Chapter 238 Bibi Dong appears in Tiandou City

While Erlong was watering the flowers in the small courtyard surrounded by fences, he watched Xiao Wu and Rong Rong tugging and tugging in the pool, and couldn't help but sigh: "Youth is so good!"

Lanba College also announced a major event at the all-teachers-students meeting this morning.

Lanba Academy was officially renamed Shrek Academy, with Flanders as its dean.

As for the four new Shrek boys, they are not the focus of the students' attention.

The question that students are most concerned about right now is where is their idol Dean Erlong?
Why don't you become the dean?
Will the college continue to develop as before?
There are more female students in Lanba Academy, but they are all influenced by Dean Erlong.


Xiao Wu and the other three built a house with Er Long in the middle of the forest.

As for their studies, Liu Erlong was teaching them personally.

Therefore, Xiao Wu and others currently do not know that Lan Ba ​​Academy has changed its name.

"Of course it's a new day to build a house. You'll be able to live in a new house in two days. Do you think it's Rongrong?"

Xiao Wu forcefully patted Rongrong's butt a few times and didn't forget to put something on it.

"Huh? Yes, the new house we built together is so meaningful."

"Then why don't you work quickly and get the plank to Zhuqing..."


While drinking papaya milk, Rongrong reluctantly put down the milk in his hands and devoted himself to civil construction.

Xiao Wu took the opportunity...


After Yu Xiaogang finished the college meeting and became familiar with each other, he immediately went to visit his friends in a magnificent compound in Tiandou City.

Shrek's group from Soto City also got on track with their classes at the academy.

It's just that Tang San's green image will inevitably be criticized...

A few days passed by, and Xiao Wu and his wife's new house was finally built thanks to their hard work.

It covers an area of ​​less than [-] square meters and was designed by Xiao Wu into four bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen.

Coupled with the furniture that had been purchased a long time ago, a shelter from the wind and rain came into being, and it was considered complete.

"To celebrate our achievements, let's have a hot pot dinner tonight." Xiao Wu stood on the chair and announced loudly.

"Ugh, hot pot feast, hot pot feast." Rongrong repeated without restraint. She hadn't eaten hot pot for a long time, but Xiao Wu had hidden the secret recipe of hot pot deeply.

Although Liu Erlong didn't know much about hot pot, he followed Xiao Wu and the others and looked forward to it.

Xiao Wu and the others went to buy ingredients, while Er Long returned to the small courtyard to rest.

She is really too tired these days. She has to build a house during the day and also build a house at night, working day and night.

Go catch up on your sleep now...

"Huh? Shrek Academy? Am I blind??"

Rongrong asked three questions in succession, staring suspiciously at the golden characters on the college gate, thinking he was hallucinating from exhaustion.

Although they had only been in Lanba College for a few days and had not attended any classes at the college, the name change shocked the three of them.

"Time traveled? What time is it now?" Xiao Wu also couldn't imagine it.

"Maybe something happened in the past few days that we don't know about." Zhuqing whispered, already thinking of Shrek Academy in Soto City.

At this time, Tang San's team of four appeared.

Tang San, Oscar and Dai Yubai also thought they were hallucinating.

How could it be possible to see Xiao Wu and the others here! ! ! ?
It wasn't until the four of them came closer in a dull manner that they discovered that it was really the three Xiao Wu who had disappeared.

Tang San: Could it be God's will, could it be fate?

Oscar: What is thought in the heart must be echoed.

Dai Yubai: Zhuqing is beautiful again. She should be even more beautiful in the arms of me and Fatty.

Ma Hongjun: Boss Dai’s fiancée?Isn't that my fiancée?
The four boys looked at Xiao Wu and the others, their gazes becoming hotter and bolder.

"Hey, this person with green hair, green eyes, and green skin is so strange. Is he a human?" Xiao Wu looked at Tang San in confusion, "He looks like a former classmate of mine."

"Xiao Wu, don't mention it. There is a bit of a resemblance. This fat guy and the yellow-haired one are so close. They look very similar to Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai. He can't be the legendary gay man."

"Well, when you say that, they really look alike, but their faces are very dark, even their eyelids are black." Dai Yubai:...

Ma Hongjun: ...

"court death."

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai teamed up to take down Xiao Wu and Rongrong.

"It's you who are courting death!!"

But Xiao Wu and Rongrong were more powerful. They raised their fists and easily defeated Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai, who were in poor condition.

"This, they have become stronger again?" Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai, who was repelled, were shocked.

For a while, he didn't dare to attack again, so he could only stand awkwardly with his fists.

The commotion here also caused more and more students to gather around.

"Hey, these three girls are so beautiful. Are they from our college?"

"never seen it."

"Probably, I have seen them with Dean Erlong."


And the college teachers also showed up because of the gathering.

Ma Hongjun saw the college teacher coming and said with a sinister smile, "Teacher, these three girls came from unknown origins and beat up the dean's direct disciples. Get them quickly."

Dai Yubai thought to himself: This is a great move, the fat man has become smarter.

This teacher was also a very discerning person. Long before Shrek and his gang arrived, he had already seen Dean Erlong personally taking the three girls in front of him to register at the academy and taking them to the forest.

With this level of attention, even if the current dean comes, he probably can't afford to offend him.

In the end, Xiao Wu and the other three walked out of Shrek Academy safe and sound, while Ma Hongjun was scolded by the teacher.


Su Chen sat alone on the balcony, looking at the back of his neighbor Tang Yuehua as he went out, and couldn't help but shake his head.

It has been too quiet these days, so quiet that Su Chen is not used to it.

Tang Yuehua was very responsible these days and never came to Su Chen's house to ask anything.

Not to mention knocking on Su Chen's door as usual as before.

As a result, the two of them seemed to have become strangers, without any relationship.

As for Qian Renxue, whether because of a guilty conscience or something else, she didn't come for ward rounds even once.

The world is quiet. Is my beautiful life coming to an end?
Su Chen sighed, and his figure slowly blurred until he disappeared.


Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou worked hard, and after several days of traveling, they arrived in Tiandou City.

Bibi Dong is wearing an elegant purple dress, with a graceful figure, undulating curves, and light steps. Her grace is peerless, ethereal and agile.
With an ethereal aura, like a fairy descending from the earth
There was a purple sunhat on her head, and the purple silk hanging from the brim covered Bibi Dong's stunning face.

However, even so, many passers-by still stopped to watch, but they had no intention of approaching.

Cheng Rou's decoration is similar to Bibi Dong's, and even her body proportions look like a version of Bibi Dong that hasn't yet advanced.

Passers-by agreed that this was a trip between sisters.

Because this was a private matter that was not open to outsiders, Bibi Dong paid a private visit to Tiandou City, not wanting to alarm any forces, nor did she want to use the power of Wuhun Palace.

"Teacher, if you find my sister, you can find Yu Xiaogang. My sister left me a password." Cheng Rou also understood what the teacher was thinking and didn't want to alarm too many people.

Bibi Dong was looking carefully at the Jiujianxian Daily in her hand, her mind racing with thoughts, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

"Teacher, this is Jiujianxian's daily report. We don't have it in Wuhun City yet." Cheng Rou explained.

Bibi Dong gently showed her forehead, "No need to look for your sister, come with me."

"Oh" Cheng Rou regretted that her idea of ​​catching up with the sisters and introducing them to the teacher could not succeed.

Cheng Rou followed Bibi Dong straight into the Prince's Mansion. The strange thing was that no one stopped the two of them, as if they couldn't see Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou at all.

Cheng Rou was surprised and deeply admired the teacher's strength.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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