Chapter 245 Return
Su Chen opened the mouth of the bag, and there were several pieces of golden and soft dough inside.

It was not unexpected, and it was reasonable, because the two of them had not eaten anything since morning.

Su Chen didn't think about whether it was something he prepared for himself while Bibi Dong was away or whether he was carrying it with him.
I just want to eat.

Picking up a piece from it, holding it in his hands and looking at it, there was a fragrance that was different from other noodles.

Su Chen didn't look at it any more, didn't think much about it, and ate it slowly as usual.

“This is the first time I tasted this kind of noodle cake with lingering fragrance.
Where can I buy it? "

Su Chen's voice seemed to have some nostalgia, and he revealed that he still wanted it.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, her stunning face showing no emotion, anger, sorrow or joy remained silent.

Regarding this mysterious man who suddenly appeared in his life and wanted to marry him, it would be better for him to remain silent.

"You can't buy it." Bibi Dong still answered for some reason.

The voice was majestic and confident.

After saying that, Bibi Dong stopped paying attention to Su Chen sleeping on the tree and silently closed her beautiful eyes and sat cross-legged.

This pancake is one of the foods that Bibi Dong and Cheng Rou made together when they came here. Because of the strange soul guide given by Su Chen, they can keep the food fresh and make a lot of it.

The night came, and the moonlight fell on the two people who still kept their distance.

Bibi Dong glanced at Su Chen, who was still in the tree without moving. Although he thought he was strange, he didn't ask too much.

After thinking about it, Bibi Dong took out a simple tent that did not match her status from the soul guide.

The tent is grounded and formed.

The space is not big, so simple that you can't lie down, you can only sit cross-legged inside.

When a girl and a boy are alone, it would be better to have a tent to cover them.

If you are ugly occasionally, you won't be seen.

Bibi Dong occasionally thinks like this.

Bibi Dong entered the tent very elegantly and sat cross-legged. Under the moonlight, outside the tent, you could see a very harmonious and soft shadow in the tent, which seemed to be a stroke of art, exuding a different kind of temptation.

The night was peaceful, calmer than the ripples in the gentle breeze.

Bibi Dong: The man in the tree is a bit obedient, he probably won’t freeze to death...

The next day, as the light began to rise, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes slowly opened, and in the blink of an eye, she had already walked out of the tent.

The rising sun shines on her beautiful figure high above. The 3000 million strands of hair are flowing down like a waterfall, extremely smooth. The long eyelashes tremble slightly and sweep in a certain direction inadvertently.

Dressed in purple clothes, she is dancing in a state of transcendence. She is extremely graceful and graceful, like a goddess walking out of a painting.


"Sister Xiaorou, can't you stay a few more days?"

"Yes, tell your family elders not to be so impatient."

"Knowing that you are here, I will come to you as soon as I have time." Cheng Rou smiled slightly, feeling emotional in her heart, but now she is more concerned about the teacher's situation.

She also didn't expect that the teacher would find her yesterday and ask her to leave together to return to Wuhun Palace today.

Cheng Rou, Xiao Wu Zhuqing said goodbye reluctantly and rushed in the direction of Bibi Dong.


"What are you doing here, teacher?" Cheng Rou couldn't help but wonder as she walked and observed the surrounding scenery.

How did you spend the time when the teacher disappeared?Do you really not blame me...

After a while, Cheng Rou finally arrived at a lake surrounded by the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. She also saw the back of the teacher standing alone, full of stories, aloof and great.

"Teacher." Cheng Rou lowered her head and called softly.

"Let's go." Bibi Dong turned slightly, and her perfect face was revealed bit by bit in Cheng Rou's eyes. Her skin was like snow, but with a trace of rosy color that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

"Okay, teacher, Junche is ready." Cheng Rou felt happy when she saw the teacher's calm and friendly look.

Cheng Rou held up a purple flower umbrella and walked side by side with Bibi Dong, shielding her from the sun.
"Let's go." Bibi Dong shouted softly again. "Ah?" Cheng Rou was confused, wasn't he leaving?
Cheng Rou never noticed Su Chen on the tree.

Su Chen, who was lying leisurely on the tree, raised the corners of his mouth and jumped up from the tree without concealing it. He stepped on the leaves and walked lightly in the air.

Cheng Rou looked sideways and saw the man in white clothes from Juechen coming from the sky.

I don’t know how to describe the appearance, I don’t know how to describe the aura...

Cheng Rou's heart skipped a beat, her mind went blank for a moment, and her breathing suffocated slightly.

With such an expression and temperament, Cheng Rou blurted out, "He is the Wine Sword Immortal."

The person who once changed my destiny is also the person who holds the sword for me...

"Long time no see." Su Chen landed, just one person away from Cheng Rou.

"Long time no see." Cheng Rou's face turned red and she was at a loss. She couldn't help but tighten her hand on the umbrella handle.

When Bibi Dong saw this, she frowned slightly and said, "Childish."

Cheng Rou: Ah?The teacher is scolding me T_T
Cheng Rou quickly looked away and continued moving forward with the teacher.

Su Chen, who was slowly following behind, naturally knew who he was scolding, and couldn't help but smile.

Walking out of the two-person lane, there was a luxurious car on the avenue.

The three of them got into the car one after another. Although the space in the car was not large, it was more than enough for three people.

Su Chen and Bibi Dong sat opposite each other, and both of them could not help but shift their gaze slightly.

The carriage started slowly, and not long after, a refreshing fragrance became stronger and stronger in the carriage.

It was emanating from Bibi Dong. Su Chen took a sip without concealing a trace of enjoyment on the corner of his mouth.

After Bibi Dong took a look, faced with some teasing behavior, she said nothing and moved her eyes to the window.

Why does the atmosphere feel so strange?

Cheng Rou had already begun to think deeply.

After all, one is the most mysterious wine-sword fairy who sees the dragon disappear, and the other is the most powerful goddess on the Douluo Continent. Anyone would think more about it.

What happened on the day and two nights when the teacher left, and what happened with Jiujianxian? Could it be that the teacher and Jiujianxian had...

Cheng Rou's fair and delicate skin became warmer, and traces of rosiness slowly appeared.

No, no, no, the teacher is not such a casual person,

I really want to know what happened⊙_⊙

How did the teacher and Jiujianxian meet?
Why is Jiujianxian willing to be here?

Did anything happen between the teacher and Jiujianxian...

No, why am I gossiping like Rongrong?

Cheng Rou immediately calmed down and stopped all the thoughts in her mind.

He moved his gaze slightly towards Jiujianxian and found that Jiujianxian had been looking at him intently since I don't know when.


Cheng Rou was like a child who had done something wrong, her face was visibly red.

The little deer bumped down, Cheng Ju said, "Teacher, where are we?"

Bibi Dong had been looking out the window, not knowing what had just happened, "Tian Dou City."

"Yeah." Cheng Rou nodded obediently, but she was cursing herself for being stupid in her heart. After all, it hadn't been long since she got in the car.

How can you ask this question!

At the same time, I also secretly swore that I would never peek again.

(End of this chapter)

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