Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 210 Tang San knelt down and apologized

Chapter 210 Tang San knelt down and apologized
The surrounding bluesilver grass close to Dugu Yan withered in an instant and lost contact.

What frightened him even more was that the poison of the Eight Spider Spears was being quickly absorbed and withdrawn by Dugu Yan.

With such a powerful Soul Sect, Tang San could no longer remain calm, but he still pretended to be calm and said:
"Poisonous girl, let me go. It is shameful to use poison. If you have the ability, don't use poison."

Tang San stared at Dugu Yan angrily, hoping to use his personality charm to infect Dugu Yan and make him fascinated.

But after looking closer, I realized that Dugu Yan was a rare beauty.

Exquisite facial features, eyes like autumn water, eyebrows like distant daisies, with a bit of heroism, and bright red lips with a bit of sexy and enchanting.

There is a kind of light and mature style that is beyond the scope of a little girl, which is the most admirable and yearning for her.

"Looking for death, don't look at me with dog eyes." Dugu Yan would not fall for such a small measure, controlling a wisp of purple mist to cover Tang San's entire face in an instant.


Tang San screamed heart-breakingly and continuously.

It was violently twitching and convulsing, and it seemed like thousands of fire ants were biting and gnawing at it all over the body. It wanted to scratch it, but its limbs could not move.

The shouts grew louder and louder, making the audience tremble with fear.

"It feels so good to see Tentacle Shura shouting so miserably." Someone said.

"Yes, Duguyan will be my goddess from now on."

"What kind of garbage poison is so unpalatable." Dugu Yan waved his small hand, and Tang San's external soul bone also lost its last luster and became shriveled and shriveled.

Tang San also seemed to have lost his energy and spirit, falling to the ground helplessly, his whole body still convulsing violently, and the look in his eyes was filled with fear.

It can only be said that Tang San was wrong, very wrong.

If it were just an ordinary soul sect, he might have succeeded in showing off, but this was Dugu Yan.

On the other side, seeing Tang San being so pretentious, Niu Li stopped struggling and jumped off the soul fighting platform after selling a flaw.

On the outside, Yu Xiaogang's eyes were already red, and he wished he could teleport up to confront Dugu Yan.

"Why don't you stop it quickly? Do you want to see all the Shrek students destroyed here?" Yu Xiaogang cursed at Flanders.

Zao Wuji and Flender are old brothers. Although they respect brothers as brothers, they still feel a little unhappy when they see Yu Xiaogang's face.

Dugu Yan was trying to teach Tang San a lesson, giving him a brief lesson about not wanting to die.

At this time Qin Ming appeared, "Yanzi, that's enough."

Next to him were Flanders and Zao Wu-Ki.

Dugu Yan glanced in the direction of Qin Ming and found that the people standing next to him were the two leaders of Shi Aoke's team, weren't they?
One to the left and one to the right, the three of them were very close to each other, as if they were old friends who had known each other for a long time.

Dugu Yan gave up and turned around to leave, while Doudou also loudly announced the result of Huang Dou Team's victory.

When Tang San heard the result of the soul fight, he felt unwilling.

Forget it if you lose, and you lose in such a miserable state, being tortured in public, and showing all kinds of ugliness, what will the teacher think when he sees it? If Xiao Wu is watching too...

It hurts, it hurts so much T_T
Looking at Dugu Yan, who had his back turned to him, Tang San used the Xuantian Technique and forced himself to take a breath.

At this moment, under the green mask, the face was extremely gloomy, and the scarlet eyes had a killing intent.

In his opinion, Dugu Yan already had a way to be bound and die.

"The cooperation of the Imperial Fighting Team has become much better." Xue Wu looked at the Soul Fighting Stage, her beautiful eyes flashing with light, everyone was making progress.

"The boys from Shi Ao Ke's team are also a bit strong, and they don't seem to be very young. It's a pity that they met Huang Dou's team." Qiu Ruoshui said regretfully.

"Wearing a green mask, you don't look like a good person at first glance." Yue'er complained, not recognizing that it was Shrek's group that he met in the Star Dou Forest.

After all, even if the four Shrek men didn't wear masks, Yue'er might have forgotten about them.

"You really can't mess with this poisonous girl. She's so cruel." Shen Liuyu took a deep breath. If this poison was used on his white skin...

