Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 232 Liu Erlong: A past event not worth mentioning

Chapter 232 Liu Erlong: A past event not worth mentioning

After Liu Erlong noticed someone approaching, he reluctantly opened his watery eyes.

By running the soul power, the sweat on the body will evaporate quickly, preventing the beautiful scene from being exposed to the public.

It turns out that wielding the knife to prune the trees was Liu Erlong's subconscious action. Her mind had been immersed in a dreamy place where she could chat and fall in love.

It's just that I was interrupted by this group of people at the critical moment.

Liu Erlong cursed in his heart, that bastard was becoming more and more lawless. Could it be that his martial soul ability had become stronger?I don't let go at work.

Liu Erlong put away his excited thoughts and put on a robe to cover his graceful body.

Youyou turned around, annoyed that these people came at the wrong time.

But when she saw Flanders, the anger in her eyes disappeared.

Even after 20 years, the years have left enough traces of wind and frost, but Liu Erlong recognized Flanders at a glance.

The message respectfully said to the beautiful woman, "Dean, these are the soul masters who are here to apply. Because their levels are too high, we cannot make the decision. Please make your decision."

Liu Erlong nodded slightly and looked at Flender, with unspeakable emotions in his eyes, "Boss Fu, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still the same."

Flanders was flattered, and he didn't expect that Erlong didn't complain to Yu Xiaogang first.

Could it be that Erlong didn't recognize Xiaogang?
After thinking for a short time, Flanders smiled bitterly and said, "I am old, but you are still as charming as ever. Today, our golden triangle has reunited. Sister Erlong, how have you been all these years?"

Flanders raised his eyebrows, because he specifically mentioned the Golden Iron Triangle, Erlong must have recognized Xiaogang next to him.

But Erlong just glanced casually.

Jade Xiaozhu is no longer calm: where is the affectionate confession?Why don't you cry?Is the male idol Xiaogang leaving?
"I can't do anything wrong." Liu Erlong paused for a moment, and there was inexplicable sadness in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

It was my first love at that time, and the person I once loved was not far away at the moment. If I hadn't had the experience of these few months, I might have fallen in love with this person.

Liu Erlong inadvertently recalled that 20 years ago, on the night of his wedding, his father Yu Luo Mian came, but Yu Xiaogang ran away without saying a word.

That was also the beginning of my schizophrenia, easy loss of emotional control, and painful years.

20 years, 20 years, how did these more than 7 days and nights come to pass?

If these sad days and nights were recorded in books, the number could fill the entire Tiandou Empire.

Liu Erlong was only slightly sad for a moment, but he was still captured fiercely by Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang smiled cruelly in his heart:
Sure enough, this bitch is pretending not to care about me. I know all about your weaknesses and weakness.

Over the years, your character has only made me miss you more and more, and I have grown fonder of you.

After thinking about this clearly, Yu Xiaogang's eyes became deep and affectionate, and the expression on his face was struggling and telling a story.

Yu Xiaogang just stared at Liu Erlong, waiting for the moment she took the bait...

"She was the last corner of the golden iron triangle in the soul master world who worked with me and Grandmaster..."

After Flender introduced Er Long to everyone, he also explained his origin to Er Long and introduced Shrek teachers and students to Er Long one by one.

Dai Yubai Ma Hongjun's body trembled, inexplicably excited: I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to have a relationship with Dean Flender and Yu ÷.

Yu Xiaogang's heart moved. Finally, he caught the opportunity, and Liu Erlong looked at him again.

The moment the two people's eyes met, Yu Xiaogang shed a tear and turned around to leave, leaving Er Long with an affectionate and windy back.

Liu Erlong: Are you sick? ?
Yu Xiaogang: Waiting for the prey to bite the bait.

After Yu Xiaogang walked a few dozen meters, he became depressed: Is this woman still enduring?Why haven't you come to chase Xiaogang?Come chase me now, you can hold hands.

