Chapter 226 Tang San is lucky
Dai Yubai and the others were naturally unhappy with the feeling of being compared, but it was not easy to get angry.

In Tiandou Academy, students are divided into three levels, and teachers are also divided into three levels. Teachers whose soul power level exceeds level 60 are Tiandou level.

The nominal dean of Tiandou Royal Academy is Emperor Tiandou, but the academy is managed by an education committee composed of the three most powerful Tiandou-level teachers.

There are eight Tiandou-level teachers in the Royal Academy, which are relatively rare in the entire Tiandou Empire.


After listening to Qin Ming's introduction, Teacher Shrek was eager to give it a try. Zhao Wuji said, "Then can I also be a Tiandou-level teacher?"

Qin Ming smiled and said, "Of course, Tiandou-level teachers have a high status, their teaching work is easy, and their remuneration is very high. All life within the college is taken care of by the college, and there are also three thousand gold soul coins as remuneration, and there will also be some other income……"

"Three thousand?"

"Three thousand gold coins?"

"Really? It's three thousand gold coins!"

The Shrek Academy teacher was shocked when he heard this number. The smile on his face suddenly became thicker, and his satisfaction with Tiandou Academy skyrocketed.

"Hey, where are the three other female students?" Qin Ming realized at this moment that Xiao Wu and the others had not shown up, and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, where are they?" Flanders finally remembered what he had left behind.

"Xiao Wu, where did my Xiao Wu go?" Tang San looked around, making only the sounds he could hear.

He also activated the Purple Demon Eyes to look for clues.

"Three silly girls, don't ruin our big event." Zhao Wuji was a little angry. The good life in the future will start from today. At the critical moment, people are missing. How can this be done?

Qin Ming also found out from a student that Xiao Wu and the others left the academy yesterday and never came back...

Some people were angry, some were confused, and some were sad.
"Forget it, Qin Ming, lead the way, meeting the three seniors from the Education Committee is the key. There is no time to recover the three girls now." Flanders thought for a while and said.

I originally wanted the three girls to fight for some benefits for Shrek Academy, but now it seems that they are no longer useful.

And Qin Ming is very much used by the Royal Academy, and they are no longer needed now.

Shrek teachers believe that entering Tiandou Royal Academy is a sure thing.

Everyone followed Qin Ming to the center of the college's main campus, in front of a distinctive building, where the Education Committee, which decides on all matters of the college, is located.

When the group arrived at the door of the Education Committee, there were already three old people waiting at the door.

They were wearing custom-made dresses and had gentle smiles on their faces, but their aura of being strong could not be hidden.

Facing such a solemn reception, Shrek and the others felt very excited and couldn't help but feel proud.

"We are indeed monsters, even Contra strong men have to come out to greet us." Some people thought in their hearts.

Flanders was also flattered, quickened his pace, crossed his hands on his shoulders, and bowed slightly:

"Flanders, the principal of Shrek Academy, the martial spirit cat eagle, a level 78 combat spirit master of the agility and attack department, and Shrek's group have met our seniors."

The red-faced old man among the three old men laughed and strode forward. It was Meng Shenji, the chief of the Education Committee, Wuhun Hei Yao, a powerful level 86 control-type fighting spirit Douluo.

"I have admired my name for a long time. You don't have to be polite, Dean Flender. It is really a blessing to be able to teach a student like Qin Ming. The teachers from the Monster Academy are here to guide the Royal Academy in person."

After some nagging, Teacher Shrek felt proud and guilty at the same time.

Meng Shenji also introduced the extremely fat Bai Baoshan, the martial soul Tianxing Furnace, and the 85-level defense system Contra to Shrek and his gang.

There are also the bright-eyed Zhilin, the martial soul Tian Qingteng, and the level 83 eight-ring control system weapon soul master.

Even though they already knew that the three were Soul Douluos, after the introduction, everyone in Shrek was still shocked to find that there were actually two control soul masters!
Is this the Royal Academy?You must know that very few Titled Douluo from Contra to the top are known in the entire continent.

Dai Yubai estimated that there were only about 10 titled Douluo people in the entire continent.

