Chapter 243 The Unnatural Bitter Meat Scheme

"I cried, Titled Douluo is so gentle."

Tang San looked delighted, tears of happiness flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"I, Tang San, am finally no longer green..."

Tang San walked towards the classroom without looking back.

And what is Tang San’s teacher Yu Xiaogang doing right now?
Yu Xiaogang walked out of a certain mansion refreshed while holding on to the wall.

"If God had not given birth to me, Yu Xiaogang, who else could be better than me?"

After Yu Xiaogang shouted in his heart, he didn't care at all about the doubtful looks cast by the people around him.

"A bunch of mediocre people, haven't you ever seen a handsome guy with a lot of knowledge?"

However, after Yu Xiaogang saw the Jiujianxian Daily in their hands, his expression soon became gloomy.

"The damn Jiujianxian Daily News makes me unhappy after reading it. It makes me go out in Soto City to cover this face that has been killed by thousands of people."

However, Yu Xiaogang began to be wary of the forces behind Jiujianxian Daily.

Because the powerful man tied up this time actually refused to help the coquettish him deal with Jiujianxian Daily in order to avenge Soto City.

When I found more and more people holding Jiujianxian's daily newspapers, I looked at myself and then at the daily newspapers in their hands, as if they were comparing something.

Yu Xiaogang had a bad feeling for no reason, and immediately grabbed a copy of Jiujianxian Daily from a thin passerby.

After watching for a while, his face instantly turned as red as lava and erupted.


Yu Xiaogang immediately took out the mask from his arms and put it on. He broke away from the crowd's pointing and hurried towards the college regardless of the emptiness in his waist.

After returning to the academy, Yu Xiaogang immediately went to Flanders to file a complaint, denying that he was not responsible for what was reported in the newspaper, and that this was a slander.

Yu Xiaogang was very worried that if this content spread to Erlong, he would lose Erlong.

After all, Liu Erlong is still of great use to Yu Xiaogang, and the conflicts can be resolved now, but of course he cannot really lose Erlong.

Flanders was also wondering why Jiujianxian Daily would target Xiaogang again and find someone similar to Xiaogang to slander him.

"Xiao Gang, is this really not you?" Flanders confirmed again.

"I guarantee in the name of Master that I didn't do it."

After hearing this, Dean Flender put aside his doubts.

After seeing that Flanders believed him, Yu Xiaogang immediately pursued him and said, "For the happiness of Erlong, Flanders, I hope you can cooperate with me."

Flanders glanced at Yu Xiaogang's bitter face again and nodded slightly.


Flanders took Yu Xiaogang to Erlong's residence. The vitality and highly soluble oxygen in the forest made the two of them relax and start to daydream about some beautiful things.

Although Flanders wanted to come to Erlong to reminisce in the past few days, he suddenly became the dean of the hospital and had many things to deal with, so he has not been able to come to Erlong to talk to him.

Will Erlong have feelings for me...

Not to mention Yu Xiaogang, who occasionally showed his face in front of the academy students under the name of master during the day, but disappeared at night.

Because she thought it was the little bitch Erlong who was in a mood, or she was having some entanglements in her heart, as an emotional hunter, Yu Xiaogang never thought of coming to Erlong first.

In a relationship, it depends on who can't help but miss you first.

I, Master Yu Xiaogang, a well-known handsome man, once played with Liu Erlong's feelings to the court. Why would Liu Erlong stop loving me? It's impossible.

It's just that Liu Erlong was also a conservative girl before, and I have never encountered such wonderful things.

Such a girl can't even satisfy this point. It's a pity to throw away the food without taste. Playing with feelings is the best.

Yu Xiaogang was secretly excited when he thought of leaving Liu Erlong, who was deeply in love with him, on the night of worship.

The most important thing is that I can still feel disgusted by my second uncle who is nice to me on the outside but looks down on me on the inside, hahaha...

My second uncle, your despicable daughter, came to court with me, and your expression was so great at that time (crazy inside)
Your daughter has been grieving for me for 20 years, and she also had a falling out with you and came to me like crazy. It’s really great (hahahaha)

At this time, a wooden ball flew towards Yu Xiaogang and Flender.

