Chapter 231 Lanba Academy, here we come

Shrek and his party, led by Qin Ming, arrived at the gate of Lanba Academy in a mighty manner.

Although the eyes of the teachers from Flender and Zao Wou-Ki were a little tired, their faces looked good.

Flanders looked at the eight gilded characters, Lan Ba ​​Advanced Soul Master Academy, and said with joy in his eyes:

"Lanba Academy will soon have the capital to compete with Tiandou Academy in this Soul Master Competition."

Thinking of this shame, everyone couldn't help but get excited, "It all depends on the dean!"

However, three of them were weak.

One is Dai Yubai, who was the first to suffer. He is still shrouded in the terrifying power of Titled Douluo.

Especially the poison, I have been worrying about whether I will be poisoned by some strange poison, which will affect my future happiness.

The other one is Yu Xiaogang, who has been impetuous in his lower body since early in Tiandou Royal Academy, incontinent and losing his temper.

Without Tang San's support, Oscar and Ma Hongjun forced him into the river to clean him, not to mention how embarrassing he was.

It is said that a large number of fish have fainted to death in the insulted clear river...

I think I, Master Tangtang, will also be in this bad situation. I hope those three education committee members will not spread my reputation everywhere.

Just find the thigh as soon as possible...


The other person was Tang San Ben San. Shrek and the others were poisoned by Dugu Bo from the beginning.

It makes them unable to sleep at night, unable to practice, and immersed in a state of mental torture, which is considered a small punishment for them.

But Tang San was poisoned by Dugu Bo in another way because of his rude words.

Now under the influence of the toxin, Tang San has turned into green hair, green ears, and green hands, and even his saliva and urine have green elements.

Tang San was also worried in his heart, not knowing when he would turn into the Hulk.

"Damn Dugu Bo, you will definitely ask for something from me."

Shrek and his gang were soon introduced to the academy for testing by a middle-aged soul master.

The people testing Shrek's group in the hall were three middle-aged Soul King soul masters.

But Teacher Shrek's level is higher than that of the Soul King, so how dare the three of them test Shrek and his gang in a strength competition.

There was even a faint worry that this group of people had ulterior motives and would turn against the guests and occupy Lanba Academy.

Qin Ming, 34 years old, level 62, martial spirit Fiery Canglang, strong attack type.

Li Yusong, level 63, martial soul dragon pattern stick, strong attack type.

Lu Qibin, level 66, Wuhun Xingluoqi, control system.

Shao Xin, level 71, martial soul jelly beans, food system.

Zhao Wuji, level 76, has a powerful martial spirit, the Vajra Bear, and is a strong attack type.

Flanders, level 78, Wuhun Cat Eagle, agility and attack system.


Facing the martial arts and soul rings released by Shrek's group of teachers, the three testing soul kings almost lost their fight.

With such a powerful group of soul masters, the three of them naturally didn't dare to decide whether to let Shrek and his gang join Lan Ba ​​Academy.

Taking a deep breath, the leader of the three said respectfully:
"I've met all the seniors in the book. I can't judge the seniors' grades. I'll take you to see our dean and let her decide."

"Let's go then." Flanders and others laughed.

In the Royal Academy, I was like a lost dog, always cautious, but now I am treated with respect. How can I not be happy when it is someone else's turn to be cautious?


In the forest behind Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong personally cut a pile of wood.

At this moment, she was trimming the wood. Every piece of wood she passed by was smooth, and useless branches were easily removed.

The lotus steps were dancing while humming an inexplicable tune.

Shrek and his gang walked in the forest for a while, and they couldn't help but suspect that the dean of the college was an old monster who liked to live in the forest.

At this time, everyone heard the faint singing voice coming from the front.The song is euphemistic and sweet, lingering with resentment, sometimes ambiguous, sometimes aggrieved, sometimes gentle, and the melody is repetitive, making everyone want to explore.

