Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 236 On this night, some people were happy and some were sad.

Chapter 236 On this night, some people are happy and some are sad

In a forest, there was a fox shadow. Her eyes were watery and almost charming.

She has a graceful figure, a light body, and is enchanting.

Under the moonlight, the ivory-like lotus arms seemed to be covered with a film, shining with luster.

This person is Hu Liena.

Hu Liena suddenly smiled and was very happy, "Haha, I am still smart. I took advantage of the mission time to find a way to sneak into the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect."

In Hu Liena's mind, she couldn't help but fantasize about doing evil in the Jiu Sword Immortal sect and calling the shots, just to bring out the image of Jiu Sword Immortal himself.

Or maybe you start from the lowest maid, be inspired to be promoted to the personal maid of the Jiu Sword Immortal, and then tell the Jiu Sword Immortal whether you are surprised or not...

At this time, a strange wind suddenly blew.

Hu Liena immediately became alert and stopped acting like a fool.

Here comes none other than Ghost Douluo.

"Your Highness the Holy Lady, the Pope has an order, ordering you to return to Wuhun Palace immediately, serve as acting pope, and lead Wuhun Palace to glory!!"

Hu Liena: ...


Heaven Dou City, Lanba Academy.

Flanders was drinking wine, and he had accomplished something.

He picked up an academy for nothing, became the dean, and decided to change its name to Shrek Academy.

Flanders also figured out that Erlongmei's promotion of the academy to him might be Erlongmei's compensation and gratitude to him.

Although he loves money, if he hadn't been responsive to Er Longmei's requests and couldn't refuse any of Er Longmei's requests, Flender would have refused.

Flender stood up and looked at the night view of Lanba Academy, taking a sip of wine, thoughts flying in his mind.

At this time, the door to the dean's office was kicked open.

The person who came in was Yu Xiaogang.

Before, there were so many people and so many eyes, but Yu Xiaogang had been hiding his emotions.

Now that Flanders was alone, Yu Xiaogang was about to lose his temper completely.

Yu Xiaogang came to Flanders angrily, grabbed Flanders' wine glass, and smashed it heavily on the ground.

"Flanders, are you very proud now??
Are you happy to see me making a fool of myself in front of Erlong? ? "

"I don't know what you are talking about." Folland raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Hmph, why did you come to Lanba Academy in the first place? Why did Erlong give the academy to you? How long will you continue to perform?"

Yu Xiaogang stared at Flanders, trying to see something.

"Acting? Acting for what? I'm not sure if Lanba Academy belongs to Erlong. I just want to give it a try."

Flender's very sincere answer gave Yu Xiaogang an answer in his heart.

After all, Flanders is not the kind of person who likes sinister brothers and laughs at brothers' jokes.

"You and Erlong are really not together?" However, Yu Xiaogang still wanted to confirm. He always felt that things were strange.

As soon as Flanders heard this, he immediately released his soul power and majesty, and his whole person looked angry.

"What do you mean? Thanks to Erlongmei for loving you so much, you are indeed slandering her here."

These words made Yu Xiaogang feel ashamed, "How could you tell that she loves me?"

"You can see that she loves you everywhere, but you still call her a master. Don't you know that the deeper the love, the more hate you have? How would you know when her heart is twisted like a knife?"

Flanders scolded Yu Xiaogang angrily, and even wanted to punch him on the head.

Whenever he recalled the heart-breaking look of Erlong at that time, Flender's heart also ached.

After getting the answer he wanted, Yu Xiaogang became more and more certain that Liu Erlong still loved him.

Yu Xiaogang: Sure enough, she missed her boyfriend Xiaogang every night during these 20 years.

"Haha, Flanders, thank you for the reminder. But you also know that she and I..., it would be too bad not to say anything." Yu Xiaogang patted Flanders on the shoulder, turned around and left dejectedly, but in his heart But he was already planning something.

