Chapter 218 Xiao Wu’s Memories

Su Chen knew in his heart that the so-called man Tang Yuehua was talking about.

"Mrs. Yue, it's better to get the bar quickly. This is not the place I should be."

"Hehehe, brother Su Chen will be polite to me now. You are here. Pick one thing you like, only one thing."

Tang Yuehua's tone was frivolous. Seeing Su Chen's hesitation, he said again:

"This is hush money. You can't tell others the secrets of my vault."

The little girl has said this, so Su Chen will naturally not be polite. What he dislikes the most is being polite, and what he likes the most is of course being rude.

Su Chen moved forward, walked to a corner, picked up a jade that was more than a foot long, and put it into his soul guide without hesitation.

"Slightly, slightly, slightly," Tang Yuehua made a charming and proud voice with a slight smile, like a magic sound in the night, it was very pleasant to hear.

Men, after having the first time, are you afraid that there will be no second time?
Tang Yuehua knew human nature very well and felt that it was only a matter of time before Su Chen was eaten by her.

Half an hour later, Su Chen hurriedly left Tang Yuehua's house with two bottles of wine.

Tang Yuehua, on the other hand, was on the balcony, looking at Su Chen's leaving figure with joyful eyes.

"Little brat, I lied to Xue Qinghe, but I'm willing to admit defeat to you."

After saying that, Tang Yuehua put on the palace dress that had faded recently.

The exposed white jade skin was locked up again.

But the proud undulating figure is still full of excitement...

After Su Chen returned home, he casually put the wine on the table and walked slowly to the window.

Looking at the bright full moon, he raised the corners of his mouth, as if he had seen everything about Douluo.

"Did Xiao Wu and the others still follow Shrek to Tiandou Academy?"

"Interesting, how will Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang develop..."


A hundred miles away from Tiandou City, on the outskirts of the open plains, Xiao Wu and a group of teachers and students were camping here.

Xiao Wu and three girls lived in the same tent. They were not at ease with Shrek and his gang, and they were 50 meters away from the teachers and students of Shrek Academy.

In the tent, the three of Xiao Wu slept together and it didn't look crowded because they
At each time, only two people lay down to sleep, and one person sat cross-legged to keep vigil, just in case.

But the truth is that Xiao Wu plans to have a big tent and a small tent.

Zhuqing and Rongrong were already lying down, closing their beautiful eyes and breathing steadily and evenly. They should be asleep.

Xiao Wu was sitting cross-legged and meditating. It was her turn to protect the two sisters.

There is no way, they are not familiar with the teachers at Shrek Academy, so no one can rest assured, let alone those boys.

Xiao Wu's mind quickly flashed through what happened on the road these past few days, not to mention how dissatisfied she was.

Damn Flanders, you are so stingy. From Soto City to Tiandou City, a journey of more than 2000 kilometers, you are not even willing to use a vehicle.

He insisted on running and called it training.

What should I do if my little rabbit’s skin is tanned? What should I do if my rabbit becomes muscular and no longer cute (⊙o⊙)!

Ha ha.

Xiao Wu clenched her fists, wishing that she could defeat Iron Rooster Flanders with just one punch.

But now the fist is on Rongrong.

Xiao Wu's movement was a bit loud, causing Rongrong next to her to open her eyes.

"Xiao Wu, what are you laughing at!"

Rongrong looked at that ingenious back, his eyes showing tenderness.

"It's nothing." Xiao Wu replied lightly, then her mind recalled Tang Gouzi's attentive behavior towards her on the road.

After thinking about it for a tenth of a second, I felt disgusting.

Just ignore everything about Tang Gouzi being attentive to him.

After arriving in Silvis, Flanders seemed to be a different person.

Not only was he attentive to Xiao Wu and the other three, he also treated guests and helped open a hotel for them to stay in, but he also treated the boys the same way.

Regardless of whether Flanders had ulterior motives, Xiao Wu and the other three rejected Flanders's kindness.

When he was rejected, Flanders looked a little annoyed.The boys naturally accepted the dean's kindness with joy.

Soon after, Flender also showed his true colors, shamelessly wanting Xiao Wu and the four boys from Shrek to form a team to participate in a team soul battle.