Flanders didn't care. Even Yu Xiaogang, a useless person, could easily dodge a ball with such speed.Flender moved his body slightly and avoided it perfectly. Just when he wanted to continue walking forward, a painful "Ouch" made him stop and look at Yu Xiaogang behind him.

Yu Xiaogang looked like he was about to cry without tears. He covered his forehead with both hands. While his forehead was stained red with blood, the place where Yu Xiaogang covered it was slowly swelling.

"Xiao Gang, are you playing a trick?" Flanders thought of something and said half-understanding.

A bitter plot?Why didn't I think of that?

Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt that having a head as big as a steamed bun was not a bad thing.

"Fland, don't talk nonsense." Yu Xiaogang stood up tremblingly, holding the big bag on his head.

With a flick of his robe, he raised the sleeves of Yu Xiaogang's robe with the grace of an expert.

"High!" Flanders gave a thumbs up, secretly admiring him.

This cruel trick even made me feel sad when I saw it, let alone Erlong, who was very sympathetic.


"Xiao Wu, where did you hit my ball again?" In the small courtyard surrounded by Liu Erlong's fence, Rongrong accused Xiao Wu with an upright face.

"That ball of yours is too ugly, it's bumpy and not smooth, it doesn't look like a ball." Xiao Wu glanced over his head with disdain.

Erlong, who was on the side, watched them bickering silently without saying a word, but in fact, she was already shocked inside.

Today, these children have to practice controlling their soul power. Originally, they just gave some random suggestions. After all, they are just mere soul masters. They have no soul power to control.

It wasn't until he saw these children using their soul power to hollow out trees and make balls that Liu Erlong discovered the horror.

There are many ways for a soul master to knock down a tree, but if you want to use soul power to create a ball, the difficulty is countless times greater.

This is far beyond what Soul Lord can do.

But in the end, even the great soul master Rongrong did it, although it was not like a ball...

But what else can Erlong say...

"Er Longmei, are you there?" At this time, Flanders' voice came from the fence door.

"Boss Fu? What's the matter?" Erlong stood up and went to open the fence door.

He doesn't like to have people break into his residence, but if it's just Flanders, Erlong can accept it.

But when he opened the gate of the fence, Erlong also saw the majestic Yu Xiaogang beside Flanders.

"Boss Fu, what's the matter? The courtyard is small and there's not enough room for a few people. Let's talk outside."

Liu Erlong thought that Flanders was being targeted by some teachers in the college and came to him to help him.

"Er Longmei, it's Xiaogang's business, Xiaogang." However, before Flanders could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

"Uh," Erlong interrupted Flanders with a bad look on his face.

When Yu Xiaogang found out, he thought Erlong was about to explode. He was worried about himself and couldn't help but smile inwardly.

"What does it have to do with me? If there's nothing else, I'll go back and teach the students."

However, Erlong's answer made both Flanders and Yu Xiaogang twitch.

Flanders: No, Erlong doesn't care about Xiaogang at all.

Jade Xiaozhu: I have a question. Is this woman already a hunter of the highest rank?I can't help but feel worried.

Instead of being depressed, Yu Xiaogang felt frustrated because he was stimulated by Er Long's unintentional words and secretly admired Er Long's methods.

But the more thoughts that came to my mind were to conquer this woman's feelings more ruthlessly again, trampling on her ruthlessly...

Yu Xiaogang showed off his skills as an old dramatist and shed two lines of tears. He put down his right hand that was covering the big bag, raised it slightly, faced Erlong, his eyes were affectionate, so affectionate that he pulled it back again.

He said miserably: "Er Long..., forget it, Flanders, let's go. I was targeted by Jiujianxian Daily. The opponent's power is too strong. We can't implicate Er Long."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he wiped away his tears with his right hand, gritted his teeth, and shook it hard, looking very manly.
After doing this, Yu Xiaogang slowly turned around.

Yu Xiaogang: You little bitch Erlong will stop me in three seconds, three two one
0.9 0.8 0.7...

(End of this chapter)

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