Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 219 Shrek and his gang arrive in Heavenly Dou

Chapter 219 Shrek and his gang go to heaven to fight
Ma Hongjun looked around and said weakly: "Boss Dai, the Royal Academy is the most prosperous and wealthy place. No matter how bad it is, it won't be in the mountains."

"Indeed." Dai Yubai agreed, and his steps became slower and slower.

Tang San also became low-pitched: "Are you treating us like monkeys?"

He was already dissatisfied with Ning Rongrong in his heart. He was not half as cute as Xiao Wu, but he was pushy and messy, making him sick just looking at her.

I can't wait to use the blue silver grass to bind him immediately.

At this moment, he was trying to stir up everyone's dissatisfaction with Ning Rongrong and arouse public anger, so as to seize the opportunity to control Ning Rongrong and secretly use the method of binding Chen Cang.

Zhao Wuji had long been dissatisfied with Ning Rongrong's lawlessness along the way.

Shrek Academy was built outside Soto City because Flanders was short of money, so why should the Royal Academy be built outside the city.

Tang San's words undoubtedly ignited Zhao Wuji's anger.

Although you are afraid of the power of the Qibao Glazed Sect, if you, Ning Fengzhi, didn't see me teaching your daughter, I'm afraid of you.

This is none other than the notorious Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji, who is afraid of trouble but not afraid of causing trouble.

Fudo Mingou quickened his pace, stepped forward, and wanted to grab her neck.

At this time, Rongrong stopped and made a clear and sweet voice, "We're here."

If he didn't want to get to the Royal Academy early and be separated from Shrek's group, Rongrong wouldn't want to lead the way.

"You're a prisoner, do you think I'm stupid? This is clearly a mountain!" Zhao Wuji roared, his fists clenched, ready to go.

Seeing this, Tang San and Dai Yubai, who had already seen through the situation, stepped forward and looked at Ning Rongrong with unkind expressions.

Rongrong felt a sense of grievance in his heart. He had done good deeds but was scolded.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing noticed Rongrong's aggrieved look and couldn't help but get angry, their eyes burning, "You men, Rongrong is kind enough to lead the way, but you still want to bully Rongrong!"

Tang San said in a low voice, "Xiao Wu, she plays tricks on others first, not everyone can play tricks on her."

Xiao Wu clenched her fists and her pretty face sank slightly, "Humph, then you must be human. Rongrong said it, then it's time."

"Xiao Wu, forget it, there is no need to argue with them, it will only demean yourself." Seeing Xiao Wu Zhuqing venting his anger for him, Rongrong was very satisfied and no longer felt aggrieved, and he understood some truth.

"This mountain belongs to the Royal Academy, and the forest behind it and the lake at the foot of the mountain are all under the management of the academy."

After saying that, Rongrong ignored Zhao Wuji, Tang San and the others.

Regardless of whether they believed it or not, Rongrong walked forward with Xiao Wu and the others.

Flanders and a group of teachers also realized that their thinking was too narrow.

Shrek Academy is just a small part of a small village. Who would have thought that the Royal Academy could be so large.

Zhao Wuji couldn't help but feel his face getting hot. After glaring at Dai Yubai and Tang San for a few times, he continued to move forward, shaking his head.

A group of teachers looked disgusted when they saw the scene here. Their hearts were throbbing and they couldn't help but be in a daze, "Near mountains and rivers, what a great place! What a great place!"

The thousand-meter-high mountain, the lake at the foot of the mountain, and the atmosphere full of various plants are simply a paradise.

When they thought that this would be the place where they would live in the future, with food and accommodation included, no restrictions, and salary, several teachers, including Zhao Wuji, were very satisfied.

Flanders was also very pleased, but after seeing the reactions of many teachers, he said angrily, "The environment is good and the place is big. What's so good about it? Can we cultivate strong people? It's good to have us Shrek. Although our Shrek place is small, But there are many monsters.”

If Cheng Rou was still here and heard these shameless words...

Xiao Wu: ...

Rongrong: ...

Zhuqing: ...But for some reason, Yu Xiaogang became quiet and low-key after arriving in Tiandou City or Tiandou Royal Academy.

He no longer calls the shots for this team, leaving all actions to Flanders.

Perhaps he is well aware of the horror of this big place, which cannot be deceived by his abilities...

"Fland, why are there so many children with outstanding potential deceived into coming to your Shrek Academy, and what methods were used to trick them into entering." Yu Xiaogang knew the Shrek Academy thoroughly and was very curious about it.

The women in Flanders were a little unlucky, after all, they met me, but this genius has good luck.

"Lie? I'm using my charisma." Flanders glared and said, "I wonder if the food and treatment in this Royal Academy are good. If not, why don't I wait?"


Not long after everyone walked in, they were stopped.

"Stop, who are you?"

Facing the sudden appearance of ten eighteen or nineteen-year-old soul masters wearing school uniforms, Shrek and his gang understood that these people should be students of the Royal Academy.

Especially one of them, it seems that everyone around him is circling around him.

Flanders said quite proudly: "We are from Shrek Academy. At the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy, we came here specifically to communicate. Please lead the way."

Xue Beng looked at the attire of several people. Their clothes were simple and their appearance was ordinary. They didn't have any aristocratic temperament at all. He said disdainfully, "A bunch of bumpkins, here to beg."

Flanders didn't expect such a thing to happen, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Everyone had a quarrel, but Shrek and his gang didn't get any benefits.

Dai Yubai and Tang San were so insulted, and they couldn't bear it anymore because they were so proud in their hearts. They rushed over in a hurry, only to be called beggars.

The two of them moved forward, blocked in front of Flanders, activated their martial spirits, and launched attacks against the ten people on the opposite side.

The first one to bear the brunt was Xue Beng, who was kicked and punched by Dai Yubai and Tang San. The remaining group of people were panicked.

Their soul power has not reached level [-], but they relied on their connections and noble status to enter the Royal Academy. How strong their fighting ability can be, and some even forget to activate their martial soul.

"Too weak, they are just a bunch of rubbish." Shrek and the others frowned slightly, who would have thought that a group of human-looking students could be so weak, "Is that the Royal Team just special?"

The Royal Academy represents the nobility of the Tiandou Empire, which shows the corruption and laziness of the Tiandou Empire.

Xue Beng protected his head and cried, "You are provoking the Tiandou Empire. You wait, you wait."

Dai Yubai and Tang San sneered at this. What background could such rubbish strength have?

"Stop fighting, you are a bunch of rubbish. There is no point in fighting anymore." Flanders stopped him.

Dai Yubai and Tang San waved their hands.

At this time, a teacher came out.

Behind this teacher, there are three other people, Rong Rong.

After some explanation, Teacher Sun Buyu led Shrek and his gang into Tiandou Royal Academy.

Teacher Sun still admires a genius like Qin Ming.

Xue Beng watched everyone go away with a vicious look in his eyes, "Shrek Academy! As long as I'm here, don't even think about staying in our academy to earn a living."


(End of this chapter)

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