Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 33 Watching the sea together is the most romantic, A Yin’s decision

Chapter 33 Watching the sea together is the most romantic, A Yin’s decision

Ah Yin stood up, squatted down next to Su Chen, looked at him curiously, and said sweetly and seriously: "Do you... like me?"

Su Chen silently grabbed one of A Yin's hands and drew a heart on her palm.

Ah Yin felt the itching sensation in her palm, and what made her blush was the shape of love engraved in her soul.

Ah Yin quickly withdrew his hand, a little shy.

"Can't you talk?"

"Also...when did you start liking me? Why do you like me? You can't take off your mask..."

When Ah Yin wanted to ask some questions, she found that the Jiujianxian beside her had disappeared...

"Ah, liar, big liar." Ah Yin shouted dissatisfied, and at the same time, he was also thinking about whether he was annoying him by asking too many questions...

Su Chen secretly admired Ah Yin's reaction and suppressed a smile.

When he heard that he had a kind-hearted wife who loved to treat injured patients, he also became curious, and even saw her through the statue. What made Su Chen interesting was that she turned out to be a soul beast, and her body was blue silver with extraordinary blood. Grass.Su Chen thought of the Blue Silver Emperor and guessed that she was Ah Yin...

Su Chen only felt pleasantly surprised, not surprised. This is a real world after all...

In Su Chen's eyes, Ah Yin is beautiful, not only in her appearance and temperament, but also in her inner being.

Naturally, he cannot let go of such a rare wife. Everyone is saying that she is his wife. Isn't it the behavior of a scumbag to be irresponsible?How will she get married in the future?

And Ah Yin really makes people like her...

Was Tang San the son of Ah Yin's sister or his younger sister?There's no way it was Brother A Yin who gave birth to her.Su Chen joked.

One day passed and Ah Yin did not leave.She was lying on the grass, her expression a little sad, and her pure blue eyes became eclipsed.

Because she thought about her own situation, those sweet loves had nothing to do with her, and she felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

Seeing Su Chen arriving again, Ah Yin didn't show much joy.

She did not look at Su Chen who was lying next to her, but said with determination: "We are not suitable, let Mrs. Zi Zi Jiu Sword Fairy be just a title."

"Is it because I bullied you yesterday and made you feel like a wife abuser, so you don't like me?" Su Chen said seriously.

When Ah Yin heard this, the girlish rivalry seemed to appear on her sad face again.

"I'm not your wife. Besides, how could you bully me when we first met?"

Su Chen's words really brought back Ah Yin's bitter memories of yesterday, making her keep moving forward and bringing her back to the starting point...

"My name is A Yin, is your name Zizaijiu Sword Immortal?" A Yin thought for a moment and decided to explain it clearly.

"Su Chen."

"Is this your real name? I admit that I had a crush on you the first time I saw you. Your reputation is as dazzling as a hero. Even before, many people said that I was a couple with you, which also made me Very curious about you.

But I am the Blue Silver Emperor, a 10-year-old soul beast. It is only by chance that I have the opportunity to maintain my human form. However, in a few years, I will transform into a Blue Silver Emperor. I don’t think you want a grass to be your partner. "

Speaking of this, Ah Yin looked at Su Chen, hoping to see something, but Su Chen was wearing a mask, so she couldn't see anything, so she could only continue:
"You should know that soul beasts can choose to transform into humans when they reach 10 years, and so can I. If I don't choose to transform into humans and continue to practice, I will have to survive the terrible catastrophe. If I am lucky enough to survive two soul beasts, A rare ferocious beast, I can still turn into a human form like now, but you were no longer here by then.

If I choose to become a human now, I will start out as a little girl, and you won't like me like that.

Having said all this, I think you should understand that we are not suitable. "

Are all soul beast girls so innocent?
"Why are you talking to me so much? Do you actually care about me?" Su Chen's voice was affectionate.

"No," Ah Yin panicked for a moment, and then said: "I just want to tell you that we are not suitable. Moreover, don't all humans hate soul beasts? If someone finds out that you are a stranger who likes soul beasts, you will be miserable. Bar."

"I, Su Chen, don't need to explain to others what I do or care about what others think."

When Ah Yin heard this, her heart beat again. Is this an expression of love...

