Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 237: Did Tang Yuehua meet many people in his free life?

Chapter 237: Did Tang Yuehua meet many people in his free life?
First of all, Xiao Wu found that Erlong's mother was particularly prone to sweating after she fell asleep.

The sweat had a special fragrance, and Xiao Wu could still tolerate it if it wasn't too much.

But little rabbit paper’s pajamas were stained by Erlong’s mother T_T
Bunny Paper looked like she had just come out of the bath, and even her hair became silky.

Erlong’s mother, what kind of water is this? T_T.

Little Tu Zhi felt aggrieved, even though Er Long’s mother’s embrace was soft.

But just like a sponge that always squeezes out water, you can't sleep without water.

Secondly, the little rabbit paper was hugged tighter and tighter by Erlong's mother, and she almost suffocated in Erlong's mother's arms.

Xiao Wu took a big breath again, but barely managed to get a little bit of air.

Xiao Wu couldn't bear to wake up Dean Er Long because Xiao Wu found that even though Dean Er Long was asleep, his face had a sweet and happy smile.

Erlong's mother would not be so cheerful in broad daylight.

"Erlong's mother must be having a sweet dream. Maybe it has something to do with Xiao Wu. She accepted a cute girl like Xiao Wu as her daughter."

The more Xiao Wu thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, so she suffered everything silently and did not dare to disturb Erlong.

Let only the little rabbit paper get hurt in this world...

However, Xiao Wu's hands were not honest. Those delicate and slender hands slid delicately over Erlong's skin. Every time they brushed against a wound, Xiao Wu's heart trembled.

What kind of experience would make Erlong's mother so self-harming?

At the same time, Xiao Wu was also thinking in her mind that if she asks her brother for a bottle of wine, it should be able to heal Erlong’s mother’s scars...

The more Xiao Wu thought about it, the more she felt it was feasible. She must ask Brother for help next time...


Liu Erlong's world is filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, the blue of the sea and the vitality of spring coexisting.

"Man, you want to run away when you're done?" Liu Erlong picked up a coat and shouted in one direction.

But the sea breeze soon blew her coat off again.

Sure enough, Liu Erlong's shout had an effect, and the man in white who had left with the matter came back in the air.

However, when the man came to Liu Erlong's side, he slapped Liu Erlong's face with his palm, "I told you to call the master."

Liu Erlong licked his spicy lips, "Fuck you, master, it was just now, but it's not now."

"A dragon is so easy to ride?"

Liu Erlong took a lunge, raised his palm, and attacked the man directly...


In the room, Liu Erlong opened his eyes in confusion.

"Isn't it dawn yet?" Liu Erlong murmured to the roof. The moon was still giving off its soft light.
The faint moonlight floats in the house.

"That man's martial spirit is indeed magical." Liu Erlong couldn't help but fall into the memories of a few minutes ago...

After ten days and ten nights in that world, when I opened my eyes, the reality was just one night.

Sometimes after staying in that world for three days and three nights, the real world is no more than a stick of incense.

It seemed to be a world where everything was done as one wished...

So that person, who was extremely ferocious in that world, might still be a bad old man?Because you have low self-esteem in the real world?You can only live and thrive in that world.

Liu Erlong was thinking about various possibilities and speculations in his mind...

But Liu Erlong didn't notice that there was a girl staring at her.

Ever since Xiao Wu heard Er Long's mother's voice, she took her head out of Er Long's arms and kept looking at Er Long.

What on earth is Erlong’s mother thinking?
Xiao Wu slowly moved her little head towards Dean Erlong's beauty.

It wasn't until Xiao Wu moved her whole face to the side of Er Long's face that Er Long came back to his senses. "Xiao Wu? Are you awake? Did you sleep uncomfortable?" Erlong's heart skipped a beat before he remembered that he was not sleeping alone today.

"I woke up and slept very comfortably. Sleeping with Erlong's mother is the most comfortable." Xiao Wu said aggrievedly.

