Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 28 The changes in Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing

Chapter 28 The changes in Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing (please praise)

Bibi Dong lectured: "Rourou, when you become the Soul King, you should be able to absorb it to reach the physical and mental strength of a Soul Emperor or even a Soul Saint. This will also give you the ability to easily leapfrog. Why do you still dislike it?" What? Growth requires footprints, and you have to be down-to-earth to become stronger, you know?"

"I understand, teacher." Rourou was taught and understood.

"Well, you can absorb it for me now and I'll check if there are any drawbacks." Bibi Dong said with concern.

"good teacher."

Cheng Rou did not hesitate. Under the control of her consciousness, a golden stripe flew out of her martial soul and circled around Cheng Rou from the top of her head downwards, slowly integrating into Cheng Rou's body until it disappeared.

Cheng Rou couldn't help but let out a gasp after being wrapped in this golden light. It seemed that being wrapped in this golden light was the ultimate enjoyment.

After reading it, Bibi Dong didn't see anything wrong except being surprised.

"Rourou, there should be no problem. How did you feel just now?" Bibi Dong asked.

"Ah, teacher, it is a kind of physical pleasure. It feels like every part of the body is like a tiny life. They are cheering for joy. However, the golden light is too small and short, and it seems that it cannot be satisfied." Rourou was a little dissatisfied.

Bibi Dong felt that this disciple must have made her angry on purpose. Isn't this enough?If this was not her disciple but someone else, she would have arrested him and educated him long ago.

"Rourou, will the disappearance of this golden light have any impact on your martial spirit?" Bibi Dong asked again.

"No, teacher, this golden light can be generated automatically in my body by absorbing my excess soul power. By the way, I feel that it also has another effect. When the golden light covers me, I can be immune to any negative effects and can also heal my own injuries. ." Rourou thought for a while and said again.

Rourou then demonstrated the effect of purple light to Bibi Dong.

Rourou once again brought a surprise to Bibi Dong. My disciple is not just an offensive soul master, but he can also heal himself. He is already so powerful even before he has grown up.

"Did you experiment with golden light and purple light on Nana?" Bibi Dong said with a slight smile.

"Ah, yes, it's a pity that it has no effect on Sister Nana." Cheng Rou looked regretful.

Bibi Dong gently stroked Rourou's head, "You, maybe when your level is higher, your martial spirit will bring you surprises. But you don't have to think about Nana all the time, she is not bad, and because of you, I have become harder and harder.”

"Well, teacher, I understand. I'm going to see Sister Nana now to see if she has done a good job." Cheng Rou said happily.

"Well, let's go."

In the Star Luo Empire, there is a tree trying to survive on a cliff somewhere.

There was a girl standing on this tree. She was standing on one foot, with her eyes closed, as if she was thinking about what she was feeling.

The breeze blew over her cold face, and the hem of her skirt also moved with the wind.

Her body began to tilt downward, and she fell straight down.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and a black cat tail appeared from her waist.

"Free and powerful." She smiled and shouted.

Something weird happened. She stopped falling, as if there was a support point in the air, and she began to jump in the air.

As the cat's tail swung, her proud figure also trembled, and she used force to adjust her position and direction in the air.

Zhuqing became more and more satisfied with her current strength. She began to accelerate in the air. Soon, she was no longer in this area.

Zhuqing came to a big tree with nostalgia in her eyes. This was the place where she met him.

Zhuqing easily jumped up to a tree dozens of meters high. She began to imitate Su Chen and lay down on the tree. A look of satisfaction and sweetness began to appear on her face, but slowly it turned into resentment.

"You stinky man, just leave as soon as you say so, leaving me alone." Zhuqing's tone was cold and full of resentment.

After saying that, she began to abuse the leaves.

It was true that Su Chen had given her so much that it was impossible not to think of him.

In those days, she went from an ordinary soul master to a powerful person in Douluo Continent. Even now, she still finds it incredible. This is not something that humans can do.She already has the physical fitness of a titled Douluo, far exceeding the total soul power of the same level.Naturally, this advantage will not be wasted.

For the past six months, she has been mastering and understanding her own strength and learning how to use her advantages more skillfully.

Today she finally felt that she had achieved some success. She had more control over her power and speed, and she even created some moves of her own.

She now has strong self-confidence instead of blind self-confidence.

She had thought that the odds of winning against a strong Contra player were [-]% to [-]%, let alone a rare strong Titled Douluo player, whom she had never seen before.

Although she has the physical fitness of a Titled Douluo, she is still a human being. It would be easy for those strong men to defeat her with their soul skills. The only advantage in facing these strong men is that she can retreat. She is not afraid of these strong men. Level soul power pressure.

As for the powerful Soul King, she felt confident that she could kill him, and the Soul Emperor was also somewhat confident.That's within her safety now.

"Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger?" Zhuqing murmured to himself, thinking of a word Su Chen said to her.

She has been hiding in hiding, and people in her family are indifferent to her.

She also doesn't want her talent and strength to be known to outsiders. This is her secret.

If people knew that a great soul master could kill the soul king, he would get a more dangerous life than Zhuqing.

Putting aside the family's attitude towards her, the Star Luo Empire royal family alone would not allow Zhuqing to rise, because the Zhu family could only be retainers in the eyes of the Star Luo royal family...
In more than half a year, Zhuqing's soul power only improved one level, reaching level 22, but she was not dissatisfied.

Not to mention that she didn't spend much time meditating and practicing in the past six months, almost all of it was spent elsewhere.Moreover, the total amount of her soul power upgrade is several times that of others, so naturally her level up is not that fast.

Zhuqing looked at the sky and raised his right hand: "Become stronger, become stronger, and then..."

She has decided to go to Shrek Academy next year to see how her fiancé who abandoned her is doing...

notting city

In Xiaowu's residence

Xiao Wu sits cross-legged and meditates.

"Level 45."

Xiao Wu opened her eyes, her eyes were shining brightly, and she couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

Since her soul and spiritual power reached the level of Titled Douluo, she found that her brain capacity had also expanded, and she could learn many things in one go.

"But I still can't escape the clutches of the Titled Douluo." Xiao Wu sighed, how long will it take for me to gain freedom.

"How about secretly killing the mistress?"

"No, no, I will die. Titled Douluo will not reason with me, he will definitely find me." Xiao Wu's pink face showed thinking, like a delicate doll that came to life.

What is a pity for Xiao Wu is that although her soul power is powerful, it can only make her practice faster, make her brain smarter, and have stronger awareness. It can also allow her to condense a ten-thousand-year soul ring. Other than these, it seems to be useless.

Xiao Wu then performed another set of strange moves.

"Oh, sister Xiaowu, it's really hard for me." Xiaowu shook his head and got up, thinking that he should go out for a walk.

Xiao Wu looked at the lovers holding hands on the street and felt a little envious. She was being fed dog food T_T.

If Brother Chen were here, it would be great if he and I could hold hands like this.

Xiao Wu felt regretful in her heart.


ps: ask for a ticket
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(End of this chapter)

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