Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 209 Tang 3: It’s time to show off the audience

Chapter 209 Tang San: It’s time to show off the audience
Everyone ate one of Oscar's detoxifying sausages without hesitation.

Oscar himself quickly recited the formula and began to make more detoxifying sausages for emergencies.

Tang San looked at Ziwu and smiled disdainfully, "It's just a small trick. It's just jade phosphorus snake venom, but you dare to do it all, let me break your snake venom."

After Tang San finished speaking, he took out two water bags from the soul guide and threw them into the air with all his strength.

And shouted, "Boss Dai, White Tiger Split Light Wave, Fatty, Phoenix Fire Wire."

Although Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai wanted to refuse, they were both grasshoppers on the same rope and understood that now was not the time for internal fighting, so they had no choice but to cooperate.

"I hope we are not wasting our soul power." Dai Yubai's eyebrows were gloomy as he and Ma Hongjun released their soul skills.

The water bag was penetrated and shattered by many soul skills, and the liquid inside turned into fire mist under the action of the flames. The fire mist actually overwhelmed the purple poisonous mist.

Seeing this, Tang San thought that the Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom had been cracked, and said calmly: "The Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom is nothing more than a trick. If the Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom were all present, maybe I would pay more attention. This Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom is not yet ready."

Tang San seemed to have deliberately raised his voice so that everyone on the soul fighting stage could hear him clearly.

Tang San's words were quite masterful, and his figure became taller and more reliable in Shi Ao Ke's team.

"While the fire and mist is now covering up, Boss Dai, Fatty, you go and eliminate that leopard martial spirit first. Don't worry, this is spirits and realgar powder, non-toxic."

Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun looked at the strange fire mist and hesitated.

At this time, Niu Li stared at Ma Dai and scolded, "Hurry up and go."

The situation was greater than the others, so the two of them had no choice but to remember this and bravely ran forward.He wanted to break through the fire mist and catch his opponent by surprise.

The master standing at the exit of the passage on one side of the Shrek Seven Monsters had a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes, and murmured to himself:
"Control the battlefield, control your teammates, control the enemy, and control your psychology. Xiaosan, you are a genius. You have understood all the true meaning of a control-type soul master in such a short time."

"Captain, you have been underestimated." Yufeng was flying in the air leisurely. He looked up at Doudou and whistled at Doudou.

Doudou's face turned red and he quickly covered his skirt.

Dugu Yan was silent, his long purple hair flowing gracefully, and he was full of heroic spirit.

Although the 19-year-old's body is not extremely impressive, the undulating curves it should have are not inferior to those of most people of the same age.

Her skin was white, her red lips were gorgeous, and she had a sassy beauty. However, her eyes were cold at the moment, looking at the fire mist, and she felt very cold.

She also understood that she had been underestimated, and actually wanted to use a mere liquor and realgar to deal with her.

This is not only looking down on himself, but also looking down on the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit and the favor of the Wine Sword Immortal.

Originally, for Qin Ming's sake, it would be over if she gave them a lesson, but now there is a murderous intention in her heart.

Kindness has always been alien to her.


As soon as Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun broke into the fire mist, they found that it was not at all non-poisonous as Tang San said, and was even full of poison.

The fire mist was like tarsal poison, penetrating into every part of their bodies. Their whole bodies seemed to be filled with fire bugs. They were extremely itchy and hot and uncomfortable at the same time. They were not in the mood to think about a sneak attack.

The red skin on his body was scratched hard with both hands. It was blurred and no part of it was intact. There was an extremely nauseating and heavy feeling in his mind.

By the time they rushed out of the fire mist, their entire bodies were covered in ulcers, pustules, and sores, and no one was intact.

The two of them could no longer hold on and fell to the ground weakly, shouting in a low voice: "Tang——san!!"

"Boss Dai, Fatty." Oscar was worried. He could clearly hear Boss Dai and Fatty's desperate cries just now.

Tang San's face darkened: Fortunately, we let these two people test it first. The poison in this world is indeed a little different from the previous life.

"Xiao Ao, you can still make a few sausages." Tang San looked at Oscar with solemn eyes.

Oscar felt a chill in his heart and said, "Five roots."

