Chapter 244 I look better when Tang San is green?
Looking at Yu Xiaogang who turned to leave, Liu Erlong was also puzzled and didn't know whether to stop him and ask why.

Although I no longer have feelings for Yu Xiaogang, I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore.

Erlong thought that what happened in the past was his own life and he could not blame anyone. Everything disappeared.

But when I saw Yu Xiaogang's pig-like skull, I felt very pitiful.

Just like that, Erlong stood at the door and thought for 2 minutes. When he came to his senses, he realized that Yu Xiaogang had only taken one step! ! ! !

Flanders: Time passes slower?

Liu Erlong: Why haven't you left yet?
"Boss Fu, the Jiujianxian Daily is the biggest secret I use to pass the time. If you dare to use your sword, how can you target a useless Yu Xiaogang." After Erlong finished speaking, he glanced at Yu Xiaogang inadvertently.

Flanders: Baboon?

Yu Xiaogang's eyes narrowed: Impossible, how could that silly woman who was once so gentle to me think I was a waste.
Yu Xiaogang knew the word "waste" best, and knew in his heart that what Erlong was talking about was "waste".

"Maybe, Erlong hasn't read today's Jiujianxian Daily News? The content on Xiaogang is afraid that Xiaogang's reputation will be ruined." Flanders sighed.

"Ahem," Yu Xiaogang coughed again.

Flanders understood, "Erlong, the three female students here are the monster students we brought from Soto City. I hope they can appear in Shrek's class and laugh with the students... …”

Flanders made a lot of crackling words, but Erlong was not on the right track at all.

"It depends on their wishes. I will discuss it with them." After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he added, "If there is nothing else, I will supervise their training."

After saying this, Flanders had no choice but to turn around and take Yu Xiaogang away. However, Erlong said again, "Boss Fu, let's have dinner together next time when we are free."

"Okay, Erlongmei." Flanders was so happy that he couldn't help but hold Yu Xiaogang's hand tightly.

Yu Xiaogang: I feel like I’m superfluous. No, are you inviting me in a different direction? ?
Flanders: Has Erlong already gotten over that relationship?
Erlong watched the two people with their own thoughts leave. As soon as he closed the fence door, he saw Xiao Wu walking towards him.

"Mother Erlong, aren't those Yu Xiaogang and Flanders? What are they doing here?"

"For some trivial matters, Yu Xiaogang seems to have been slandered by Jiujianxian Daily. But who cares about this?"

Liu Erlong waved his hand without caring at all. Yu Xiaogang was already in the past tense, and so was that bad relationship.

"Oh, I don't believe that Jiujianxian Daily will slander Yu Xiaogang. I'll go get a copy and take a look." After Xiao Wu finished speaking, he ran out quickly without waiting for Erlong's reply.


"Sure enough, Erlong's mother, I said that the lovely newspaper will not slander Yu Xiaogang." After Xiao Wu got the newspaper back, she returned to the small garden in the forest.

Erlong looked at the content in the newspaper and was speechless for a moment. She couldn't imagine that this was true.

"But, Xiao Wu, this is a bit..."

Erlong didn't finish his words and didn't even want to admit that what happened about Yu Xiaogang in the newspaper was true.

Or maybe she didn't want anyone to know that she had a past with Yu Xiaogang.

After all, the four girls in front of them knew that they had a relationship with Yu Xiaogang, haha.

"It's so embarrassing. I feel like my life is stained."

"Why did I..."

When she saw the image of Yu Xiaogang and another man on the same bed in the newspaper, Liu Erlong wanted to vomit and at the same time felt disgusted with herself. Had she ever been in love with such a person?

Liu Erlong thought to himself: I just hope these four girls don't laugh at him...

Of course Xiao Wu and the others don't.

Cheng Rou: Dean Erlong, it would be great if my teacher had a mentality like yours.

The teacher doesn't know what he is doing now...

"Erlong's mother, it's true. I went to the same college as this Jade Piggy..."

Xiao Wu told Liu Erlong all about Yu Xiaogang's past behavior.

Seeing Xiao Wu's vow, Liu Erlong had no choice but to believe that it was true, and it really couldn't be true anymore.

After all, how could such a cute girl tell lies?
Liu Erlong: Fortunately, I am smart enough to not continue to embarrass myself. Even a bad old man would be better than my predecessor.

Yu Xiaogang: Liu Erlong is very polite.Xiaowu and the others comforted Erlong with another wave of warmth.

"Erlong's mother, you are so good, you can find a good man who is [-] million times better than Yu Xiaozhu."

"Dean Erlong, I will kill Yu Xiaogang for you."

"Dean Erlong, Yu Xiaogang doesn't deserve your sadness."

"Dean Erlong, you made the right choice."


Cheng Rou was inexplicably envious of the scene at this moment.

If Sister Nana had been there at that time, maybe she could have comforted the teacher...


On the other side, after Tang San's green color disappeared, he couldn't wait to return to the classroom.

His whole body became straighter, and he walked into the classroom, lightly flipping his black hair, hoping to be amazed by his classmates.

Tang San: There's no way, it's not the green giant's confidence.

However, no one in the classroom paid attention to Tang San.

Tang San also noticed this embarrassment, so he shouted: "Boss Dai!"

Dai Yubai: Why are you shouting so loudly? The girl you finally met ran away like this.

The female classmate who had finally made some progress left because of Tang San's shouting, which made Dai Yubai feel a little angry.

Looking at Tang San, Dai Yubai's eyes lit up and said: "Xiao San, where is your green one?"

Dai Yubai's words also made the students in the class turn their attention to Tang San.

Feeling the gaze of others, Tang San felt proud in his heart: Ordinary people, please be amazed, this is me, so handsome.

""He looks better in green. "There is humanity.

"Yes, I think it's a bit embarrassing now," said a female student.

Tang San: ... all girls like duplicity?

Su Chen lay on the tree and looked at the afterglow that was about to set, his eyes were far-reaching and very leisurely.

Ever since Bibi Dong finished his confession to Su Chen, Su Chen had stayed at the initial meeting place and never left.

The reason is that Bibi Dong hasn't moved either.

After the initial conversation, the two of them talked very rarely.

The only time was when Bibi Dong said he had to leave for a while because of something, leaving Su Chen to wait where he was.

No, Bibi Dong is back now.

Bibi Dong felt inexplicably happy when she saw Su Chen who had not left yet and had been waiting for her.

Then, Bibi Dong flashed the ring on her index finger, and a small cloth bag appeared out of thin air.

Bibi Dong threw it out to Su Chen on the tree.

This ring came with Su Chen's gift of herbal medicine. It might be because the ring has a larger space, and Bibi Dong likes it very much.

This ring was also taken out by Bibi Dong from her chest and put on her hand not long ago. When she was sleeping in the lake, she carefully took it off and hid it in her chest.

Su Chen took the bag he took very seriously.

Well, what could it be?A woman's secret is still something extraordinary.

Su Chen silently thought interestingly...

End of this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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