Chapter 224 The most tender war between women
But in the war between women, Su Chen had already made plans to quit.

I don't like to join in the war between women.

Su Chen was seen shaking his head and swaying around at some unknown moment.

His body as he sat upright became more and more ecstatic, as if he was extremely drunk and might fall unconscious at any time.

Occasionally, he would say a few words, "The moonlight is beautiful, the snow is fierce."

This made Tang Yuehua even more happy, and her delicate body felt slightly warm. She wished she could take Su Chen to a deserted place immediately and study her drunken surprise thoroughly.

But Su Chen still stubbornly clinked glasses with Tang Yuehua Qian Renxue.

However, when Tang Yuehua and Qian Renxue saw Su Chen's bravery, they knew that Su Chen was about to collapse, and they did not pay attention to him.

They all accepted the wine offered by Su Chen.

As the bottles of wine were emptied, Tang Yuehua became more and more drunk.

She knew that the cup's ability to absorb alcohol had reached its limit, and the wine she drank was becoming more and more original.

But she didn't intend to stop here. She had to defeat the prince and brother Su Chen with great difficulty today, so how could she stop here.

However, Xue Qinghe was clearly drunk before, but now he has become a drunkard, dominating the situation and unable to drink no matter how much he drinks.

Hiding it so deeply gave Tang Yuehua a bad feeling.


Sure enough, when the last bottle of wine was emptied, Tang Yuehua had forgotten about drinking Qian Renxue. Just like last time, he sank into the pure land of bliss where there was only wine.

She picked up the previously emptied bottles one by one, with the mouth of the bottle facing her glistening red lips, greedily trying to catch the dripping fairy liquid.

Finally, Tang Yuehua fell next to Su Chen, who was already drunk on the table.

Looking at the two people lying on the table, Qian Renxue spit out orchids.

"I almost fell here today, but luckily I won. Winning is a great feeling of accomplishment."

Qian Renxue stood up, and after a while of jolting, she regained her footing.

The floor she was on had turned dark, replaced by the moisture of alcohol all over the floor.

It's enough to show how hard these two people worked tonight.

How much water has Tang Yuehua endured?

Qian Renxue called a maid to carry Tang Yuehua away, and she came to Su Chen's side, staring at him carefully with her beautiful eyes.

Even though a lot of alcohol was excreted, the body still absorbed a lot, and Qian Renxue knew that she was still drunk.

Qian Renxue found that she couldn't help but want to touch Su Chen, want to hold his hand, want to pinch his face, want to look into his eyes...

Qian Renxue patted her hot cheeks with both hands, and the shyness of a little girl actually appeared under the man's face.

She moved forward, helped Su Chen up, and rushed to the residence that had been prepared long ago.

However, Qian Renxue inexplicably put her hand together with Su Chen's and felt his breath carefully...

The road is long and short.

He helped Su Chen to a small courtyard. The order of the rooms in the small courtyard had not been determined in advance.

Qian Renxue had never thought about which room she wanted to go to before, so she carried Su Chen casually to the room on the left.

When I opened the door, I never imagined that there was a beauty lying on the bed.

Her dress was loose, as if she had untied it unconsciously, revealing a pair of exquisite and graceful body curves, showing her charm, and the spring scenery in the garden could no longer be contained.

It is Tang Yuehua, the first beautiful lady.

When she saw Tang Yuehua like this, Qian Renxue finally came out of the fantasy of the love between her children and remembered the most important thing today! ! !

Give Tang Yuehua a good reward for his big mouth.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol or the rivalry between women, Qian Renxue threw Su Chen to the side of the bed and immediately started tossing Tang Yuehua.

Qian Renxue first straightened Tang Yuehua's curled, slender and beautiful legs, and then sat on them.

Looking at Tang Yuehua from her boyfriend's perspective, who was still smiling in the spring water, she seemed to be immersed in sweet happiness. "I'm very happy," Qian Renxue had just finished speaking, and at the same time she moved her hand to Tang Yuehua's face.

A clear and sweet sound sounded and lasted for several minutes.

"Tsk, tsk, the feel of this face is no worse than that of the buttocks. I guess I'm the only one willing to hit it."

"And a slap in the face is really refreshing."

"Huh? My face isn't swollen, it's just red. It seems I'm still too gentle."

Qian Renxue had to admire Tang Yuehua's natural beauty and maintenance.

The high-quality collagen in the face actually withstood Qian Renxue's attack.

Qian Renxue glanced at Tang Yuehua's other side again, smiled, and tore open Tang Yuehua's dress in a puzzled manner...

If you don’t write down the process and use ellipses instead, you won’t like to read it either.



Su Chen lay beside the corpse, but he was observing in secret, and was greatly amazed in his heart.

It turns out that there are so many ways to play!

Tang Yuehua was already drunk and had no intention of waking up. He only occasionally heard a few low hums...

In the war between women, one side wins with overwhelming advantage, and Su Chen watched with great interest.


after an hour
Qian Renxue stopped the slap she was about to slap in the air.

She looked at the unconscious Su Chen next to her, as well as Tang Yuehua's delicate body, whose skin had turned red, and said to herself: Oops.

Qian Renxue finally woke up from her drunken rivalry. She no longer had a bad temper, and her eyes regained clarity.

But with the mess on the bed, the messy bedding, and Tang Yuehua's broken clothes, only the messy clothes were left to cover her delicate body.

This made Qian Renxue wonder how to fool Tang Yuehua tomorrow.

The original plan was not to be so rude to Tang Yuehua.

Being drunk really caused trouble, no, it was Tang Yuehua who was so hateful! ! !

Qian Renxue naturally guessed that Tang Yuehua cheated while drinking.

But in a wine party, if this kind of thing is not exposed at the beginning, it will naturally be unreasonable if it is revealed later.

It might even make the reception break up unhappy, and Tang Yuehua was not the kind of person who would be caught.

At this time, Qian Renxue noticed that Tang Yuehua's eyelids moved a few times, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"It's not like he's about to wake up. Could it be that Tang Yuehua has taken the anti-alcohol medicine in advance?"

Sure enough, when Tang Yuehua's charming lips opened and closed slightly, Qian Renxue knew that the development of the matter was out of control.

Now it is no longer advisable to knock Tang Yuehua unconscious.

If this was done, Tang Yuehua's shrewdness would definitely be able to find a clue afterwards.

Unless Tang Yuehua is erased from Douluo Continent now.

Seeing that Tang Yuehua was about to regain consciousness, Qian Renxue caught one of Su Chen's hands and placed it where Tang Yuehua was surging.

Then she immediately retreated to Su Chen's side and lay down.

Su Chen: ...

Tang Yuehua woke up:! ! !
Qian Renxue:? ? ?

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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