Chapter 230 Rongrong’s Shame

In Heaven Dou City.

Xiaowu Zhuqing Rongrong came to the vicinity of Lanba Academy to watch.

However, Rongrong's arrogant expression showed some reluctance. She looked at Xiao Wu's slender body and murmured in her heart: Could it be that Xiao Wu has no resistance to beautiful women?You agreed to come to Lanba Academy out of nowhere, and you want to drag me and Zhuqing to come with you?

"Does Xiao Wu really want to go to Lanba Academy? We have better choices." Rongrong pouted and held Xiao Wu's skirt with one hand.

"My castle is quite nice, not far away."

Xiao Wu glanced at Rongrong and snorted coldly, "Rongrong, I think Lanba Academy is good. If you are so picky, who will want it in the future?"

"Who wants it?" Rongrong's little cherry mouth instantly turned into a crescent moon, and her whole person became quiet and confident, "This lady..."

However, before Rongrong could finish speaking, an untimely sound of a trumpet sounded from far to near:
"Cockroaches, rats, bed bugs, all kinds of medicine..."

Zhuqing:! !

Xiao Wu:——(suppressing laughter)
Rongrong's face turned into a bitter one, and the quiet and confident temperament before disappeared instantly. His whole body seemed to have suffered a huge blow, and he was weak and weak, and his eyes were about to collapse.

At this time, Liu Erlong with a gentle smile suddenly appeared and helped Rongrong by his waist.

Rongrong pressed his head in front of Liu Erlong and was shaken by the blow, but finally buried it in.

Rongrong seemed to have found a place to hide from the death scene and hid his entire face in it.

Then there was another sound of whining.

"It's okay, kid, even if the whole world doesn't want you, I still want you." Liu Erlong didn't mind being taken advantage of by Rongrong at all, and gently patted Rongrong's back.

However, when Liu Erlong turned to look at the medicine seller, his eyes were filled with fire, and his soul power was released directly with majesty, "Get out of here, I don't need it at Lanba Academy."

When the dealer saw that the soul master was angry, he immediately pushed the wooden cart and ran away without saying a word.

Rongrong couldn't express the pain in her heart. The small dealer who appeared out of nowhere almost became a stain on her. Fortunately, Erlong took action to resolve the shadow in her mind.

"Woo, thank you." Rongrong made a choking vibrating sound.

"Rongrong, come on, how can you be so wronged that you are still reluctant to leave Dean Erlong?"

Xiao Wu couldn't stand it anymore. Rongrong kept crying proudly in front of Dean Erlong. His tears were about to turn into a stream, not to mention the clothes of the nearest Dean Erlong were already wet.

"It's up to you to take care of it," Rongrong pulled out his head and returned to his normal appearance, but his face was slightly red.

Is this the charm of a beautiful woman?No wonder Xiao Wu wants to come to Lanba Academy.

Rongrong looked at the woman in front of him again. Her delicate body was wrapped in a simple dress. The simplest dress had the most beautiful effect.

The extremely thought-provoking legs are hidden in simple stockings.

The hot and perfect figure is far beyond what a girl can match.

Her face is fair and delicate, with a hint of tender red, her eyebrows are picturesque, her facial features are delicate and moving, and her big eyes are gentle and loving.

Two words, she is so gentle and in love.

"Dean Erlong, I joined Lanba Academy with Xiao Wu Zhuqing." Rongrong changed his face to a pleasant one and said gently.

"Good boy." Liu Erlong naturally pulled Xiao Wu and Rongrong, and led Zhu Qing into Lanba Academy.


Lanba Academy is built on the mountain, located in the largest flora in Tiandou City.

Liu Erlong led Xiao Wu and the others into the spacious walkway, which was lined with acres of woods.

At the end of the walkway, you can see a large playground and many buildings.But Liu Erlong did not lead Xiao Wu and others into the building. Instead, he walked along a side path into the forest behind the college.

Xiao Wu and others also commented on this school in their hearts. In two words, it was grand.

Lou Erlong held his two thin hands and muttered to himself: I am still very charming. No wonder I am found by the man in my dream. But with such great charm, why didn't he come to find me in real life? Could it be that he is an old man! !
Liu Erlong recalled the beauty in his dreams every night. That person would play games with him and talk about life. Sometimes he was domineering, sometimes he was gentle, and there were many tricks...

With that kind of ability, he should be a middle-aged person, not a bad old man. As long as he is not a bad old man, he can still accept it if he comes to me in reality. If he is a bad old man, he will be buried directly!

"Dean Erlong, why are your hands so hot?" Xiao Wu said suddenly. Dean Erlong's hands were still gentle and cool before, but now they have become as warm as fire.

Erlong immediately put away his memories and his eyes were no longer blurry, "My martial spirit is a fire dragon. Recently, I didn't pay attention at the critical moment of breakthrough."

Erlong apologized and immediately adjusted the temperature.

As they were getting further and further away from the college building, Rongrong felt a little uneasy: Could this Dean Erlong be a human trafficker? Why was he always walking towards the center of the forest?
"Dean Erlong, aren't we going to the academy?" Rongrong expressed his doubts harmlessly.

But Liu Erlong seemed to see through Rongrong's doubts and said gently, "I live in the forest. I will take you to my place first. The teachers are in class now."

"Oh." Rongrong also believed Erlong's words when he saw a particularly thick tree hanging with the center of the academy hanging on it.

Beyond the big tree, there is a small pool about 50 meters in diameter, and there is a simple small courtyard hut next to it.

"Wow, I like it here so much." After Xiao Wu saw it, she immediately ran over, passed through the fence, and gently got closer to the various flowers vying to bloom.

Occasionally there are butterflies flying, bees playing music, and little dances dancing along with them.

Seeing Xiao Wu like this, Liu Erlong's overflowing motherly love could no longer stop him, "If you like, you can live here and I will build a building next to her."

"Ah! Really? Thank you, Dean Erlong." Xiaowu took Erlong's hand, but instead of rejecting it, she accepted it, with little stars in her eyes.

"Dean Erlong, can I design the house I want? It's not big, just big enough for four people. I'll pay for it." Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled, and she was so adorable.

Liu Erlong's heart was about to melt. Without any hesitation, he immediately nodded in agreement.

I used to live here and not interact with others in order to keep my heart quiet, to miss someone, and to prevent myself from being possessed and tortured by obsessions in my heart.

Now I live here because no one can disturb my dreams, my inner joy, and exploring the mysteries of life.

Letting Xiao Wu and three well-behaved little girls live here, they shouldn't disturb my interaction with him.


Xiao Wu pecked Er Long's gentle cheek directly, "Thank you, Dean Er Long, Xiao Wu likes it here very much."

Liu Erlong couldn't deny it and gently rubbed Xiao Wu's little head.

"Xiao Wu is shameless." Rongrong pouted, I must have whatever Xiao Wu has.

Xiao Wu ignored Rongrong and looked at the scenery in front of her. A small stream about three meters long quietly poured water into the small pool and then flowed back again.

There are water, forests and houses, just like when I was in Xinghu, when my mother was around...

Mom, you must have a good life in another world. Don’t worry, everything is fine with your daughter. She even replaced you with a brother...

Xiao Wu quietly wiped away her tears and showed a bright smile.

The three of them also successfully entered Xuelanba Academy and received preferential treatment.

But they didn't know that another group of people was also on their way to Lanba Academy...

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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