Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 34 A Yin and the Three Beauties of Wuhun Palace

Chapter 34 A Yin and the Three Beauties of Wuhun Palace
In a small town about a hundred miles away from the frozen forest, the climate here is pleasant and the atmosphere of human fireworks is full, which is in sharp contrast to the cold snow of the frozen forest.

Seven girls with lively and youthful faces were holding hands in twos and threes and looking carefully at various ingredients.

After two months of getting along, the seven of them experienced various physical balance training and teamwork training together in the frozen forest, which made their sisterly relationship deeper and closer and the team atmosphere more harmonious.

Today they asked the teacher for a special day off, just to celebrate the lovely girl Yue'er's 12th birthday.

"Sister, I'm 12 years old, can't I be as willful as before?" Yue'er pursed her lips, a little depressed.

"Well, Yue'er has grown up and become more beautiful, but she also needs to be more sensible, you know?" Bing'er gently stroked Yue'er's head.

"Well, sister, I will work harder, become better, and share the pressure with you." Yue'er answered seriously. My sister has always been responsible for the family.

"Fool, I'm afraid that with your careless and infatuated look, you will meet a scumbag and be deceived!" Bing'er said distressedly.

Their father passed away when they were very young, and their mothers passed away one after another. If it weren't for the dean's help, the two of them might no longer be alive.

Bing'er has shouldered the responsibility of being a parent, but she loves her sister more than she blames her. Now she will inevitably worry.

"Sister, I don't know how." Yue'er said dissatisfied, but her heart was extremely warm.

"Sister, I want to eat a lot of delicious food, three-yellow chicken, pearl dumplings, golden fish... and roasted blue silver grass." After Yue'er said blue silver grass, she seemed to think of something, and there was longing in her eyes. Even Bing'er was the same, With a longing look.

Su Chen taught them how to eat roasted bluesilver grass. They didn't expect that bluesilver grass would turn out to be a rare delicacy when roasted, especially the juice from bluesilver grass.

"Sister Yue'er, Sister Xuewu will cook it for you to eat."

"My craftsmanship is better than Xuewu's, I'll cook it for you, hee hee."


"Is he okay?" Su Chen's face appeared in Bing'er's mind, a family member who was not related by blood...


In the Star Forest, Bibi Dong brought his disciples Cheng Rou and Hu Liena to witness the miracle.

A ten-thousand-year-old demon-toothed violent tiger king was easily suppressed to the ground by Bibi Dong, unable to even let out an unwilling roar.

"Go, Rourou." Bibi Dong said gently.

Hu Liena also looked at Cheng Rou expectantly. There was no trace of hidden jealousy before, only tenderness.

Cheng Rou moved forward without any hesitation. She sealed her throat with a sword, and the king of this area left like this.

The black ten-thousand-year-old soul ring emerged. Cheng Rou did not hesitate or be afraid. As if she already knew the outcome, she began to absorb the soul ring.

As time passed, Bibi Dong and Hu Liena's worries eased.

Because Cheng Rou's face had always been so calm, even though there were tiny drops of blood flowing out of her body, she still showed no sign of pain.

This is the real genius, Hu Liena is happy for Cheng Rou in her heart.

Hu Liena's talent is not bad either. Although there is a gap between her and Cheng Rou, she stands out compared to others.

The 17-year-old Hu Liena was already at level 45 with terrifying strength, while the 17-year-old Dai Mubai was barely at level 40 before taking the grass jelly, and reached level 44 after taking the grass jelly.

If the Shrek Seven Devils didn't have the Immortal Grass, except for Tang San and Xiao Wu, it would be a pipe dream for the other five people to reach level 17 at the age of 44.

Before taking the grass jelly, Zhu Qing, the youngest, was only level 31, and Ma Hongjun, the lowest level, was 30 years old when he was level 13.

Not to mention that the 15-year-old food soul master Oscar is only level 33.

If they had stayed at Shrek Academy in Soto City, an unrecognized academy without a mimetic training environment, and had not gone to Lanba Academy, their training speed and level would have been lower.

