Chapter 227 Shrek is in danger!

Tang San: Let me just say that my luck is not weaker than anyone else, and God will give me a great responsibility...

While everyone was quietly waiting for Tang San's realization, outside the Education Committee room, the gatekeeper had already been replaced by Xue Beng.

When Xue Beng heard about the possessed soul bones in the house, he almost couldn't help but rush in.

As for whether something becomes a part of Tang San's body, you have to try it to know. Who would believe what the old man said?

Xue Beng looked behind him, his eyes lit up, and he saw two figures approaching. He finally saw the light...

"Is the Chief Dream Machine here?"

Meng Shenji was startled when the person arrived before the sound came. He recognized the person coming from the energetic voice and hurriedly stood up and opened the door to greet him.

Soon, Mengshenji welcomed the three people in.

One of them was Xue Beng who was beaten violently by Shrek yesterday. He had an arrogant look on his face and stared at Shrek's group with hatred.

Standing in the middle of the three people was an old man wearing a rhubarb robe, with gray hair neatly combed back, and a dignified appearance.

The most important thing is his status. This man stands with his hands behind his back, showing a condescending attitude even when facing the three Contras.

What shocked Shrek the most was the man on the right. If it wasn't for what they saw with their eyes, everyone would just think that two people were coming, and they didn't hear the man's footsteps at all.

His beard and hair were dark green, and his eyes were radiating like emeralds. After he came in, he closed his eyes, and everyone present didn't even look at him, giving him a dreamy feeling.

But more danger! !

At this moment, Dugu Bo was also depressed. He had been practicing the exercises in seclusion for the past few days, and today was the critical moment to complete the exercises.

But he didn't expect to be hurriedly invited out by Prince Snow Star. As a result, some poisonous skills were not taken back, and the color of his hair and eyes turned green.

"Your Majesty, why are you here?" Meng Shenji bowed slightly, but more eyes fell on Dugu Bo.

"Why, why don't you introduce me to the guests?" Prince Xuexing said with a slight smile, quickly scanning the crowd, and finally landed on Tang San in the field.

Xue Beng had just informed him about the attached soul bone! !

Meng Shenji had no choice but to introduce Shrek and his group to Xuexing first.

The Royal Academy is now under the jurisdiction of Prince Snow Star, so it is difficult to develop.

Although Meng Shenji and the three of them are respectful on the surface, they are secretly hostile.

After hearing the whole story of Mengshenji, Prince Snow Star said coldly:

"Shrek? Never heard of it. Not all cats and dogs can come to our academy."

Shrek and his gang dared not speak out in anger. Zhao Wuji wanted to shout but was stopped by Flanders.

Meng Shenji's expression changed, "Prince, you can't say that. Shrek Academy has trained countless outstanding soul masters, like Teacher Qin from our academy, who came out of Shrek Academy. They are all rare. Talent.”

"Oh, Qin Ming? Not bad." Prince Xuexing still admired Qin Ming and wanted to pull him into his camp many times.

But the words changed, "Besides Qin Ming and the four in front of me, are there any other outstanding soul masters who were taught by Shrek? Can you please invite Qin Ming's seniors and disciples to come to our Royal Academy?"

"This..." Qin Ming squeaked.

Teacher Shrek remained silent.

The four male Shrek students raised their heads, puffed out their chests, and were filled with pride.

"Huh? The principal of Shrek Academy doesn't want to introduce outstanding students from the past?" Xuexing looked at Shrek's group coldly and smiled maliciously.

Flanders lowered his head and said nothing, the lenses on the frame reflected the light, his eyes were cloudy and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing his mentor being humiliated, Qin Ming stood up and said, "Prince, in fact, there are not many of my seniors and disciples. Shrek has only recruited dozens of people in the past 20 years, and only a few have become successful in cultivation. Now we have lost contact with them." ."

"Huh, that's not it. You are not a pheasant academy that was opened privately without any approval by the empire's laws. Such an academy and this group of people, Meng Shenji, are you sure you are not inviting wolves into the house?" Meng Shenji was about to speak. When he said something, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but speak first, "I'll scare you to death if I say it. A senior in our college is now the youngest elder of Wuhun Palace, and his authority is only second to the Pope."

"Yes, our college is a monster college." Oscar couldn't help but follow Ma Hongjun and said.

Just when Tang San was about to say a few words, he was stopped by the master.

Tang San looked in the direction indicated by the master, and saw that the faces of the two principals, Flender and Zhao Wuji, had turned red to the base of their ears.

Several other teachers didn't look very good either, and they didn't know where to put their faces.

This is just a sign they use to recruit students and lure ordinary people. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with saying it in front of ordinary people.

But these people in front of them are all the people at the top of the mainland. Doesn’t these words make them feel funny and ridiculous, or even insult their IQ?
Xue Beng was the first to burst into laughter. Even Dugu Bo, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes and glanced at Shrek's group.

"This little fat guy is quite talented. Who did he learn his bragging skills from? I happen to be acquainted with the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, so I'd like to ask." Xuexing was surprisingly calm, looking at Shrek and his group as if he wanted to get acquainted with him again. This group of people is average.

Flanders frowned and said immediately, "Your Majesty, children are talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

"Ma Hongjun, please apologize quickly."

Ma Hongjun also recognized the situation, blushed, and had no choice but to lower his head and apologize.

Hearing this, the three members of the Royal College Education Committee frowned. They were really afraid of recruiting people who would bring trouble to the college.

"Okay, it was a misunderstanding. The misunderstanding has been resolved. I wonder if the prince has any other instructions." Meng Shenji said.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that the fourth prince of the empire was beaten by these distinguished guests you mentioned." Xuexing snorted, displeased.

Only then did Meng Shenji and the others understand why Prince Snow Star, who rarely came to the academy, appeared today.

Because Meng Shenji and the others belong to the prince faction, they are not interested in Xue Beng, and even hate such brainless nobles.

After Flanders knew his identity, he also understood that this matter was difficult to solve. After all, he was the prince of a country. "Then how does the prince want to solve it? Does the prince understand why the prince Xue Beng was beaten?"

Soul masters are the most noble profession. Soul masters at Flanders's level don't pay attention to ordinary nobles at all. Flanders has even offended many nobles.

Flanders was not very worried. The worst outcome would be to bow his head and leave, no longer staying at the Royal Academy.

"Haha, this is how you beat up the prince. After all, Chief Meng Shenji said that you are talents, and I am the kindest to talents, but..."

Saying this, Xuexing glanced at Shrek's group, "You must prove to me that you are talented."

Xue Beng smiled proudly next to Snow Star.

Flanders suppressed his anger and said, "Okay, how do you want us to prove it like this?"

"It's very simple. Hold on to Mr. Dugu for three minutes and hold on to all the preferential treatment. Otherwise, get out of here."

"You——." Dai Yubai couldn't stand it for a long time and rushed forward with a single step.

Just when he felt Shrek's hostility, Dugu Bo opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the entire hall immediately became cold, as if he had entered a gloomy dark ice forest.

Before Dai Yubai could understand what happened, his whole body twisted and he fell to the ground silently without any movement.

After hearing these words from Mr. Dugu, Yu Xiaogang had already pulled Tang San back to the end.

Tang San: The teacher's hands are warm, so warm and safe.

Even Yu Xiaogang almost knelt down after feeling the coldness just now. His legs are still weak now.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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