Chapter 242 Dugu Bo and Tang San
After looking at each other for a while, the boy sat on the ground naturally and casually.

Bibi Dong turned his head slightly and looked down at the young man drinking.

Inexplicably, Bibi Dong felt that although this young man was just sitting casually, his every move, his casual blinking, his drinking and having fun, seemed to be integrated with the environment.

No, the environment has become dominated by teenagers.

Bibi Dong was inexplicably shocked, wondering if she was overthinking it.

After thinking about it, Bibi Dong decided to speak first, taking the initiative while testing the young man's attitude.

"If you remember marrying the Pope, come with me."

Bibi Dong did not change the Pope to me. However, when Bibi Dong said these words, there were many emotions intertwined in her heart, including anxiety, relief, and a little expectation.

Bibi Dong stared at the young man expressionlessly, waiting for his answer...

Su Chen was inexplicably happy and wanted to laugh. He didn't expect Bibi Dong to say that.


Su Chen answered very happily, looking up and smiling slightly at Bibidong.

Bibi Dong didn't know why, she seemed to feel much more relaxed.

"Could it be that your heart was tense just now?"


The sun shines on the beautiful faces of the four sisters. They get up together, make breakfast together, and do morning exercises together. In the rare morning time, Erlong will teach them personally.

On the other side, the four boys from Shrek were also doing okay.

You can't always be miserable, right?

Although Tang San had been tortured by Dugu Bo's toxin these past few days, it wasn't the kind that caused insomnia, it was related to the color green.

The predecessor of Shrek Academy was Lanba Academy. Because of Liu Erlong, the academy recruited civilian soul masters. Many female soul masters came here because of Liu Erlong's reputation and became Erlong's fans.

Therefore, the lack of female soul masters in the soul master world does not exist at Shrek Academy now.

More than half of the college's students are female, and most of them are beauties.

Because of his rare talent and martial arts spirit, coupled with his beautiful appearance, Oscar has accidentally become a hot commodity among female students.

This is a situation that Oscar did not expect. In the past, in Soto City, there was no aura, and he lived under the light of Boss Dai.

Now she is being competed by girls one after another to be her best friend.

Can't that be fun?

Oscar's mouth hasn't been closed for several days.

Tang San also couldn't figure this out: Why can't Tang San, who has lived in two lifetimes, not be as good as Oscar? ?
Tang San walked into the classroom. This was the only class in the academy with soul power above level 30. He counted more than [-] people.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Tang San saw the strange looks he received from both male and female students.

Compared to everyone’s discussion at the beginning,

"Look, that person is so strange."

"Yes, it looks like green grassland."

"Looking at him, I feel so unappetizing. How can there be a person with this skin color?"

"Is his whole family green?..."

But for now, after getting used to Tang San's green color, the students would only look at him strangely for a while.

Tang San wasn't used to it at first, and even wanted to give those who looked at him a label of "death methods" in the future.

However, after discovering that the entire academy viewed me this way, I quietly gave up on this idea...

"A group of idiots from another world. Green is the color of health and environmental protection."

Tang San could only scold them like this in his heart.

This also resulted in that no girl had spoken to Tang San so far.

There weren't even any girls within two meters of Tang San.

Oscar, on the other hand, was dragged into chatting by several girls from time to time, which made Tang San feel very uneasy.

If this continues, how will my binding method improve...

Fortunately, Tang San is not alone. Just as unpopular with girls as Tang San is student Ma Hongjun.Because of his soul power level, Ma Hongjun is not in the same class as Dai Yubai and others, and belongs to the 25-29 class.

Ma Hongjun is very satisfied with this. He thinks that with his own strength, isn't he the boss of the class?
Therefore, Ma Hongjun relied on his strength, brothers and background to start misbehaving in the class and harassing female students.

There was even one time when he coerced a female student with no background into the woods and almost succeeded.

Fortunately, a group of female students and their teachers stopped him.

Therefore, Ma Hongjun also became a street rat disliked by the girls in the college.

The only student who doesn't dislike Ma Hongjun is Dai Yubai, which also makes Dai Yubai not very popular with girls.

Tang San: Fatty people can deceive female students, so why can't I, Tang San, deceive female students into practicing binding techniques...

Oscar: It’s better not to admit your relationship with Ma Hongjun.

After class, Tang San left the class and came to the academy forest, wading under the big trees in the forest and thinking about life.

It is strange that he came to this Douluo Continent from the Tang Sect of Xishu, and he was supposed to suppress Douluo.

But the current development does not seem to be going smoothly. I have a father but no mother. There are even rumors in the village that I was sent by Tang’s father to learn blacksmithing.

The girl I like, Xiao Wu, refuses to express her love for me because of her young age...

And now this green...

The only good thing is that his cultivation is not weak and he can stand up among his peers.

Tang San also thought about releasing his own green color, but he had tried everything that should be tried, and he still couldn't do it until now.

"If heaven had not given birth to me, Tang San, there would have been no endless nights of fencing."

Tang San shouted, quite relieved, and tightened his belt.

But Tang San didn't know that on the big tree behind him, Dugu Bo witnessed everything that just happened.

Dugu Bo: Why is this kid so cute...

This was the first time that Dugu Bo had seen a man practicing traditional skills in broad daylight, and he couldn't help but improve his evaluation of Tang San.

Dugu Bo was no longer hiding, and suddenly appeared in front of Tang San.

Tang San's heart almost jumped out of his chest, and his face turned extremely red, "How long have you been here?"

"Just here, please pay attention to the attitude of your words." Dugu Bo had no expression on his face, and with a wave of his hand, he knocked Tang San to the ground.

What a coincidence, I landed on my face

Tang San pulled his face off the ground, his expression was indescribably weird, because the wet dirt on his face had a lot to do with just now...

"Boy, it seems that you are also an ignorant person who talks big words." Dugu Bo said calmly, very calmly.

"Don't you know very well whether I am ignorant or not?" Tang San wiped the yellow mud off his face and pretended to be disdainful, thinking that Dugu Bo was here to seek help for detoxification.

"Haha, you kid, you can't even detoxify me from this little bit of poison. Your whole body is green. Do you get itching on your sides when it's cloudy and rainy? It will happen once at noon and midnight, and at the third watch, your head and heart will itch. There was a stinging pain everywhere, and the whole body spasmed, and I was in unbearable pain.”

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't." Tang San defended, he really didn't feel this way.

"Huh? You are all green, why don't you? Didn't you tell me that you have it?" Dugu Bo said calmly, with a rather superior demeanor.

"You..., you are the whole body..." Tang San did not finish, because he looked at Dugu Bo and found that Dugu Bo's eyes were no longer green, but a bright and healthy color.

Tang San's heart skipped a beat: Could it be that there was nothing wrong with this old monster? He had guessed wrong!
For a moment, Tang San had nothing to say.

Seeing Tang San admitting defeat, Dugu Bo was satisfied, "Haha, this is the beginning of your nightmare. Cursing me for being poisoned is no small matter. Feel the pain you mentioned."

Dugu Bo lightly tapped Tang San and then disappeared.

As for why Dugu Bo didn't deal with Tang San like an ant, it was because it really didn't make sense.

First of all, it is not necessary for an ant, and Dugu Bo thinks that such a cute person should be an interesting joke.

"He didn't kill me? What did you mean when you left?" Tang San forced his anus to rise and did not urinate.

He swore that this was definitely the hardest vaginal penetration he had ever done in his life.

"My green skin is gone..."

Tang San's expression became wonderful, he even forgot about Dugu Bo's threat just now, and there was a smile on his face.

But Tang San didn't notice that all the green color was concentrated in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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