"Haha! Xiao Wu, I forgot to tell you. I sweat very easily when I sleep. I'd better not sleep together in the future." Erlong moved his legs and freed Xiao Wu's long legs.

"And when I sleep, I like to hug things. I usually hug pillows, and I haven't gotten used to it for a while."

Seeing Erlong's mother's guilty look, Xiao Wu hurriedly said, "Erlong's mother, it's okay. Xiao Wu is so old, she must sleep alone. It's Xiao Wu's problem that she can't sleep with Erlong's mother."

"Silly boy."

With such a good goddaughter, Erlong no longer thinks about things in the fantasy world. Cherishing Xiao Wu in front of him is the most important thing now.


In Su Chen's house in Tiandou City, Su Chen sat alone in front of the window, watching the silent morning come.

Su Chen's neighbor, Tang Yuehua, had been tossing and turning on the soft big bed, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

Before that incident happened, if Tang Yuehua had trouble falling asleep, he would have simply slipped into Su Chen's bed and teased Su Chen.

But now she didn't dare because she hadn't figured out how to face Su Chen.

"Is it really brother Su Chen who left the slap mark on my body? He doesn't look like this kind of person, and neither does the prince."

After Tang Yuehua returned home yesterday, he checked his whole body thoroughly and found that hateful mark.

This incident has always made her resentful. The mother of etiquette in the Tang and Tang Empires was so insulted. How could she be so elegant?

"But it must be one of them who is drunk? Maybe the sheepskin of the disguise has been taken off, revealing the heart of a wolf."

"In this short life, how many people can I meet that I love? But he and I are not suitable..."

Tang Yuehua finally closed her eyes, wondering if she really fell asleep, but she saw crystal liquid left in the corners of her eyes...

The sun was rising in the east, and Tang San was sitting cross-legged on the roof early in Lan Ba ​​Academy.

The green hair actually sparkled under the rising sun, giving it a special charm.

Tang San's eyes flickered, he took a deep breath and put away his Green Demonic Eyes.

"Oh, San, you are so diligent." Ma Hongjun, who had just come out of Dai Yu's white room and supported the wall, said with a smile.

"Haha, with such a good training environment, of course we can't waste time. Hongjun, when did you go to Boss Dai's room? Why didn't I notice it?"

Tang San wondered, could it be that Fatty and Dai Mubai were practicing secretly in the room earlier than me?
"It's bad, it's not because of the good thing that Poison Douluo did. He couldn't calm down all night. I don't want to talk to Boss Dai all night long." After finishing speaking, Ma Hongjun ignored Tang San and walked to his own room very tiredly, closing the door. Door.

Tang San was helpless, when did he have such a brother?
"Brothers will live up to me, and I will definitely live up to brothers. Being my Tang San's brother should be the most beautiful thing in Douluo Continent."

As Tang San thought about it, even he couldn't help laughing.

In the forest of Lanba Academy

"Xiao Wu, did you sleep soundly last night?" Rongrong, who had been paying attention to the direction of the yard for a long time, finally saw Xiao Wu, who was all wet.

"A dog's nose is really smart." Xiao Wu sniffed the smell on her body, and indeed, Erlong's mother's sweat smelled a bit fragrant.

Ignoring Rong Rong, Xiao Wu walked straight towards the pool.

"Xiao Wu, why are you going to the pool? You look like this, haven't you just taken a bath?" Rongrong was confused, and he could not understand Xiao Wu more and more.

"Hey, Xiao Wu, don't go to the water pool. You can't take a dip in the cold water." Rongrong saw Xiao Wu walking into the water pool and didn't care about it anymore. He wore a little nightgown and ran quickly to the water pool, thinking To stop Xiao Wu.

Zhuqing also walked out of the tent at this time, and happened to see Xiaowu and Rongrong having fun in the pool.

After thinking for a while, he walked into the tent again.

Look no further.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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