Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 225 Beautiful misunderstandings often come unexpectedly

Chapter 225 Beautiful misunderstandings often come unexpectedly
Tang Yuehua slowly opened her hazy beautiful eyes, and what she saw was her already red body. Waves of burning sensations came from everywhere in her body, like she was burning with desire.

Only the last two pieces of fig leaf were left on her body. The dress she had worn when she arrived was in pieces beside the bed, and was still intact.

And there is a hand on it.

Even so, when Tang Yuehua realized something was wrong, she did not immediately yell like a normal woman.

And he didn't move his dirty hand.

She moved her delicate body slightly and carefully looked at Su Chen, who was unconscious with his eyes closed. She didn't feel any displeasure in her heart, but felt a certain kind of excitement.

Could it be that Su Chen's brother did all this?Is Su Chen’s wine quality so bad?But I appreciate it.

But is he really Su Chen’s brother?Next to brother Su Chen is Xue Qinghe...

If it was Xue Qinghe who did it, then who am I? If these two people did it together, what would it be...

Tang Yuehua fell into deep thought again...

Did Tang Yuehua wake up?Why is there no movement?Qian Renxue, who was nearby, was worried.

She wanted to get up and see what was going on with Tang Yuehua, but when she thought of Tang Yuehua's extraordinary status, she did not take any action and lay silently.


An hour later, a harmonious, soft and natural wave spread out in the room, so soft that it could soothe all the sadness of the woman in the room.

Qian Renxue knew that this was Tang Yuehua's release field.

After another half an hour, Qian Renxue saw that Tang Yuehua still had no reaction and finally stopped hiding.

She rubbed her eyes and made a vague sound, pretending to just wake up.

Wei Wei glanced at Tang Yuehua and found that his eyes were closed, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

After taking a look, Qian Renxue immediately looked away, said no disrespect, and stood up immediately.

However, he glanced at the position of Su Chen's hand from the corner of his eye, and murmured in his mind: Why does it feel like the position of his hand is different from the beginning?

"Su Di, everything has happened. I will no longer pursue Yuehua. I wish you all the best." After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she left the room without looking back.

Su Chen:? ?

Tang Yuehua:! ! !

Although Tang Yuehua was unaware of everything that happened, he still felt lucky after hearing what Qian Renxue said.

Another hour passed, and Tang Yuehua still had no intention of breaking the atmosphere in the room, but Su Chen didn't want to continue acting.

He grabbed it hard and then took it back naturally.

Tang Yuehua:? ! ! !
Su Chen was like a boy who just woke up, rubbing his eyes with his hand, as if he didn't notice Tang Yuehua next to him.

When Su Chen turned his attention to Tang Yuehua, he saw Tang Yuehua's beautiful eyes that were both angry and affectionate.


"Mrs. Yue, why are we in the same bed? What's wrong with you?" Su Chen glanced at Tang Yuehua's delicate body.

"Tsk tsk..."

"It's nothing, get lost." Tang Yuehua lay there, covering her delicate body with both hands, as if she was very angry.

"Mrs. Yue, we may have some misunderstanding."

Su Chen immediately jumped off the bed, not forgetting to cover Tang Yuehua with a quilt, and then walked out of the room in confusion.

"Are you really leaving?" Tang Yuehua kicked her feet towards the bed, and the quilt was quickly kicked away by her.

However, Tang Yuehua still felt a little sweet in her heart when she thought of Su Chen's gentle gesture of covering her up with a quilt just now.

Tang Yuehua knew it would be difficult to find out who was responsible for what happened tonight, especially the three drunk people.

However, Tang Yuehua was still a little disappointed with Xue Qinghe.

It's all my fault that the prince keeps toasting me...

With her red body, Tang Yuehua stood up and came to a mirror. After discovering the abnormalities in her skin, her legs softened and she collapsed directly on the ground.After checking that I was still innocent, I felt more relieved.

"What happened to me, bastard, or am I not a human being..."

Tang Yuehua was angry and hammered the quilt hard...


Su Chen stood on the bamboo forest, looking as honest as he did in the room.

He looked up at the bright moon high in the sky and couldn't help but smile.

Qian Renxue had already galloped away, passing the blame to Su Chen.

Carefully looking at the right hand that touched Tang Yuehua, there was still a fragrance, so terrifying...


In the Royal Academy, a group of teachers and students from Shrek and Qin Ming drank for three rounds, and they all enjoyed themselves.

Although the dinner was only hastily prepared, they still had the best dishes.

Everyone returned to the neatly tidied courtyard. Everyone had a separate room. Everything was brand new, and the conditions in all aspects were unknown. How much better than Shrek Academy.

Shrek and the teachers and students were very satisfied.

"What do you think?" Flanders asked several teachers for their opinions.

"It's very good. It's much better than expected. I like the environment here very much." said Shao Xin, the jelly beans soul master.

"Haha, the master's suggestion is indeed good. Although the students here are a bit rubbish, the pension is really good. It is very close to Tiandou City and is very convenient in all aspects." Zhao Wuji said with a naive smile, but he was thinking about Tiandou in his mind. In Goulan City, I especially heard that there is a Jiaofangsi...

"Haha, it seems that we are really going to retire here." Flender lost his voice, with the happiness of endless desire in his eyes.

"Hey, Hongjun actually went to Mubai's room. It seems that they have a really good relationship. They can't adapt to sleeping alone for a while."

Flanders nodded happily.

"Yes, they have been roommates for many years and have a deep brotherly bond. Oscar and Tang San don't have this kind of bond." Zhao Wuji said thoughtfully.

Everyone was immersed in the joy of the new environment, and for a moment they forgot that Xiao Wu and the other three had not returned...

The next day, Tang San got up early to practice the Purple Demon Eyes. In just one night, Tang San discovered that this was a treasure land of Feng Shui, and his cultivation speed was much faster than before.

Tang San was naturally overjoyed.

This will be the place where I rise and the beginning of the Tang Sect in another world...

Qin Ming also specially hired a college chef for Shrek and his gang to prepare hot breakfast for everyone, which was very considerate.

"Qin Ming, you also know that we don't care much about secular etiquette, so don't bother us too much." Flanders said happily.

Qin Ming said with deep emotion, "Dean Flender, without you and all the teachers, I wouldn't be where I am today. This is nothing."

Qin Ming praised Tang San emphatically again, praising Tang San for his strong abilities at a young age and being better than anyone else, and he felt sorry for what happened at the Great Soul Arena in Soto City.

The Royal Team students were all outstanding, but they pointed out that Tang San only lost because of his age, as his talent, potential, and brains far exceeded those of the Royal Team students.

After all, Tang San was only 13 years old now, and the Royal Team students were already older than that.

"During the holidays, you will definitely become a top control soul master. We are far from being able to compare with you."

Being praised like this by Qin Ming, not to mention Tang San himself felt happy, and even Flanders Yu Xiaogang's smile grew stronger.

But Dai Yubai and the others were more embarrassed. They didn't feel that they were any worse than Tang San.

Even because they were able to fuse martial souls, Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun didn't feel they were inferior to Tang San.

Oscar was one of the rare food-type people with innate soul power, and he felt that he was more talented than Tang San.

But the three of them were forgotten the whole time.

(End of this chapter)

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