaling it, it makes people feel nauseous and dizzy...

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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