Without Titled Douluo, Contra represents the strongest combat power in the mainland and is also the top group of people.

Thinking of this, the corners of the mouths of the four Shrek male students couldn't help but raise: Bind these three thighs?The Tiandou Empire is not going sideways!
And these three Contras looked very gentle.

It was rare for the four boys to think of the same thing and blurt out,

"Grandpa!" Teacher Shrek couldn't help laughing gently when he saw the students were so well-behaved and sensible.

The Third Education Committee of the Royal Academy also smiled gently.

"Senior, I haven't had time to introduce you yet. These four are Shrek's monster students. They are highly talented and polite." Flanders said happily.

The title "Grandpa" is not only cordial, but also brings us closer to each other. Well done, well done.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, but I should be called Grandpa Meng, he is Grandpa Bai, and he is Grandpa Zhi." Meng Shenji said with a smile.

Tang San and others understood, and immediately shouted, "Grandpa Bai, Grandpa Meng, Grandpa Zhi."

"Hahaha, that's right. I was really surprised to hear Qin Ming say that you almost beat the members of our academy."

"Grandpa Meng..." Tang San was about to stand up and be humble, but was interrupted by Bai Baoshan.

"I heard that three girls are here with you. Where are they?" Bai Baoshan asked, seeming very concerned.

Bai Baoshan guessed that these three girls were the girls that Yanyan and Lingling girls mentioned.

Bai Baoshan really wanted to see the difference between a girl who could make both Yanyan and Lingling feel inferior.

But seeing Shrek and his gang shaking their heads, Bai Baoshan knew that things were counterproductive.

Meng Shenji and Zhilin couldn't help but feel less interested.

A group of people walked into the Education Committee, and Meng Shenji said seriously, "Your academy is really full of talents. Since your Shrek Academy only has four students, let's select a few more from the Royal Academy to form a team with you."

The four of them would definitely not be able to form a team to participate in the Continental Soul Master Competition, and Shrek's participation in the Soul Master Competition would occupy the spot in the Royal Second Team. Under normal circumstances, members should be selected from the Royal Second Team.

"I wonder if there is a student named Ye Lingling in the academy. Can she join us or provide us with treatment services." The master lowered his head and said weakly.

Apparently he came prepared and learned about the role of Ling Ling from Qin Ming.

"Since your hospital has settled in the Royal Academy, you can naturally seek treatment from Student Lingling. Student Lingling is also a very warm-hearted girl and will not refuse her even if she thinks about it." Meng Shenji said gently.

The four Shrek boys couldn't help but feel that the future was bright.

At this time, Zhilin smiled slightly, and the air around his body was distorted.

The four Shrek boys immediately found that their surroundings were frozen, and huge soul power rushed toward them.

Teacher Shrek understood that the temptation had begun.

Zhilin finished testing the Oscar horses Hongjun and Dai Yubai in turn, and showed a satisfied smile. They were indeed all good candidates.

When testing Tang San, Zhilin was pleasantly surprised. Tang San was actually able to withstand the limit of level 46, and even had soul bones explode from his back.

With a bang, Tang San's body swelled up, and the Xuantian Kung surged uncontrollably toward his back.

As a result, the clothes were torn, leaving only the dented pants, a yellow and thin body, and eight rhythmic spider legs growing out of the back.

Tang San found that everyone was looking at the Eight Spear Spider in surprise, thus neglecting his lower body. He breathed a sigh of relief and his face became soothed.

Unexpectedly, under Contra's test, by mistake, one of the eight extraordinary meridians in the body was opened, and his various attributes were also improved.

The soul power level increased by one level.

Tang San was immersed in it, feeling the mystery carefully...

Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up and he immediately jumped up and said, "I wish Master Zhilin could make it happen."

Zhilin looked confused, what did I do?Did you do something bad?
The master smiled and said: "Tang San, the kid, has never been able to truly fuse with the Eight Spider Spears with his external soul bone ever since he got it. Under the pressure you put on him, this time he finally merged with his own external soul bone, and he can no longer fuse with it." If they share each other, the attached soul bone will become a part of his body and no longer foreign."

The three Contras looked at each other...

Dai Yubai and the other three also looked at each other, are they so lucky?

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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