Chapter 221 You decide my territory
However, if he really had to choose one of Tang Yuehua and Liu Erlong to be his wife, Su Chen felt that if it was a soul master, most people would choose Liu Erlong.

After all, soul masters age slowly, and Tang Yuehua will no longer be beautiful in a few decades, but Liu Erlong remains beautiful.

Thinking of Liu Erlong, Su Chen couldn't help but think of Pope Bibi Dong, a woman who was also deceived by Yu Xiaogang.

Liu Erlong and Bibi Dong both have one thing in common. They used to be kind-hearted, but lacked family affection.

After Yu Xiaogang learned this, he relied on his many years of experience in the soul master world and his ability to talk.

First, he showed his identity as the young master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex so that they could take him seriously.

Then he recounted his unfair experience and won sympathy.

Next is the finishing touch, explaining how to resist the fate of refusing to admit defeat, and saying "Don't bully young people who are poor, and win favor..."

With a clear purpose, create opportunities, start the strategy, take advantage of the opportunity, and walk into the hearts of their ignorant and longing girls.

It has to be said that Yu Xiaogang is the good-for-nothing male protagonist who wrote the script, and he really won the hearts of two stunning beauties.

As for now, it should no longer be the development of the original work.

If Liu Erlong still had Yu Xiaogang in his heart after meeting Yu Xiaogang, Su Chen would of course have no choice but to give up.

After all, she had been discussing the mysteries of life with Liu Erlong for several months. If even this could not make her give up on Yu Xiaogang, what else could she do?

As for Bibi Dong...

It is said that she is a woman with a complicated and twisted heart. Su Chen has never met her, and she has never looked for Su Chen.

The relationship between the two is neither strange nor complicated.

If they meet in the future, Bibi Dong's heart will still be twisted for Yu Xiaogang.

Su Chen thought about it, even if he liked her very much in his previous life, he would still give up on her.

Su Chen was not that leisurely and elegant. For the sake of a woman, he had to personally heal the wounds left by other men in her heart.

In life, if you don't have a chance, cut it off, and if you don't like it, give up. It is most annoying to keep cutting things and make them chaotic.

I gave Bibi Dong a lot of gifts, especially that page of gold paper. If she really doesn’t care or is still immersed in it, then she will miss it...

Su Chen was thinking in his mind while chatting with Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua. Unknowingly, the carriage arrived at the destination of the trip, the Bamboo Grove Garden.


After Xiao Wu Zhuqing and Su Chen missed the carriage, although they were confused, they didn't think too much.

Rongrong led them to the bustling Tiandou City.

As soon as he entered Tiandou City, Rongrong seemed to be a different person.

Of course, the person is still the same person, but his behavior has become arrogant.

Rongrong walked up and down the street with her long, round and slender legs, tapping her feet lightly, moving left and right, completely ignoring the people passing by.

Although her behavior is very domineering, the girl's liveliness, well-dressed, and beauty bonus give people the impression that she is just unruly and not easy to mess with.

Rongrong is domineering for a reason.

Rongrong thought about it, Xiao Wu Zhuqing came to Tiandou City for the first time and was not familiar with the place.

And I am relatively familiar with Tiandou City. As sisters, I should give Xiaowu and Zhuqing enough sense of security in Tiandou City.

Rongrong looked back handsomely, not forgetting to scratch his straight nose with his thumb. "Don't worry, I'm familiar with Tiandou City, and I'll protect you. And I also have a property here, which my father gave me for my 10th birthday, hehe."

However, Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing didn't pay much attention to Rongrong, and didn't even listen to what Rongrong said just now.

Tiandou City is extremely prosperous. Every street is as wide and clean as the main road in Soto City, and the floors are paved with high-priced blue bricks.

There are many shops, the streets are bustling with people, and the designated stalls on both sides of the road are filled with vendors.

Just like Rongrong, you can see a few girls wearing expensive clothes and exquisite jewelry from time to time.

Xiao Wu was also stunned by such a bustling scene. She glanced at the numerous shop stalls on the street, and was aroused by the strange and diverse products, which aroused her curiosity and playfulness.

If Xiao Wu hadn't understood her current identity and mission, she would have rushed forward and bought everything she was curious about.

Zhuqing scanned all kinds of people on the street, including beautiful boys and girls wearing uniforms, and ladies wearing elegant and noble clothes.

There were also ordinary people coming and going, but Zhuqing's attention was more focused on the people wearing Jiujianxian costumes.

These people are both male and female. The men are neither humble nor arrogant, and they possess self-confidence and self-improvement that should not belong to common people.

The girls smile, with bright intelligence in their eyes. Knowledge of books and courtesy should not appear in them, but their behavior, every frown and every smile is elegant and natural.

Zhuqing was secretly surprised. It was understood that the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect was formed spontaneously by some civilians. Most of them were ordinary people without soul power, and there were even fewer talented soul masters.

Logically speaking, these people should be from the bottom of the Douluo Continent. Under the rule of the empire and the nobility, they have been a frog in the well all their lives, and it is difficult to achieve anything.

Tiandou City is the capital of the empire, so how come there are so many followers of Jiujianxian? ?

Compared to Soto City, the followers of Jiujianxian in Tiandou City are even more outstanding.

Zhuqing even saw that when Jiu Sword Immortal believers met with the aristocratic children, facing the disdainful eyes of the aristocratic children, the Jiu Sword Immortal believers were still chatting and laughing, and did not take the aristocratic children seriously at all.

They are not afraid, but they have the kind of heart that the bright moon does not care about the light of the fireflies.

Zhuqing saw all this and remembered it in his heart.

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, what are you thinking about? Let's go to No. [-] Under Heaven for dinner together. I'll treat you. If you arrive late, you won't have a seat." Rongrong looked at the two sisters who were in a daze, and felt a little angry.

"Uh? What is the best in the world?" Xiao Wu withdrew her gaze and looked at Rongrong.

"You country bumpkin, you don't even know the best in the world? This place is the most expensive restaurant in Tiandou City. You can find all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas, famous prostitutes and fine wines. Some nobles may not dare to go there to spend money." Rongrong raised his head very proudly.

"Oh, then I'll order some famous prostitutes."

"You! Vulgar."

"Hehe, we'll talk about dinner later. First, I'll report to the Jiujianxian Clothing Store that Sister Huahua asked me to go to."

"Okay, I'll starve you to death." But Rongrong still had a sharp tongue and bought Xiao Wu Zhuqing a thick milkshake first.

After Xiao Wu gave Rongrong the address, Rongrong called a carriage without much effort and soon arrived at the destination.

After getting off the carriage, Xiao Wu quickly noticed something was wrong.

What is revealed is an extremely exaggerated building. Different from most Gothic-style buildings around it, the overall shape is an irregular polygon, covering an extremely wide area. The shortest distance is 200 meters.

A lot of crystal glass can be seen on the outside of this building, reflecting colorful light. It seems that these crystals support the building.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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