Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 29 The 7 girls in Tianshui become adults

Chapter 29 The Seven Girls of Tianshui Begin (please praise)

I don’t know when I will see my brother again. He has given me so much.

Besides giving my life to you, what else can I do to repay you?

Although I agreed to allow my mother, who is no longer alive, to be my maid, I took advantage after all. My mother is already gone.Xiao Wu muttered in her heart.

Unknowingly, Xiao Wu came to a small stall and bought a bunch of candied haws, licking them happily, cute and innocent.Everyone passing by was attracted and peeked at Xiao Wu.

"It would be great if there were no sharks in the Wuhun Palace to harm my mother. I also receive a gold coin subsidy from the Wuhun Palace every month."

At this time, Tang San's figure appeared in Xiao Wu's field of vision, but he was a little embarrassed now, and he was actually fighting with Xiao Huohuo! !

Although Xiao Huohuo looks ugly and fat, he is somewhat cute.

However, God also compensated Xiao Huohuo with his natural strange strength, grabbing Tang San's little arm and lifting him up.

Tang San was furious, these people didn't respect martial ethics, so several people gathered around and beat him up.And Xiao Huohuo was even more powerful, making it impossible for his Xuantian Kung Fu to cope with so many people in a narrow environment.

Tang San looked at Xiao Huohuo's face, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. When Xiao Huohuo's mouth was about to get closer, Tang San saw the right moment.

"The second soul skill, Parasite."

Small blue silver grass suddenly grew on Xiao Huohuo's fat body, attracting Xiao Huohuo's attention, and his movements became slower.

"Entangle." Tang San struck again.

The blue silver grass that suddenly grew up actually accurately bound Xiao Huohuo at three points.

Xiao Huohuo's face turned red, and his fat flesh was tightly squeezed, as if layers of fat were being scraped off.

"Small, it turns out you like to play with this." Xiao Huohuo was not afraid and even stuck out his tongue from the corner of his mouth to lick it.

Tang San paid no attention to Xiao Huohuo. Taking advantage of this gap, he hurriedly broke away and shot out the silent sleeve arrow in his hand instantly, piercing the legs of several people.

He actually wanted to kill these people, these people had violated his bottom line.But there are too many people around. Before he has absolute strength, Shark Man will suffer a big loss in front of everyone.

Tang San held back, carefully memorizing the faces of several people, and looking at the people who fell to the ground, he felt relieved and hurriedly walked to the wall——

vomit vomit.
It was so disgusting just now, that fat, pus-filled face made Tang San unable to hold on and vomited.

People around are also pointing and pointing, and the people who join in the fun and eat melons will never be absent.

"Actually, Xiao Huohuo is a good match for this person. We should make it sooner." A passerby nodded in agreement.

"Young man, you have good taste. Not to mention, the two of them do look alike." An old man touched his heart, looked back and forth, and joked.

"It doesn't hurt your back to stand and talk, let your own sons take care of it," an enthusiastic aunt pointed angrily at several people with her hands on her hips.
Tang San was speechless as he listened to their discussion.

He glanced at the onlookers, his face froze, and he couldn't believe it.

Among the crowd of onlookers, there was a figure leaving that had always made his heart beat.

"It's Xiao Wu, she's seen it all." Tang San felt that the world had fallen into darkness.

This makes me feel unclean when facing Xiao Wu in the future.

Tang San knew all about Xiao Wu's mysophobia, and remembered it all in the little notebook in his mind...


A month has passed, and Su Chen in Shui's house does nothing more than sweep the floor with a broom, clean, water flowers, and raise fish every day, living a happy and leisurely life.

It is still the same today.

Wearing a mask, he went to the Bee's Scent Restaurant to watch the beauties dancing inside.

After a sip of wine, I feel contented and contented. I can't help but feel the spring scenery everywhere in the garden.But what was a pity for Su Chen was that he would be kicked out every time because he didn't have enough money. After all, this was the favorite place for nobles and gentlemen to stay.

He was still kicked out today.

"It seems like you are lying drunk on a beauty's knees." Su Chen was very sorry to be invited out of the restaurant.

At this time, Su Chen saw Bing'er Yue'er rushing home with several beauties in the distance.

Su Chen felt something bad and disappeared, returned home, and began to quickly clean the yard and tidy up the housework.

It looked like a man who had done something wrong and saw his wife coming home for ward rounds.

After cleaning up the housework, Su Chen looked at the lifeless flowers, and with a wave of his hand, they came to life and bloomed beautifully.

Su Chen then took off his mask and began to sit cross-legged in the courtyard and meditate...

The door was opened, and the laughter and laughter of many girls first reached Su Chen's ears.

They walked in and saw the handsome fairy boy sitting cross-legged in the courtyard.

"Wow, you are so handsome, Bing'er, you are really good at finding your younger brother." A girl with hair as black as ink and a fair complexion spoke first.

This was her dish. Her big eyes flickered as she looked at the boy.

"Xue Wu, you are not allowed to look." Yue'er was unwilling, for fear that Su Chen would be possessed by outsiders. If he wanted to possess it, it would be her turn first, and it was her cup of tea.

"Sister Yue'er, he is your brother, not your lover, why can't I see him?" Xue Wu was unhappy.

"I don't want my brother to be harmed by you, I want to protect him." Yue'er looked serious.

"You have such a small body. Your brother looks like 170cm. How can you protect your height of 163cm? If you can't control it, let me do it." Xuewu joked.

Bing'er saw Su Chen open his eyes, walked over, grabbed his hand, walked to the room, and closed the door.

The girls looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally they all looked at Yue'er, hoping to get answers from her.

"Look at what I'm doing. Is my sister looking for my brother to ask about household issues? Let's go and cook." Yue'er said naturally, but she was muttering in her heart that if her sister wants to eat alone, hum(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━ ┻
"How have you been practicing recently? I'm sorry that I brought so many people to my house without notifying you in advance." Bing'er let go of Su Chen's hand with concern and apology.

Su Chen was once again surprised by Bing'er's gentleness.

Bing'er's sincere and caring look made Su Chen feel ridiculous.

"It's improved a little bit, it doesn't matter, as long as you don't bring a man back." Su Chen smiled casually.

Bing'er's delicate lips were filled with a smile, and her hazy beauty made people more and more astonished the more they looked at her.

"We'll stay here for one night, and we'll go out for our first special outdoor training tomorrow. The academy's performance has been stagnant over the years, and the dean has selected us in advance to participate in the next continent-wide soul master competition. He hopes that we Able to achieve good results and attract more outstanding women to join the academy." Bing'er's eyes aroused fighting spirit, as if this was also her mission.

Then Bing'er said softly: "This time we go out for training, we are going to the frozen forest. We may not come back for several months, and it may also be very dangerous. You stay at home, you know? If you encounter difficulties, go to the academy to find someone." My dean, I told her, she will take care of you."

"Yes, I understand." Su Chen nodded seriously.

"Then go out and get to know my teammates." Bing'er invited Su Chen with a sweet smile.



In the living room, seven girls stared at Su Chen, and Su Chen was also looking at them.


ps. Please give me votes and praise.

(End of this chapter)

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