Thinking of this, Chen Liuyu couldn't help but shudder.

"Go back and rest, and go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings tomorrow." Bing'er raised the corners of her mouth, not caring about the changes in time for the Royal Dou Team.

Because the Tianshui team is also getting stronger, the most obvious change is that someone has broken through to the Soul Sect, and there are more than one person! !

In another compartment.

"What a tragedy, four men. I didn't expect Dugu Yan to be so good. Even the external soul bone cannot affect her at all." Rongrong admired her, and even doubted whether the external soul bone was genuine. "No, what does Tang San want to do?" Cheng Rou's eyes flickered.

"No, Tang San wants to make a sneak attack." Zhuqing also saw Tang San's thoughts.

On the soul fighting stage, Tang San sat cross-legged with difficulty, took out sixteen dragon beard needles, raised the corner of his mouth, and looked at Dugu Yan's back with a cold gaze: "It's a pity for this beauty, let's destroy it."


Sixteen dragon whisker needles flew towards Dugu Yan.

"Not good." Zhao Wuji's face changed drastically as he was walking towards the soul fighting platform, planning to come up and carry Tang San away.

The small needle Tang San took out was sharp and sharp, and he was fully aware of the power of the small needle.

As early as when this battle was discussed, everyone had already guessed that Dugu Yan and Dugu Bo had some relationship.

Zhao Wuji's eyebrows twitched, he was afraid that something would happen to Dugu Yan.

I saw Zhao Wuji quickly possessed his martial soul and activated his soul skills in an attempt to shoot down the flying Dragon Needle.

He, Tang Sanhui, was reincarnated and had a titled Douluo father. He offended Dugu Bo and had backstage, but Shrek Academy was only a small college and couldn't bear Dugu Bo's wrath.

As early as when Zhao Wuji took action, Dugu Yan already felt a chill on his back and sensed the approaching danger.

Without saying a word, he immediately released the phaseless poison behind him and turned around gracefully while retreating.


The dragon's beard needle fell to the ground and was stopped by Zhao Wuji.

"Haha, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings." Zhao Wuji trembled inwardly when he saw Dugu Yan's extremely cold pupils. He didn't expect that a Soul Sect could actually make him feel a sense of fear.

"Misunderstanding?" Yanyan's voice was stern, and there was no hint of emotion or anger, but the fluctuations in his soul power were constantly rising.

A nine-hearted begonia petal fell on her head to heal her.

The members of the Imperial Fighting Team also immediately surrounded Yanyan, all of them released their martial spirits and looked fiercely at Tang San, who was making a sneak attack from behind.

The flying needle just now was aimed at the two chests and limbs of the wild goose. If it hit and passed through from behind, it would be a terrible sight.

"How could this be a misunderstanding? How vicious it is." Someone from the Royal Academy said.

At this time, Flanders Yu Xiaogang and Qin Ming also came over and acted as peacemakers.

"Since this classmate is not injured, let's forget it." Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San with heartache, deeply afraid that something might happen to Tang San.

After all, Tang San was the guinea pig most likely to lead him to a comeback.

"Let's forget it like this? It's quite beautiful to think about." Yanyan mocked.

Yu Xiaogang's face turned red and he wanted to scold Dugu Yan, but he was also afraid of Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo was the person whose character and behavior he couldn't understand the most on Douluo Continent, and he didn't want to mess with him.

He was deeply afraid that he would be recorded by Poison Douluo accidentally and be poisoned to death silently.

Yu Xiaogang silently chose to retreat and let others handle it.

"That's right, the results have already been announced, and you still take action. Do you have any intention of humiliating me?"

"Tentacle Shura is not only twisted in his heart, he is also a villain."

"The Tentacle Shura should be soaked in the pig cage."

Hearing all kinds of insults in the audience, Flender's face turned red and he just wanted to leave the place quickly. "I am their dean and I apologize to you on behalf of the college."

"Yanyan, why don't we just forget it like this, Lingling, go and help treat those people." Qin Ming didn't want to make his two mentors look bad.

"Just let it go like this? Impossible. Unless this Tentacle Shura kneels down to apologize, it's impossible to let it go like this." Dugu Yan said firmly.

"Yes, kneel down and apologize to the captain."

"Kneel down and apologize."

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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