"Well, with the short time that Boss Dai bought for us, we can use the flying mushroom sausage to break out."

Oscar could only do as he was told, for fear of accidentally sacrificing himself to Tang San.

The three of them swallowed Oscar's flying sausage, took off, and rushed away from the fire and mist.

Faced with the remaining three people suddenly appearing from the sky, the audience exclaimed again.

Yu Feng, who was in the air, also immediately spotted the three Shrek people who broke out of the encirclement and immediately launched an attack.Oscar was unable to dodge in the air and was knocked out of the field by Yufeng, unconscious...

Outside the court, Flanders and Zhao Wuji were already feeling heartbroken. These students were all their hard work.

They had long wanted to move forward to stop this soul battle and make the academy admit defeat, but Yu Xiaogang firmly disagreed. The reason was, "You have to trust Xiao San."

"Quickly, land there, otherwise you will become a target for them."

Tang San and Niu Li quickly fell to the ground and straightened their bodies, "I can fight two, leave the one with poison and the leopard to me."

"Are you talking big words now?" Niu Li looked at Tang San, a little disbelieving, but now there was no other way but to bite the bullet.

The corner of Tang San's lips curled up into an evil smile that no one could see. He believed that by now, everyone's soul power was running low. It was the time for him to show off to the whole audience and show off.

Tang San circulated his soul power, and under the action of his soul power, his shirt turned into pieces of cloth and scattered around.

"Exploding clothes? Thousand-hand Shura used the skill of exploding clothes. Do you have any other trump cards?" Doudou said loudly to the amplified soul guide.

"How dare you show off your sister's clothes with a body as small as Tentacle Shura?" someone said.

"that is."

Tang San's back also swelled up at this moment, sprouting eight strange blue and silver grasses, all purple and bright.

Tang San's whole temperament also became much colder. He looked at Dugu Yan and Osluo and said sinisterly, "The killing begins."

"Mutated martial spirit?" Oslo also noticed something was wrong.

The Eight Spider Spear fit Tang San like a mutated blue silver grass. He didn't recognize it as an attached soul bone. After all, the attached soul bone was too rare and few people could recognize it at a glance.

Dugu Yan saw that the poison around him melted as soon as it got close to the Eight Spider Spears, and he also noticed something unusual.

"You go deal with that soul sect. There's something wrong with this guy. He doesn't look like a mutated martial soul."

Seeing Oslo leave, Dugu Yan felt relieved. The burden was gone and he could let go.

"You underestimate me." Seeing Dugu Yan ordering Oslo to leave, Tang San licked his lips and couldn't help feeling that he had been underestimated.

"Haha, are you looking down on me? Do you think you are invincible if you have a soul bone?"

"What soul bones, I don't know."

The two had a simple conversation, but a fierce battle had begun.

The Eight Spider Spear is an external soul bone. Once used, its attack power against Tang San will increase by 50.00%. Moreover, it is still very sharp, and its combat effectiveness against Tang San will be greatly improved.

Tang San used Ghost Shadow Tracing Step, and while setting up the blue silver battlefield, he quickly approached Dugu Yan, hoping for a decisive kill.

After all, Tang San was very confident in his understanding of the power of the Eight Spider Spears.

Dugu Yan's eyes were cold, "You think I'm mediocre? Even a soul master can challenge me?"

Dugu Yan is no longer the Dugu Yan in the original work. At this time, her soul power level far exceeds the original work.

After taking the fairy grass, his qualifications have changed, and he has a powerful cultivation technique that far exceeds the Xuantian Kung Fu.

And now Tang San, stimulated by Simei, is only one level stronger than the original.

What could he use to challenge Dugu Yan?
The answer is life!

"The formless body is as mysterious as it is mysterious." Dugu Yan recited the mantra silently, and his body seemed to turn into a furnace that could swallow all poisonous things.

Tang San rushed in with the Eight Spider Spears controlled precisely.

But Dugu Yan was even more stunning. She gracefully raised her jade hand and said, "The Realm of the Formless."

As he spoke, Tang San was frozen in the air, and the sharp Eight Spider Spear was frozen one meter in front of Dugu Yan.

"What's going on! I can't move." Tang San was shocked and could only turn his eyes to look around.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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