Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 31 Speculations about the two girls in Wuhun Palace

Chapter 31 Speculations about the two girls of Wuhun Palace
Ah Yin passed another village today, which was much wealthier than other villages she had passed before.

Ah Yin has never been to a big city. During these times, she has been wandering around some small villages and towns, experiencing the different fireworks in the world.

Ah Yin walked into the village, and it didn't take long for Ah Yin to find several people wearing Jiujianxian costumes following her.

She knew that these people were here to protect her, and that there were the most Jiujianxian believers in the villages and towns, and the villages and towns had become the territory of Jiujianxian believers.

Ah Yin was already used to this, so she just smiled helplessly. She found that she and the Jiujianxian faction were getting tighter and closer, and they were getting closer.

Ah Yin thought about the reason.

First, these people are common people with sincere hearts, and they all have the spirit of fighting for a better tomorrow.

Second, these people were so kind to her that they made her doubt that she had really become the wife of the Jiu Sword Immortal. A leader of the Jiu Sword Immortal sect even asked her to go to the headquarters of the Jiu Sword Immortal that few people knew about.

It was also there that A Yin saw the statue of the true face of the Jiu Sword Immortal that only a few people could pry into.According to believers, this was carved by Master Jiujianxian himself to bless their sanctuary.

The statue is lifelike and has a huge and majestic momentum. Standing at the foot of the statue, you feel as if you are taller than the sky, which makes people admire and worship.

On the front of the statue, there is a bohemian but affectionate young man. From his eyes and every outline, you can see what a free and easy man he is.

She found that the statue came to life, looked at her, and smiled kindly at her...

It was at that moment that Ah Yin's dusty heart beat. Even in Ah Yin's opinion, that man was a perfect match for him |ω`)
Ah Yin strolled around the village, and everyone in the village smiled kindly at her.Ah Yin couldn't help but feel a sense of security, making her feel like this was her own home.

Ah Yin once again recalled the scene when she saw the statue. The moment the statue smiled at her, she found that her soul seemed to have been cleansed, and she was deep in another world.

In that world, there was a young man who looked about 20 years old and was looking at her. The young man was so handsome that he was lawless, but that was not the point. The invincible look he exuded and the deep eyes that didn't care about anything in the world were... Just showing her a kind smile made her feel flattered.
"Actually...if he is really his wife, she should be very good. He and I are indeed a good match." A Yin, who walked out of the village, admired the various flowers planted by the villagers, smiled sweetly, and said to herself.

This smile, like a shy goddess's, made Baihua bend down unconsciously.

Her face gradually turned red. Ah Yin missed a man...

In Wuhun Hall, in the Saint's dormitory, Hu Liena and Cheng Rou were chatting about little secrets.

"Xiaorou, recently rumors about the free Jiujianxian's wife have spread among the people. Do you think Jiujianxian is him?" Hu Liena's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

"Not sure, probably [-]-[-]." Cheng Rou shook her head innocently.

"I also think it's a [-]-[-] split. I feel like he's a Jiujianxian. But if he is, it's a bit unbelievable. Even at such a young age, Jiujianxian's current influence is quite large at the bottom." Hu Liena shook her head in confusion.

"And the teacher doesn't think he is. Based on our description of him, the teacher thinks he is a bohemian, free and easy man, referred to as a prodigal. The teacher said that if he wants to organize a large-scale worship belief, it must be caused by some hidden forces. Because. But the teacher also thinks that he has some relationship with this organizational force." Hu Liena said again.

"Well, sister Nana, I'm very curious about why you like him more and more. You and he have never met a second time." Cheng Rou was full of curiosity about this question and had wanted to ask it for a long time. She Senior sister should not be such a nymphomaniac, she is also very clean and self-sufficient.

"Rourou, have you ever heard a word?" Hu Liena was mysterious.

Cheng Rou’s question mark face?
"Out of hate comes love, and he actually likes to stay with foxes. He likes people to be in love with foxes. I appreciate him more and more." Hu Liena looked sweet and dreamy, as if the fox was her.

Cheng Rou had a look of disdain on his face. At that time, you were complaining about him being a bitch.

"Sister Nana, you are so shameless. You like your brother who is at least 4 years younger than you." Cheng Rou joked.

"Is love related to age? I can wait for him." Hu Liena didn't care, and her face was full of playfulness. "You have unrequited love. Sister Nana, please wake up." Cheng Rou was still more rational and hurriedly reminded Hu Liena.

"Xiaorou, let me fantasize about it. I'm already a young girl, can't I miss spring?" Hu Liena looked at Cheng Rou with a charming look on her face and blinked her bright eyes.

"Sister Nana, don't be like this. I suspect you are seducing me." Cheng Rou leaned back gently.

"Alas," Hu Liena sighed suddenly.

"Xiaorou, you are already level 40 and will catch up with me soon.

"I used to think that I would be a unique genius, and I have been practicing hard for this reason. I thought that with me, Hu Liena, there would be no one better than me, until I met you."

"I was tortured to pieces by your talent. Sister Nana is very useless, right? Teacher will think so too." Hu Liena suddenly became sad, and her eyes began to moisten.

"Ah, Sister Nana, why did you say this? You have always been that outstanding sister in my heart. You are also her outstanding disciple in the teacher's heart. In the eyes of everyone in Wuhun Hall, you are the noble person they respect. Saint. Sister Nana, I will not allow you to be so low." Cheng Rou shook Hu Liena with a serious look on her face.

"Xiaorou, I watched your training and know your strength. In fact, you were deliberately seduced by me for a long time, right?" Hu Liena said sadly and lowly.

"Well, because Sister Nana is very gentle to my charm, I don't want to resist." Cheng Rou looked sincere and her eyes were full of tenderness.

"Really? I feel like the teacher doesn't love me anymore. She loves you even more. She looks at you as she sees herself and treats you extremely well. The teacher used to be as good as you." Hu Liena said sadly again.

"I also feel that the teacher is as serious and encouraging to you as he is to his daughter." Cheng Rou said enviously.

"Is that so?" Hu Liena was enlightened by Cheng Rou and thought.

"Yeah." Cheng Rou nodded.

"How about we never be separated from our teacher for the rest of our lives?" Hu Liena seemed to have figured it out and suddenly became emotional.

"it is good."


"In the future, we will also ask the teacher to marry us to him, so that we will always be a family." Hu Liena said again.

"Yeah, but when we marry him, should we call him teacher sister?" Cheng Rou smiled innocently.

"You rebelled. You have to call me teacher, forever teacher..." Hu Liena directly grabbed Cheng Rou's delicate body and began to teach her.

Outside the door, Bibi Dong listened to the conversation between the two disciples, and felt inexplicably moved in her heart, feeling very disappointed.

Looking at the warm scene between the two women, Rourou is leaning in Nana's arms, and Nana doesn't know what she is doing to Rourou.

"You will never leave for the rest of your life? Then you will never leave for the rest of your life." Bibi Dong left with a smile. She was increasingly reluctant to let such an outstanding disciple leave her. She no longer had any extravagant desires or views on love and love...

 Thank you boss for the reward, thank you all for your support, and continue to work on it.

(End of this chapter)

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