Chapter 220 An unwritten chance encounter

Under the leadership of Teacher Sun, Shrek and his gang understood the depths of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

Even the stone steps for climbing are made of expensive white marble, which is so exaggerated.

Breathing the fresh air, Tang San even felt that his cultivation speed was a little faster.

The beautiful college scenery, the most excellent teaching facilities, and hundreds of mimetic training environments have everything you need...

Hearing this, Shrek and the others were very excited, wishing they could live here and retire immediately.

In fact, the performance issue of Tiandou Royal Academy is neither difficult nor easy.

Tiandou Royal Academy has more than 50 teachers, and the teaching equipment is top-notch.

But the students basically come from the nobility of the empire and its affiliated kingdoms.

There are 500 students, and the cultivation talents of these students are either good or bad, and vary.

Nowadays, the aristocratic forces in the empire are intertwined and corrupt, and the students in the academy have become difficult to manage.

Some are addicted to women and are happy to miss Shu.

Some are addicted to having fun and forming cliques.

Only a few students focus on cultivation...

If Tiandou Royal Academy really wants to make fundamental changes, it can fully use its influence to recruit outstanding civilian students and geniuses.

Shrek Academy can recruit geniuses, why not the Royal Academy?

All I can say is that the water is too deep...

Shrek and his gang waited for a while, and Qin Ming finally came over happily.

Qin Ming was even more happy when he saw Xiao Wu and the others, and it was an unexpected surprise.

After some nagging, the Shrek boys also came to understand Qin Ming's energy.

The senior officials of the Royal Academy valued Qin Ming very much, so they trusted Qin Ming and allowed Shrek and his group to enter the academy.

Whether things can happen or not depends on their performance tomorrow.

Qin Ming arranged a place for Shrek and his gang to take a break, but Xiao Wu and the others refused, not wanting to join in the trouble.

The three of them exited silently, and Shrek and the others were not suspicious, thinking that they just wanted to see the world of the university.

Under the leadership of Rongrong, after walking around the academy, the three of them did not find Dugu Yan and Ling Ling, and walked out of the Royal Academy without forcing them to stay.

At this moment, the sun was already setting in the west, and the red clouds in the west occupied the sky. Xiao Wu and the three of them walked towards Tiandou City with the setting sun as a backdrop and company...


"Is Tiandou City ahead? It's so spectacular."

Xiao Wu looked at the magnificent city wall that far exceeded Soto City, giving people a majestic and noble quality, and couldn't help but sigh.

Even from a few hundred meters away, you can still see how indestructible the thick city wall that is [-] meters high is. Even after years of baptism, it is still like the most powerful giant, guarding the city.

This is the most spectacular building Xiao Wu has seen since she came to the human world. I heard that this is one of the two largest cities in the mainland, and I can't help but yearn for it.

Compared to Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing Rongrong had seen more, but he didn't care about it and only glanced at it briefly.

"Wow, what a beautiful and exquisite carriage." At this time, Xiao Wu exclaimed again at the exquisite and luxurious carriage approaching from the front.

Two snow-white, one-horned beasts with sideburns that swayed in the wind were pulling a magnificent and spacious carriage.

Seeing this configuration, Rongrong blurted out, "This carriage is for the royal family! Most of the people in this car are members of the Tiandou royal family, and they may be princes and princesses."

"Wow, that's amazing. Are they as good-looking as Rongrong?" Xiao Wu stared at the carriage intently.

In his mind, he was already imagining what wonderful things would happen if he and his brother rode in the same carriage...

My ears can't help but feel slightly hot...

Rongrong rolled his eyes at Xiao Wu, "Is there anything to compare it to?"

...The carriage not only looks noble on the outside, but also exquisite and luxurious on the inside. It has a spacious space, and five people can sit together without being crowded at all.

What's more, there is a beautiful woman who is elegant, natural and noble in the carriage at this time, which undoubtedly adds to the beauty of this space.

There were two handsome men sitting on the left and right of the beautiful woman.

The one on the right has a straight nose and a straight mouth, and has slender black hair that is neatly styled. He is handsome and gives people a refreshing feeling.

From time to time, he ignored the beautiful woman in the middle and chatted and laughed with the young man to the left of the beautiful woman.

The boy on the left also smiled in return, with an indescribable sense of unworldliness and ease.

Seeing his smile will make people forget their worries, as if they have arrived at a vast grassland where they can roam freely, and also seem to have arrived at an otherworldly and undisturbed fairyland.

At this time, Xue Qinghe heard the conversation outside the carriage and felt that the sound was familiar. He opened the curtain and saw Rongrong and the others.

"It's Ning Rongrong. I heard that she went to Shrek Academy in a remote place. Why is she here?"

Qian Renxue murmured in her heart that she knew Ning Rongrong and had met him several times.

"Huh? These three girls are so beautiful." Tang Yuehua also looked out the window and couldn't help but say.

But after saying that, Tang Yuehua regretted, "What are you looking at? Why did you call me a girl?"

Tang Yuehua stared back at Su Chen and Qian Renxue who were staring at her with her beautiful eyes.

Su Chen and Qian Renxue couldn't help but look at Tang Yuehua with contempt.

Tang Yuehua was ashamed and angry, and stamped her foot, but implicitly stepped on her left foot on Su Chen's right foot.

Crystal glass is one-way, the inside can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside.

Xiao Wu and others found that the gauze curtain of the carriage was opened and looked over curiously, although they could only see their own appearance in the crystal glass and the surrounding scenery reflected in it.

But Xiao Wu's heart trembled slightly, feeling that there was something important to her in it.

The same was true for Zhuqing. Seeing the carriage passing by like that, he felt an inexplicable urge to stop it.

Su Chen and Xiao Wu Zhuqing in the carriage looked at each other for a few times, then didn't look any further.

In fact, compared with Tang Yuehua and Qian Renxue on the carriage, Xiao Wu Zhuqing seemed inadequate.

The most obvious one is the lack of age.

Xiao Wu Zhuqing may not have it at the age of 13.

Although they can talk about marriage at this age in Douluo Continent, they are soul masters and they are only girls at this age.

Girls have innocence, shyness, innocence, romance, and many beautiful and sincere emotions, which are all priceless.

At this age, kissing and hugging is the ultimate, and there should be no more destruction and greed.

Su Chen looked at Tang Yuehua. In comparison, Tang Yuehua was more attractive and much more pleasing to the eye than Xiao Wu Zhuqing.

The special aura exuded by mature women, with every frown and frown, is elegant, harmonious and natural, but also has a different kind of style that can charm Tiancheng and is very beautiful.

She is a strong career woman who can attack when she advances, and she can defend when she retreats, and she is a good family helper.

She has a delicate body, slender legs, and slender waist. She has both beauty and wisdom.

Such a woman should be the wife that men in Douluo Continent most want to marry, not to mention that Tang Yuehua is still a Jiejie Shitai, an innocent virgin.

Of course, they were only men from Douluo Continent, excluding Su Chen.

The figure of Liu Erlong flashed through Su Chen's mind again. In terms of figure and appearance alone, he was not inferior to Tang Yuehua, but his temper was gentle and well-behaved to the man he liked, but he was irritable to others. Those you like make enemies.

I wonder if Liu Erlong still has Yu Xiaogang in his heart as in the original work.

Although he had communicated with Liu Erlong in another way, Su Chen was very curious about the transformation of Liu Erlong's thoughts during this period.

End of this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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