After taking the fairy grass, they generally improved by more than 5 levels at the beginning. Afterwards, the power of the medicine left in the body made their cultivation and upgrading speed as fast as a rocket. They could easily reach the Soul Sect in half a year, and it also changed their future cultivation talents.Hu Liena and other golden generation members were poisoned by Tang San's external soul bone in the soul master competition. During the detoxification process, Tang San might have used the external soul bone to absorb her vitality, causing her talent to be damaged later.

After all, Tang San even absorbed Ma Hongjun's poison when he detoxified him. He naturally understood the benefits, so how could his enemy, the Spirit Hall, let him go?

Tang San hated Wuhun Palace, so how could he watch the golden generation of Wuhun Palace rise without doing some small tricks, and who could doubt such obscure methods and abilities on him? People who are poisoned are very weak. .

Finally, Cheng Rou opened her bright eyes, and she saw the expressions of joy on the faces of the teacher and Sister Nana.

"Teacher, Sister Nana, I succeeded." Rourou stood up, came directly to them, and hugged them.

And they witnessed the birth of a miracle, the Soul Sect absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring on its own...

Wuhundian Sanmei walked out of the Star Forest and rode on a noble and luxurious carriage.

Through the exquisite car windows, Cheng Rou observed the scene outside the car and the passers-by, and could see the followers of Jiujianxian coming and going.

"Teacher, is Mrs. Jiujianxian really that beautiful? She seems to have been regarded by the common people as the number one goddess in their hearts." Rourou told the rumors she had heard in the past few days.

"Sister Rourou, the teacher is the most beautiful woman in Douluo Continent. The number one goddess in their hearts is nothing in front of the teacher." Hu Liena said proudly.

Cheng Rou also said with a smile: "Yes, the teacher is the most beautiful woman."

Seeing the two disciples flattering each other, Bibi Dong didn't think so in her heart, but she still smiled sweetly.

In Bibi Dong's view, if Cheng Rou and Hu Liena had not appeared, she would have been the most evil and ugly woman in Douluo Continent. After all, she had planned to destroy everything and this dirty world, even if it was just a plan...

"Teacher is not the most beautiful, and she has already given birth to a child. How can she compare with you young girls? From now on, you will be the most beautiful and outstanding girls that Teacher has ever seen." Bibi Dong looked at the two disciples tenderly, with a sweet look on her face .

Cheng Rou had actually always wanted to know who the teacher's daughter was, but when she asked this question before, she felt that the teacher was angry and angry. Since then, she has never asked the teacher this question again.

Looking at the teacher at this moment, Cheng Rou and Hu Liena said in unison: "Teacher, companionship is the longest confession of love. We will always be with you."

"Teacher, that woman seems to be treating an injured old man passing by. Why do I think she is very warm and gentle just by looking at her back? She must be a warm-hearted person." Cheng Rou looked at the elegant woman in blue dress on the roadside in front of her. Feeling good in my heart.

Bibi Dong and Hu Liena also noticed that that person did not have the temperament that an ordinary woman should have. Her every move was fresh, noble, elegant, and so gentle.

The carriage slowly approached, and Ah Yin also noticed the carriage that was about to pass by, and felt heart palpitations for no reason!

There is someone on the carriage who can threaten you!
But Ah Yin was not afraid, because her man gave her a treasure called the Heavenly Way Covering Talisman. Her man said that even if a god came, he would not be aware of her identity.

Ah Yin looked back at the exquisite carriage and saw three girls in the carriage.

The four people's eyes briefly crossed each other, and A Yin always smiled.

Bibi Dong looked at the smiling Ah Yin without much opinion.

Ah Yin is very beautiful, but she, Bibi Dong, is no longer a woman who can compete with 20-year-old girls.

But A Yin's smile, what Bibi Dong felt in her heart was different from the gentle kindness felt by the two disciples.

Bibi Dong felt a sense of displeasure, as if that smile should have belonged to her.

As the carriage continued to move forward, Bibi Dong shook her head and didn't think much about it because she didn't know this person at all.

But why does it feel like something was taken away from her...

The first meeting of the four girls ended briefly like this.

How will they meet again in the future?


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(End of this chapter)

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