Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 235 The bond between Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou

Chapter 235 The bond between Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou

Cheng Rou walked into the Pope's Palace skillfully, and came to Bibi Dong without any hesitation. She leaned forward and fell on Bibi Dong without hesitation, wrapping her arms around her waist and hugging her.

"Teacher, you are so beautiful." Cheng Rou admired sincerely, feeling this achievement in a daze, and she couldn't help but feel proud in her heart.

Who on Douluo Continent can hold the Pope like this?

At the same time, Cheng Rou was also shocked.

It turns out that everything was not an illusion, the teacher is really different, many times better than before.

The teacher in the past was already fascinating, but now the teacher, even holding her, makes her whole body feel an extremely comfortable and exciting feeling...

Sucking hard on the teacher's scent, Cheng Rou felt extremely satisfied.

"Xiaorou, you hugged her too tightly." Bibi Dong put away the memories and smiled slightly.

"Hehe, I don't care if the teacher is so strong." She said this, but Cheng Rou restrained herself a little.

"Teacher, now in Wuhun Hall, no one can replace your influence, and you are so strong, I seem to have become unimportant to you." Cheng Rou lowered his head and said in frustration, feeling disappointed.

Bibi Dong gently stroked Cheng Rou's little head, "Silly boy, I haven't seen you for a few months and you like to think wildly. They are chess pieces and you are my closest disciple."

After Cheng Rou received the reply, she felt confident. She would say that others are chess pieces to her face. This is still the teacher who loves me. At least she will not be silenced...

"Teacher, this is the Shrek Academy I mentioned to you the day before yesterday. Isn't it strange?" Cheng Rou stared at the teacher very seriously, as if she didn't want to miss any subtle change in the teacher's expression.

"Well, even I was shocked. The little shabby academy recruits all good talents." Bibi Dong felt pity for this.

The awakening of martial souls was obviously awakened by the civilian children helped by Wuhun Palace. Some good seedlings would overtly or covertly instruct them to join Wuhun Palace, but it was difficult to get all of them to join Wuhun Palace.

Because Wuhun Palace does not have the final say in Douluo Continent, Wuhun Academy is limited to Wuhun City.

Therefore, some talents are also missed. Many of them are people who want to join Wuhun Palace but have no way out.

Some are pretentious and want to have imperial titles, while others like freedom without being restricted.

However, Shrek Academy's deceptive methods gave Bibi Dong some inspiration. With the strength of Wuhun Palace, it is completely possible to set up some colleges like Shrek Academy in any corner of Douluo Continent to recruit various talents.

"I have already made a plan and asked Nana and the ghost elders to select a dozen soul saints and soul emperors to run schools across the mainland."

"Teacher is really wise!" Cheng Rou was indeed happy about this. In this way, less geniuses would be buried in the future, and with the support of Wuhun Palace, they would have a better stage.

However, Cheng Rou changed her tone and said, "Teacher, what about the teachers at Shrek Academy?"

"We can also recruit some soul masters who have offended the nobles as teachers." Bibi Dong said calmly.

"Oh, but among my teachers at Shrek Academy, there are some scoundrels and scumbags, especially one named Yu Xiaogang, who is particularly bad."

Cheng Rou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Bibi Dong.

Seeing the disciple's eyes examining her, Bibi Dong knew what the disciple had discovered, and said expressionlessly, "Xiaorou, say something else."

Cheng Rou trembled in her heart. This was the first time that her teacher had suppressed her soul power.

The day before yesterday, I told the teacher about Shrek Academy, especially when he belittled Yu Xiaogang, I realized that the teacher was wrong.

After secretly spending some energy to investigate, I found out that this was a taboo for the teacher. Like the teacher's daughter, it was a word that could not be mentioned.

He was even warned by the ghost elder not to mention it in front of the teacher, let alone say it was said by his ghost elder.

Although the ghost elder only spoke vaguely, Cheng Rou also made a rough guess.

Cheng Rou couldn't imagine that the disgusting Yu Xiaogang would actually have a past with a superior teacher.

Looking at Xiaorou's unyielding eyes, Bibi Dong's face turned a little ugly, as if a fig leaf of hers had been lifted off by someone she cared about, and the ugly past in her heart had been exposed.

I may even wonder if my teacher is not as perfect as I appear and if my disciples would be ashamed of my teacher.

Will the disciple in front of me no longer like the teacher...

She, who has always been strong and proud in her heart, couldn't help but have troubles and emotions, and she thought about a lot...

They both had their own ideas in mind.

Although Cheng Rou could not understand that the teacher who was aloof and respected by thousands of people would have a story with a rat in the sewer.

Maybe it's okay. The teacher in the past was very pure and naive.

But Cheng Rou knew that now was not the time to pursue the teacher's past memories, but to make the teacher realize what an ugly bug the person she had liked before was.

In all these years of getting along with the teacher, the teacher has never mentioned Yu Xiaogang, nor has he ever found any man.

But when it comes to Yu Xiaogang, doesn't the change in the teacher's expression and the majestic use of soul power on him prove that the teacher still has fantasies about bed bugs in his heart?

Cheng Rou could not accept such a result, and the teacher must not have any illusions about the disgusting Yu Xiaogang.

"Teacher, I don't allow it."

Faced with the sudden declaration, Bibi Dong:? ?

Even if she wanted to offend the teacher, Cheng Rou didn't care and grabbed Bibi Dong's hands in response to the weak pressure released by Bibi Dong.

It was also the first time for Bibi Dong to see Xiaorou, who was calm and attentive, so rude. While feeling distressed, she didn't know how to explain it clearly.

It’s impossible to tell your imperfect love story and secret room encounters, right?
"Yu Xiaogang?" Bibi Dong was worried about gains and losses. Yu Xiaogang was a talented and learned person she met when she was a girl of seventeen or eighteen.

But from my current perspective, it's just mediocre.

My seventeen or eighteen year old self?His biological parents are long gone, he has a teacher named after his father, and a boy who seems to love him very much.

Everything seems beautiful...

The more Bibi Dong thought about it, the sadder she felt in her heart. The dusty memory was also a past event that she could not bear to look back on.

"Teacher, you are crying." Cheng Rou's heart trembled, and she couldn't help but let go of her hand and gently wiped away Bibi Dong's tears.

Bibi Dong resisted the urge to kill and destroy in her heart, laughing at herself: Even if she thinks she has become perfect, will there still be a dark crack in her heart?
Bibi Dong smiled skillfully, "Silly boy, the teacher feels sorry for you."

Cheng Rou felt guilty and understood that the teacher was hiding her inner pain.

"I'm sorry, teacher, come with me to Tiandou City to see Yu Xiaogang. He is really the disgusting bedbug I said."

Although she understood that this was too much for the teacher, Cheng Rou still chose to let the teacher recognize the reality instead of enduring pain.

Seeing that the disciple had calmed down and there were tears in his sincere eyes, Bibi Dong knew that he could not escape.

This disciple is sometimes more stubborn than himself.

Bibi Dong stood up and said softly, "Then go."

"Well, let's go now."


Bibi Dong called Gui Douluo and asked Gui Douluo to inform Hu Liena who was out of town to come back as acting pope.

And she and Cheng Rou secretly set off to Tiandou City...

(End of this chapter)

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