Tang San kept staring at Teacher Yu Xiaogang, "Hey, I thought the teacher was going to relieve himself, why did he run so far away?"

Tang San's words finally made everyone come to their senses, and their minds recovered from Er Long's gentle smile.

Flanders looked to the side and sure enough, Xiaogang was no longer there.I had been reminiscing with Erlong before, and I didn't even notice that Xiaogang would leave suddenly.

Flanders couldn't help but feel angry. He came here just to deal with Xiaogang and Erlongmei.

"Sister Erlong, I will bring Xiaogang back immediately." After Flanders finished speaking, he immediately used his martial spirit to chase after Erlong regardless of his reaction.

It has been 20 years. Others don’t know about Erlong’s hard work, but how could Flanders not know about it.

During the first period of time, I was looking for Yu Xiaogang for Erlong, but the search was fruitless, so I had to go back to find Erlong.

But after finding Erlong, she has turned into a killing machine, a scary female madman.

Thinking of this scene, Flanders' heart ached with pain. How could Er Longmei, a lively, cheerful and very cute girl who hates evil and hates evil, become like this.

Even then, Flanders had the urge to cut Yu Xiaogang into pieces.

Although he didn't understand Yu Xiaogang's behavior, Liu Erlong laughed at himself, was this the man he had been waiting for for 20 years?
How stupid was your past self?He didn't even want to face me, and he didn't even say a word of apology. His youth was ridiculous, and his girlhood was not worth mentioning...

When Yu Xiaogang noticed the sound of breaking through the air behind him, he still didn't look back and even accelerated his pace.

"Er Long, I'm not worthy, let me go." Yu Xiaogang knew Er Long's tenderness, and the more she said she was not worthy, the more guilty she would feel and the more she wanted to keep him.

But Yu Xiaogang's response was a kick.

"Pu." Yu Xiaogang fell to the ground and before he could react, Flanders took him away.

"Xiao Gang, you can't escape no matter what I say this time."

"Flanders, did Erlong ask you to come here? You don't understand anything!" Yu Xiaogang originally wanted to criticize Flanders, but seeing the distance from the ground, he could only growl.

Flanders didn't pay attention to Yu Xiaogang's words, but murmured in his heart: Why is Chuan Xiaogang so happy in my heart, and even my cultivation has improved?

After a while, Flanders brought Yu Xiaogang to Liu Erlong again.

Yu Xiaogang thought for a while and decided to show his cards right away and make good use of this lowly person.

Yu Xiaogang straightened his body, his eyes were shining, and he looked at Erlong with great affection.

I had never taken a serious look at a mean woman before, but now I saw it, it was incredible.

One word, absolutely.

The peaks are protruding, the peaks are concave and convex, the body is exquisite, and the legs are slender.

Even if she wears a simple robe, the charm of a mature woman cannot be hidden, and she is naturally charming.

Her skin, which is white but hidden in pink, is like a ripe peach, and it seems that just touching it will trigger a series of chain reactions...

Yu Xiaogang's heart beat faster, and his dry body seemed to be alive.

Erlong lightly flipped his hair and said slightly, "If you want to relieve yourself, don't urinate everywhere like a spirit beast. The forest is my home, and there are public toilets in the college."

Everyone: ...that’s not right, shouldn’t there be a story?

Flanders: Which side does the sun rise today?

Yu Xiaogang: I really feel like peeing.

Dai Yubai: Wonderful, Fatty and I must experience the style of Dean Erlong.

Ma Hongjun: Erlong is so beautiful. Based on my experience, he is still a baby. I want to be Laowang.

Tang San: There's something wrong with the teacher. If this isn't the master's wife, it's boring. The blue and silver bindings are also lacking in advancement.

Oscar: Any chance of me becoming Dean Man?
Xiao Wu, who was buying furniture in Tiandou City, sneezed.

Ha ball!

(End of this chapter)

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