Three days to three nights, three to midnight, I don’t want your tyranny to be unreasonable
In this exciting night, I took off my guard and was with you. In my confusion, my brain went blank and I could only grasp the future. My heart was too chaotic, and I greedily wanted more love... …

Everyone in Shrek searched for the sound and finally saw the person who made that melodious voice.

Her three thousand black hair was tied up with a cloth handkerchief, and she was wearing a simple blue sarong skirt. There was crystal clear sweat on her delicate and charming face, and she had the aura of a woman between her brows.

But the eyes of Shrek's four male classmates were more on that hot and perfect figure, so shocking, the first time they saw it.

Every time she swings the knife, it's a simple movement, but it has a turbulent scene.

Every frown, every smile, every bend, was just the right amount of charming, and the four Shrek boys couldn't help but wipe their noses.

Not to mention young, but not as energetic as the four Shrek classmates.

Let's just say that the elderly teacher Shrek couldn't help but secretly shrink back when he saw this scene.

Flanders looked a little weird, his eyes flashed with light, and he secretly held his head: As expected, it is the academy opened by Erlong. Sister Long, I haven’t seen you in 20 years. You are even more beautiful, and I am even more attracted to you than before. Feeling distressed.

This time, I must make things happen between you and Xiaogang and untie your knot as soon as possible.

Yu Xiaogang also recognized Liu Erlong and frowned slightly: This bitch didn't sing the song written for you by the male god Xiaogang?

So much so that Yu Xiaogang didn't even notice Liu Erlong's charming enthusiasm.

In Yu Xiaogang's view, Liu Erlong was just a lowly servant born from a prostitute, and his status was even lower than that of an ordinary soul master. He was far from worthy of his noble lineage, the direct lineage of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

If you don't sing the song written by Xiaogang for you, then I'll make you cry.

Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly, pulling everyone back from the pink mist of fantasy.

Everyone straightened their expressions, but Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai's eyes remained fixed.

"That is our dean." Yin Shu looked at the dean with admiration on his face.

"Oh my god, is this the dean?" Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai immediately restrained their glare.

They thought they were just ordinary college staff, but if they were the dean, they wouldn't dare to be too arrogant.

But he still looked at it secretly, planting strange seeds in his heart.

After Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly, he did not move forward with everyone, but turned around with a big movement.

"Xiaogang, where are you going?" Flanders saw Yu Xiaogang retreating and couldn't help but stop him.

Yu Xiaogang glanced secretly in the direction of Erlong, and saw that the bitch was indifferent, as if she didn't notice the movement at all.

Yu Xiaogang frowned slightly, guessing that maybe the distance was still a little far away, and the bitch didn't notice.

Otherwise, she would not be allowed to rush over and cry to herself.

"It's okay, I'll tie my shoelaces." Yu Xiaogang squatted down, but stood up again after smelling the smell.

Flanders didn't think so. Seeing the struggle in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, he thought he was trying to escape.

Nothing can make Xiaogang escape this time. Sister Long, I brought it to you.

Flanders was also sad in his heart. He grabbed Yu Xiaogang's shoulders and led him forward.

Yu Xiaogang didn't take it seriously. Liu Erlong, a girl who lacked love, had a character that I had already seen through.

He showed just the right amount of concern for Liu Erlong in those years. He guided Liu Erlong in his cultivation from time to time, and told about his pitiful experiences from time to time. He even managed to get into Liu Erlong's heart.

Just kidding, how could the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect not know some knowledge about the cultivation of dragon martial spirits.

At that time, Yu Xiaogang was Liu Erlong's hero.

Which young girl doesn't want to meet a hero and meet the light?

But Yu Xiaogang is a deadbeat disguised as a hero.
Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly, wait and see how you, a cheap servant, kneel in front of me.

Everyone continued to approach Liu Erlong, and when they were only about 10 meters away, they felt a pressure of soul power stopping them from moving forward.

Liu Erlong also raised his knife hand, signaling everyone to stop.

Yin Shu immediately stood in front of Shrek's group and signaled them to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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