Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 30: Mrs. Zi Zi Jiu Sword Fairy appears unexpectedly!

Chapter 30: Mrs. Zi Zi Jiu Sword Fairy appears unexpectedly! (Please give me good reviews and recommendations)
They were all wearing uniform aqua blue skirts, revealing their snow-white and delicate wrists. Everyone's face was filled with the lively and curious atmosphere that a girl should have. In Su Chen's opinion, they were a collection of beautiful girls.

"My name is Shen Liuyu, hello, brother." A girl from Xiaojiabiyu, with short hair and flowing shoulders, was a little shy, but she still spoke first.

"My name is Yu Hairou. I am the oldest among them. How about my younger brother?"

Yu Hairou has the style of a royal sister. Compared with the others, her blue skirt is more revealing, which highlights her extraordinary figure. Occasionally, she can see her white jade breasts.


After everyone had finished their introductions, they began to ask Su Chen strange questions.

Probably because Tianshui College is full of girls, they usually have few opportunities to interact with boys, let alone men who are friendly. They are also particularly curious and fond of Su Chen.

"Brother Su Chen, at what age do you plan to get married?" Xue Wu's beautiful eyes turned with an interesting look on her face.

"I don't know yet, but I actually want to get married now." Su Chen said solemnly.

Haha, all the girls smiled similarly.

"Brother Su Chen looks like he's really old enough to get married." Qiu Ruoshui patted her wrist and agreed with Su Chen

"No, it will take another two years. My brother got married at that age." Gu Qingbo said weakly.

"That's because your brother can't do it. Brother Su Chen can definitely do it." Yu Hairouhao unceremoniously broke the news.

"You guys! Did anyone say that about my brother?" Yue'er got upset and knew how to bully my Su Chen.

"Yes, why are you asking Brother Su Chen such a question? You are so mean." Shen Liuyu also agreed.

"Then let's not ask about brother Su Chen, but how are you? Liu Yu, did you fall in love with brother Su Chen at first sight?" Qiu Ruoshui asked jokingly.


The girls also started joking and talking dirty, not caring at all that there was a person of the opposite sex next to them.

Su Chen was also shocked. Is this how many girls chat openly when they get together?His driving skills are even better than his.


"Sister Hairou, don't be proud. When I get to your age, I will definitely be bigger than you, hum." Yue'er stared at Yu Hairou's chest, and after a while, she would bully me for being young and being small there.

"Yes, Sister Hairou, you are indeed so bad. Yue'er is also the cutest one in our group."


Bing'er looked at Su Chen with a look of enjoyment on his face. He was so absorbed in this environment that he didn't worry about anything.

"Sister Hairou, have you ever had a boyfriend? Kiss..."


The next day, Su Chen looked at the empty yard. There was no trace of the laughter and laughter from yesterday.

He shook his head helplessly and looked at the sky, his mind wandering to the divine world. He saw an intimate man and woman.

The woman has a ketone body, and there is a long aqua dress that has fallen off beside her. The woman has bright and big eyes with spring water in her eyes, and her body is full of vitality.

Su Chen was a little moved when she looked at him from such a distance, not to mention the man beneath her. His short dark red hair stood as straight as a needle, his red eyes exuded endless tenderness, and his appearance was also extremely handsome.

The two of them were talking ridiculously, completely unaware that someone somewhere was watching the live broadcast.

Su Chen came back to his senses and laughed: "Why are you watching this if you have nothing to do, but gods can also play..."


After Ah Yin left Biji, he returned to the Blue Silver King's territory and found that the elder of the Blue Silver King was no longer there.

After A Yin inquired about it, she learned that after 10 years of cultivation, the great elder chose to transform into a human being, and also transformed into her appearance, using her name, and went to the human world. , and never came back again.According to the rumors among the spirit beasts, some Blue Silver Grass saw their king talking and laughing with a human man in the woods...

Ah Yin was a little worried about gain and loss. Lan Yincao could choose her gender again after transforming. The great elder actually made this choice and transformed into her appearance. Was this expressing the highest respect and admiration for herself?

A Yin somewhat guessed the fate of King A Yin. He has not come back for so long. He has never been seen by Lan Yincao since then. He is probably harmed by humans.

Ah Yin recalled the image of the great elder in his mind: his eyebrows were lowered, his head was covered with silver hair, his beard hung down in front of him softly, and there were many wrinkles on his face.But when he smiles, his face is full of kindness, as if caught in the spring breeze, and his rickety back looks like a kind and serious old father.

He has always been a conscientious Blue Silver King.

Ah Yin sighed helplessly: Did I harm him?I just didn't want to waste this soul power and use it to help the elders of the clan break through.

Ah Yin felt melancholy and sad for a while.

After Ah Yin arranged some matters within the clan, he left the Star Dou Forest and set off towards the human world without staying any longer.

She wanted to see the splendor of the human world, find a suitable place to practice after transforming, and prepare for the transformation.

The vitality of heaven and earth that maintains her human form can still last for several years. Given this condition, she does not want to waste such a rare opportunity.

The Great Elder uses her appearance to live in the human world, and she is worried that it may cause some trouble.If you meet the person who killed the great elder, you will definitely remember his appearance.

Ah Yin's appearance has changed a little with makeup, and she has gained confidence in her own safety. She hopes that no one will recognize her in this way.

After all, Douluo Continent is so big, the chance of meeting someone who has met the Great Elder is even slimmer.

Ah Yin has been in the human world for some time, and she has also felt the joy of the human world.

For example, she yearns for the local delicacies and clothing.

But he will also encounter some human beings, and their ugliness also disgusts A Yin.

When A Yin passed through some villages and saw people suffering from diseases, he couldn't help but help.

What makes Ah Yin happy is that there are many young people wearing the costumes of the wine and sword fairy as Brigitte said.There are many civilians who still have no soul power, and they will come to help A Yin treat these people who are suffering from illness and influenza.

In their words: Helping them is helping yourself.

Ah Yin also remembered Brigitte’s story. It turned out that Sister Brigitte’s description was not an exaggeration!

Ah Yin feels that this may be the kindest and most innocent side of human beings.

Human beings have unparalleled wisdom that soul beasts cannot possess, as well as terrifying creative and inventive abilities.

This is one of the reasons why she longs to become human.

A Yin's figure appeared one after another in many villages in Douluo Continent.

Even in the cold winter, people will see a woman about 20 years old, wearing a long white elegant dress, with a collar embroidered with a wedding cloth the same color as her long blue hair, covering most of her jade neck.

Her whole body was covered tightly, and even the belt around her waist was covered by a blue-yellow skirt.

Her fresh temperament and pure blue crystal eyes are like a fairy who does not contain any impurities and does not understand the fireworks of the world.

But she is willing to stay for mortals. Anyone passing by her will smell the faint fragrance emanating from her body.

Because of this, those who were treated by Ah Yin also respected her as the goddess. Driven by the Jiujianxian believers, she was gradually praised as the free Jiujianxian's wife.

Because believers who have met Jiujianxian feel that her temperament matches that of Jiujianxian very well...


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(End of this chapter)

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