Xiao Wu and the others refused without even thinking, and distanced themselves from Flanders and the others.

But Da Shi didn't know where he got the confidence, and he stood up arrogantly, looking for a sense of presence.

It can be said that this soul fight can bring a great improvement to the three girls' mental state, and the fighting process will be very easy, with the help of Tang San's Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

The result was also obvious. The three of them did not agree. As for how Tang San and the others performed in the Silvis Soul Arena, Xiao Wu and the others did not care...

At this time, Xiao Wu was no longer remembering.

Because both Rongrong and Zhuqing were already awake and sitting cross-legged, looking at Xiao Wu curiously.

Xiao Wu was stared at by two pairs of beautiful eyes and felt a little embarrassed, "Look what I'm doing."

Rongrong hid his smile, "Zi Zi, do we really want to join Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Rongrong comes from the Shangsan Sect, so he naturally knows some of the academy's secrets and scandals.

Given her status, most colleges in Douluo Continent warmly welcomed her.

She also sneered at this and didn't like these colleges.

The direct children of the Qibao Glazed Sect are practicing in the sect, and some of the side branches of the sect are studying in the Royal Academy.

In her opinion, the Royal Academy was average and she looked down upon it.

Xiao Wu didn't know much about the quality of these colleges, so she asked, "Then which college do you want to go to?"

But Rongrong didn't answer Xiao Wu, and she was also wondering which college she wanted to go to.

"How about joining our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? My father will definitely provide you with the best cultivation resources and protection."

Xiao Wu Zhuqing shook his head at the same time. Academy and sect have completely different meanings.

Accepting the resources of the Qibao Glazed Sect means joining the Qibao Glazed Sect, and then working for the Qibao Glazed Sect.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

"It depends on which college we go to. The Royal College is not suitable for us." Zhuqing said thoughtfully.

In her opinion, the Tiandou Royal Team is not bad in strength, everyone has an extraordinary background, and the noble forces behind them are intricately intertwined.

When they join the Royal Academy, they do not have enough background behind them, so they can easily be in the center of the whirlpool and in a position where they cannot help themselves.

And being with Shrek, forming a team with the boys, and representing the Royal Academy's second team, that's not what they want.

The three of them had no idea where to go. Fortunately, they didn't think too much and could only take one step at a time.

The next day.

Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang and the three of them started to quarrel.

It turned out that none of the three people knew the location of Tiandou Royal Academy, and the location of Tiandou Royal Academy was not clearly marked on the map. The three of them couldn't help but scold each other for being ignorant.

"Where is this Royal Academy?" Flanders almost stuffed the address into his head.

"You, who are barely the dean, don't even know. How could I know?" Yu Xiaogang shook his head and said disdainfully.

"What do you mean by reluctance? That's what I am." Flanders straightened his glasses and raised his brows, somewhat displeased.

"None of us are from the regular soul master academy. I have only been to Tiandou City once or twice. Isn't the master knowledgeable? He is also related to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Haven't you been here before?" Zhao Wuji stared at it carefully. Looking at Yu Xiaogang, he didn't believe it.

Several other teachers also stared closely at Yu Xiaogang. Such many looks made Yu Xiaogang feel underestimated and very dissatisfied.

"You idiot, you still want to borrow a chicken to lay eggs?" After laughing, Rongrong couldn't stand it anymore. He had lived such a long life in vain.

Yu Xiaogang looked deeply at Ning Rongrong without saying anything, and could only turn his head away in dissatisfaction.

Zhao Wuji had an explosive temper. When he heard being mocked by his junior, his soul power fluctuated and he wanted to kill Ning Rongrong right away.

But the soul power fluctuations released by Zhao Wuji were immediately intercepted by Flanders. Flanders smiled apologetically and said, "Student Rongrong, could you please lead the way?"

Rongrong ignored Flanders, and when she reached the Tiandou City area, she became even bolder, leading the way silently and with a certain air of dignity.

Everyone followed Rongrong for a long time, and they went further and further away. They saw mountains and rivers, which made everyone in Shrek increasingly doubt whether Rongrong was playing a prank.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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