Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 32 The encounter between Jiujianxian and Jiujianxian’s wife

Chapter 32 The encounter between Jiujianxian and Jiujianxian’s wife
After Ah Yin left the village, she began to walk into the dense forest because she found that a strong man was following her.

After arriving in the dense forest, Ah Yin looked at the surrounding plants and bluesilver grass, full of confidence.

This was one of the reasons why she didn't plan to go to the city. If she was besieged by a powerful Titled Douluo organization, she wouldn't be sure she could leave safely in the city.

But in this wilderness, it can be said to be her battlefield. As long as she has these plants and Bluesilver Grass, she can be invincible.

"Come out." Ah Yin glanced around and said softly.

"Has it been discovered?"

A strong man who looked about 50 years old came out. His aura alone could make many people tremble.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" Ah Yin looked relaxed when he saw the person coming.

"Mrs. Jiujianxian's reputation is well-deserved. She is truly stunningly beautiful. Even my bad old man's heart is moved by the sight of her." The corners of the middle-aged man's mouth were cracked and he couldn't close his eyes.

But then he became angry again, "My son was brutally killed by Jiujianxian himself just because he took away a few civilian girls. Tell me why I'm looking for you, Mrs. Jiu."

Ah Yin's head hurt. This was an unforeseen disaster, but luckily no one discovered his identity as a soul beast.

"He and I don't know each other. I think you've found the wrong person." A Yin argued gently. She didn't want to hurt this person, but she had to kill him if she took action.

"There is a rumor circulating that you are regarded as the Lady of the Zi Zi Jiu Sword Fairy. You and he don't know each other and a few people believe it. If you are sold to a restaurant, I think those nobles will be eager to vent their hatred on the Jiu Lady." This middle-aged man The man laughed loudly and sickly, and in the end his eyes turned to hatred and greed.

The middle-aged man can't find or dare to look for Jiujianxian, but he naturally doesn't want to let go of people who are related to Jiujianxian.As for those believers, they are just ants. No matter how many Jiu Sword Immortals are killed, they will not feel any pain, except for this woman who is the only one related to Jiu Sword Immortals.

Seven soul rings appeared on the middle-aged man's body, and he was a terrifying powerful soul saint!
Wuhun is a powerful rhino-like beast with sharp horns on its head.

"Are you the only one?" Ah Yin asked softly.

"Hahaha, who do you think you are? This is not a bed, there are several people." The powerful Soul Saint joked disdainfully.

He then rushed towards A Yin. In his opinion, no matter how talented A Yin was, he could not reach the soul king level.

However, what surprised him was that the gorgeous and soft girl did not show any panic.

She smiled and turned into a bluesilver grass with longer leaves than ordinary grass, and the surrounding plants began to grow crazily, surrounding the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged soul master kept releasing soul skills to break through the siege of plants, but he was immediately entangled by the new plants all-pervasively.

He began to beg for mercy. He was afraid. This Lady of the Wine and Sword Fairy was not a human being at all.

Ah Yin looked at the middle-aged man who had already begged for mercy and softened a little, but immediately pierced his heart again.

If he was allowed to leave today, Ah Yin knew that she would be hunted down by many titled Douluo in the mainland.

After burying the middle-aged man in the loose soil and taking care of the surrounding traces, Ah Yin left the place.

Soon, Ah Yin came to a beautiful lawn where she could see beautiful scenery. She still looked like blue silver grass, dancing in the wind.

But unlike other bluesilver grasses, her grass blades have golden fine lines, highlighting her status and extraordinaryness.

The breeze gently blows the grass blades, exuding a soft scent.

Ah Yin just started to fall into deep thought in the breeze. The grievances in the human world are much more complicated than those of soul beasts. A strong soul saint should have some status in the human world. Should he go back to the Star Dou Forest...

"It's all the fault of that Jiujianxian. Huh, I helped him defeat his enemy. I wonder if he will thank me." Ah Yin thought of him and the title of Mrs. XX, and became happy, feeling that I had done something for him. The thing seems to be pretty good.

But Su Chen had already come to A Yin wearing a mask, and A Yin didn't know it at all.

Su Chen looked at the crystal jade drops and the strange blue silver grass with dew drops, and his eyes were curious. It's not morning now, where did it come from?
However, Su Chen didn't do much. He lay silently next to the bluesilver grass.