"You got the advantage and behaved well." Flanders rolled his eyes, feeling very unhappy.He wanted to kick Yu Xiaogang hard from behind, but he gave up and looked out the window again...


In the college compound, the four Shrek boys were given a separate room.

There is no wonder in life than this. The stars were shining brightly last night, but they were in the Royal Academy.

Tang San couldn't help but sigh at what he had experienced in these two days, heaven, hell, and then heaven again.

"It should be stable from now on. I won't be afraid of being criticized by Oscar anymore." Tang San looked at the bright moon in the distance, his green hair shining brightly against the background.

Feeling sleepy but not sleepy, and still worried about Xiao Wu, Tang San thought for a while and decided to leave his mark on this room first.

Under the moonlight, the shadows reflected on the wall are shaking at strange frequencies...

Oscar, who was in the room next to Tang San, was lying on the bed in a daze. Due to the influence of Dugu Bo's toxin, he was completely sleepless and could not calm down to practice.

"I've finally settled down. I no longer have to feel the shaking of Tang San's rocking bed." Oscar thought of Rongrong again.

"The world is so big, I guess it will be hard to see Rongrong in the future. But fortunately, there are a lot of girls in this academy. I need to find a girlfriend, so I don't want to imitate Tang San's rocker."

He said this, but because of the irritability in his heart, he started to move his hands.

"Boss Dai, I'm coming in." Ma Hongjun gently pushed open Dai Yubai's door.

Seeing that Boss Dai was lying on the bed without moving, Ma Hongjun grinned and guessed that Boss Dai couldn't sleep and was pretending.

"Boss Daidai, I'm wearing stockings." Ma Hongjun was so numb that he actually made a pinching sound.

Lying on the bed with his eyes closed, Dai Yubai was impatient and couldn't bear it anymore. The hungry wolf pounced on his food...


A quarter of an hour later, the two looked at each other.

"Boss Dai, it would be great if Dean Liu Erlong could be hugged by us. Each of us can hold half of it." Ma Hongjun made no secret of it.

Dai Yubai smiled and said, "I'm optimistic about you. Do you want to protect Dean Flanders and Jade Animal at the same time?"

Ma Hongjun said evilly, "Hey, they are all old, but Dean Erlong is in his prime, and needs a man to accompany him. I am doing this for Dean Erlong's good."

"Then you can take it." Dai Yubai was a little playful, his hands were not idle, "You are so bold, how dare you pay attention to the body of Soul Saint?"

"Isn't this a clever move from Boss Dai?"

Dai Yubai was silent, not knowing what he was thinking, while Ma Hongjun approached Dai Yubai again


In the middle of the forest of Lanba Academy, there is a small courtyard surrounded by a fence. Three tents have been set up on the lake outside the courtyard.

Both the cyan and black tents were bright, but the pink tent was empty.

"Zhuqing, Xiaowu is so cunning. Instead of sleeping in the tent at night, he went to sleep with Dean Erlong." Rongrong complained in the tent to Zhuqing in the tent next door.

Zhuqing: Can this be opened too?

But Zhuqing still replied, "Well, the bed inside is big and soft."

"Damn Xiao Wu.!" Rongrong seemed to be stimulated, grabbing the quilt with both hands.

He wished he could rush into the room immediately and see how Xiao Wu was lying in Dean Erlong's arms.

But Xiao Wu, who shared a bed with Er Long, was crying and wanted to leave...

In the small room in the yard, Xiao Wu was about to cry but had no tears.

It turns out that Xiao Wu felt sorry for Er Long, and in order to dig out Teacher Er Long's past, she took the initiative to sleep with Teacher Er Long.

Erlong naturally happily accepted Xiao Wu's request and slept in the same bed with Xiao Wu.

Even Erlong was as considerate as a mother, letting his comfortable arms and gentle mind go unfilled as he hugged Xiaowu to sleep.

After Xiao Wu felt the softness, she felt naturally happy.

But when Erlong fell asleep, everything changed...T_T

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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