Ah Yin's dim beautiful eyes also began to twinkle.

"Thank you for liking me. I'm very satisfied." A Yin said gently. "Ah Yin, aren't you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid that I will covet your soul ring and soul bones? You should understand how attractive a 10-year-old soul beast is to a strong human being." Su Chen said calmly while looking at the sky.

Ah Yin smiled, "You make me feel very kind. I think there are people among humans who are kind to soul beasts, right? Just like there are some soul beasts that are friendly to humans? But their endings will not be very good. And I Ah Yin is a 10-year-old soul beast, and I am not afraid of titled Douluo below level 95."

Ah Yin looked at Su Chen next to him and finally softened his tone, "You should be over level 95. Are you really only in your 20s? It's impossible for someone in their 20s to be so powerful..."

"Don't worry, I'm very young and can live for a long time. Why did I come to the human world?" Su Chen rolled over and responded calmly.

"I want to get familiar with the human world while I'm in human form, can't I prepare for my transformation?" Ah Yin said angrily, but she couldn't help feeling shy, why should I tell him?
However, Ah Yin kept repeating in her heart that she can live a long life if she is young, which made Ah Yin feel that it was a response to her love.

"After you transform, I will raise you and be my child bride." Su Chen said extremely seriously and solemnly.

"Ah! (●—●)" Ah Yin fell into a daze...

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Ah Yin's reaction. He stretched and flexed his arms and held Ah Yin in his arms.

The back of her hand moved gently on Ah Yin's graceful back, and she could actually feel the silky smooth jade-like, delicate skin like gelatin through her dress.

Ah Yin finally reacted from her brief sluggishness and once again felt the embrace that she yearned for. She was so shy. Every time she was hugged suddenly before she could react and couldn't refuse.

Ah Yin wanted to break free, but found that her body was still unwilling to leave the sense of security here.

"Let me think about it, for such an important matter, we still don't know each other, right?" Ah Yin said softly and shyly with a hint of tenderness.

Su Chen lightly smelled the fragrance, hugged the beauty in his arms, and replied lightly, "Yes."

"Come with me to see the sea, and I'll tell you the answer." Ah Yin lowered her head shyly and playfully, she already had the answer in her heart.

When she was in the Star Forest, she had never seen the rumored sea. The first time she saw the sea was that she would be very happy with the person she liked.

Ah Yin took the initiative to hug Su Chen with both hands and fell asleep sweetly in his arms...

A month later, a pair of masked gods and goddesses came to the beach.

The woman took off her mask, and the most eye-catching thing was her pure and sweet smile, which eclipsed the sea and the sky.

She shouted to the sea: "I am willing to be Su Chen's child bride, and I am willing to marry him."

The fresh sea breeze blew, and the seagulls woke up, lined up in a row, and flew towards the heart-shaped clouds...

Ah Yin mustered up the courage, reached out and took off Su Chen's mask. Looking at Su Chen who was a little immature under the mask, but his expression was indifferent and free and easy, not to mention his appearance. Ah Yin smiled softly and said, Stand on tiptoes and lightly press...

This kiss seemed like an unimaginable thing, and it lasted so long. Ah Yin was obsessed with it.

I really want to be like this...

A week later, the two separated in a certain village. Ah Yin looked at the departing Su Chen with sweet eyes, looking forward to the happy time in the future...

After Su Chen returned home, he began to clean up the housework, cleaning carefully, like a housewife.

Spending time with Ah Yin made Su Chen feel sweetness and pleasure. This kind of sweetness was not something that little girls like Xiao Wu Zhuqing could bring.

During those nights, Su Chen slept in the tree, and Lan Yinhuang lay in his clothes, the two of them just like that.
Occasionally, Su Chen took the initiative and tasted various delicacies for Ah Yin, which also conquered Ah Yin's stomach.

Not to mention the happy time they spent catching up on the beach just like ordinary people afterwards. Those seafood feasts made them highly praised.In the evening, we leaned together and watched the sunset. At night...

That should be the most beautiful time of love...

After finishing cleaning, Su Chen lay in the yard with a look of nostalgia on his face. He didn't know how long it would be before they could come back.

And the disappeared Lady Jiujianxian reappeared in the village, and she was still saving those suffering civilians...


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(End of this chapter)

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