The blue silver grass slightly touched Su Chen's hand. Ah Yin finally came back to her senses and saw the man lying next to her. He was facing the sky. Ah Yin didn't know if he had closed his eyes.

Ah Yin thought for a while and decided to slip away. She slowly moved her roots, trying to stay away from the man whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Don't go."

Ah Yincao trembled, 'Have you been discovered?But it should be fine. Does the soul beast move strangely? '

Ah Yin thought for a while and moved again.

...An hour later A Yin was still moving.

However, Ah Yin wondered in her heart whether it was an illusion. She found that she was trapped and returned to the original point after moving one meter each time.

When she wanted to expose her own strength and teach this follower of the Jiujianxian a lesson, she found that her domain had failed and she could no longer turn into a human form. If grass could shed tears, Ah Yin would cry without reservation (_ ).

It's too bad, someone is bullying me.

As night fell, Ah Yin gave up her resistance. She found that this man seemed to have no hostility or sense of danger, and he didn't do anything to her. He just kept her where she was.

"My wife, are you going to run away when you see your husband coming?" Su Chen's calm voice came out.

Ah Yin is shocked, madam?It's the Jiujianxian!

Ah Yin couldn't tell the age of his voice, and she couldn't see his face, but Ah Yin carefully compared it again, and it slowly overlapped with the figure she had seen before.

Is it really him?Only he has this ability.Doesn't he dislike me even though he knows I'm a soul beast?
Ah Yin wanted to talk to him, but she found that she couldn't make a sound at all (┯_┯)

Su Chen thought for a moment. He currently looks 11 years old, and is still relatively immature. If he doesn't make a clear first impression when meeting A Yin with this face, maybe the two of them will develop into siblings. That would be a pity. It's better to create some mysterious plot.

Su Chen did not eavesdrop on Ah Yin's thoughts. He began to look closer at Ah Yin, the Emperor in the Grass, and the Blue Silver Emperor.

Ah Yin felt shy when being stared at, but Cao wouldn't blush, and she wasn't afraid either. Fortunately, she just looked at him.

After a long time, Ah Yin came back to his senses from his eyes as deep as shining stars.

It's really him!

Ah Yin was extremely certain that this person was the Free Jiu Sword Immortal himself.

Ah Yin didn't know what this man would do to her next. Anyway, Ah Yin didn't believe that he would hurt her.

Ah Yin recalled the scene in front of the statue where the Jiu Jian Xian smiled at her with great confidence.

Perhaps because he was too bored, Ah Yin took the initiative to control the blades of grass to hook Su Chen's hand, and finally leaned gently against his heart.

It would be great if she was really his wife. Being with him would bring incomparable peace of mind and happiness, as well as the longing and warmth from the soul.Ah Yin thought.

But Ah Yin knew that with human beings' need and greed for soul beasts, it shouldn't be possible for her and this person.

Listening to Su Chen's heartbeat, Ah Yin found that her grass heart was also beating, causing the grass blades to tremble.

In the blink of an eye, she turned into a human form and was leaning in Su Chen's arms...

The moon hangs high, casting a silver glow, and the sky is dotted with stars, making the night more charming.

And they are shining on Su Chen and A Yin.

It was silent, as if no sound dared to disturb the two of them at this moment.

Even Ah Yin herself didn't dare to disturb the current atmosphere. Faced with the sudden change, she didn't know what to say.

It was obvious that she had many things to ask him and scold him before...

On the grass, a pair of slender legs leaned together like soft lines. Under the elegant long skirt, you can still see a part of the slender calves exposed, which are so delicate and white.

Finally, Ah Yin's upper body was leaning against Su Chen. Ah Yin's body seemed to have lost all strength and was as soft as water.

Ah Yin discovered that Jiu Jianxian had not done anything to her, but a layer of quilt suddenly appeared to cover her body.

Is it a fateful encounter, the sweetness of human love?
Ah Yin's blushing face began to slowly dissipate. She felt extremely safe and closed her eyes sweetly and reassuringly...

The first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on the face of a beautiful girl.

Her long eyelashes moved slightly, she opened her eyes, and the extremely comfortable sound of getting up came out.

Staying close to each other for a night also means that each other's fate has begun to intersect with each other...


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(End of this chapter)

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