Chapter 35 Binger Crisis

After three long months, seven girls from Tianshui College completed their special training at the college.

Binger also celebrated her 13th birthday in special training.

Bing'er's calmness and wisdom when facing difficulties and dangers are often the key to leading the team members through various tests.

Therefore, Bing'er also won the recognition of the girls, and her level reached the terrifying level 33, becoming the most talented person among them.

Bing'er looked up at the familiar Tianshui City Gate, her bright eyes full of longing.

The other girls also dispersed with their thoughts.

Yue'er happily opened the door, and Bing'er followed closely behind.

It was still the same home. There was still a young man sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, meditating and practicing, and the two women looked at each other and smiled.

"Su Chen, we are back." Yue'er came to Su Chen's side lightly and said softly to Su Chen.

Su Chen opened his eyes and looked at the two girls he hadn't seen in three months. Their breasts were more prominent and their legs were slender.

Especially Yue'er, the childishness on her face is much less childish, and she is already a beautiful little elf.

Bing'er is still so delicate and attractive, and she has a hint of the leadership aura of a superior person.

They had grown so much after only seeing each other for a few months.

In the Soul Beast Continent, the development of human girls is indeed terrifying.

Yue'er smiled and took out a snow-white lotus seed with a gentle breath of life.

"Su Chen, this is a snow lotus seed. It helps people who are not yet in the realm of great soul masters to practice. Swallow it quickly. My sister finally found this for you."

Su Chen's eyes moved towards Bing'er. She was as gentle as water, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was also celebrating that Su Chen would become more powerful.

Is this what it feels like to be cared for and loved?

Really good.

Su Chen took the lotus seeds from Yue'er's hand, swallowed them in one gulp, and began to absorb them.

"Su Chen, there is no need to be stressed. Yue'er and sister will protect you in the future." Yue'er saw Su Chen eagerly swallowed the food and began to practice. She was satisfied but worried at the same time.

Bing'er's eyes showed admiration and she felt secretly happy in her heart.Looking at the clean yard, I really need a man in my family, but I still need to be smart.

"Yue'er, let's go back to the room to rest first and let him practice."

Bing'er looked away from Su Chen, her face turned slightly red, and she pulled Yue'er away and returned to their respective rooms.

Even Su Chen didn't forget to tidy his bedroom.

Bing'er looked at the room she hadn't lived in for several months and it was still spotless. She was very pleased and couldn't wait to lie down on the bed and relax.


After Su Chen absorbed the snow lotus seeds, he controlled his soul power at level 17, which made the two girls happy for a long time...

They cheered for joy, with sweet smiles and concerns, and seemed to be more excited than themselves to improve their soul power level.

Before Su Chen could reward the two girls, they praised him for a long time and ran out to buy Su Chen a lot of delicious food.

Monk Su Chen Zhang Er was confused: Am I that bad?I am so happy to break through the first level of soul power...

A few days later, Bing'er and Yue'er left their warm home with warm smiles and headed to the academy to study.

But a secret conspiracy against Bing'er came quietly
"Young Master, we have found out that the woman who stole your treasure is called Shui Bing'er, and she is a key trainee of Tianshui Academy." A young man said respectfully to the noble man in front of him.

"Well, it's just a snow lotus seed. What I want more is her." The man's eyes were greedy, and he raised the corners of his mouth with a slanted smile.

Two weeks ago, he met Shui Bing'er by chance and competed with her for the snow lotus seeds.

But she didn't expect that her martial spirit was actually the top martial spirit Ice Phoenix, which gave the man's martial spirit Ice Nightmare Bird a strong desire.

At that time, he thought of an evolutionary secret method for inheriting martial arts in his clan.Through the fusion of yin and yang, the power of the opponent's martial soul's bloodline is captured to evolve his martial soul.

As the young master of a hidden family, he would naturally not give up this kind of opportunity that comes to his door.

It's a pity that I only took a few soul kings with me when I went out, but Shui Bing'er was actually followed by a strong soul saint, so I had no choice but to give up temporarily.

"Second uncle, can you?" The man looked at the middle-aged man beside him and said respectfully. "The background of Tianshui College is not simple. We cannot take it by force, we can only outwit it." The middle-aged man thought carefully.

"Immediately return to the clan as soon as the matter is completed. They will spend a lot of time investigating. By the time they investigate clearly, we have returned to the clan. What are the elders of Titled Douluo afraid of?" The man known as the second uncle continued without caring. He said, as if he was already comfortable with it.

"It all depends on my second uncle's orders." The noble man lowered his head in respect.

"Xiao Ao, you are the most talented person in this generation of the Gu family. When your discovery is urgent, she is your opportunity. Her martial spirit will definitely allow you to evolve, and you will definitely be able to become a powerful titled Douluo, lead the family to rebirth and no longer fear the Wuhun Palace." The second uncle excitedly put his hands on the man's shoulders, feeling very pleased.

"Gu Ao will definitely restore the family's glory."

"Well, my second uncle believes in you. You should prepare well these days." The purple-black haired middle-aged man said with satisfaction.


In the second uncle's opinion, it is because the Gu family's martial soul can absorb the power of other people's martial soul bloodline and evolve.Because of this, Wuhundian was jealous and fearful, and suppressed the Gu family in various ways, forcing them to live in seclusion.

However, the second uncle never thought that the men and women whose martial soul bloodline was taken away did not live for more than two days...

A week later, Binger, who was at the college, received a notice and came to the school gate.

"Are you Shui Bing'er? A young man suddenly collapsed in front of your house. I don't know whether he is alive or dead. I wonder if he is a relative of yours? Go back and have a look." After saying this, the soldier left without looking back.

Bing'er was left with a puzzled look on her face, thinking: Did I leave without even asking about my appearance?It's too urgent.

But Bing'er didn't hesitate any longer. Regardless of whether it was true or false, she would go back to confirm Su Chen's situation.

Tianshui College is not far from Tianshui City. If we rush there with all our strength, it is only about three to ten minutes away.

However, halfway through the journey, Bing'er's heart sank.

She is surrounded.

Four strong men who were at least above the Soul Sect, and a middle-aged man with purple-black hair and an evil aura on his face whose strength was unclear.

Under the majesty of the soul power released by the middle-aged man, Bing'er felt like a lonely boat on the sea, which would sink into the sea at any time.

Bing'er, who was surrounded by four people, had no choice but to follow them.

Bing'er was taken to a luxurious tent hidden in the wild.

"It's you." Bing'er looked at the young man with the same purple-black hair and said in surprise.

"That's right, it's Mr. Ben."

The young man's teasing eyes kept scanning the sensitive parts of Bing'er's body.

"What do you want from me? We have no grievances. You won't offend Tianshui Academy because of a snow lotus seed." Bing'er remained calm, with no emotion or anger on her face.

"You are very eloquent. I appreciate you more and more. I wonder if you will be so calm later, hahaha." Gu Ao laughed jokingly again, looking at Bing'er like a The big bad wolf looks at the toy lamb.

Bing'er was naturally displeased, but when she was brought into the tent, she felt that her soul power was not flowing smoothly. Now she is just an ordinary person.

It was really a sudden crisis. Bing'er smiled bitterly and could only delay the situation temporarily.

"You shouldn't be short of women, why are you looking for me." Bing'er remained calm.

"My name is Gu Ao, and I come from the Gu family. There should be no legend of the Gu family in the mainland now."

With regret in his eyes, the young man opened a jade-colored vial and poured the powder inside into a glass of pure water.

The water slowly turned pink, and the young man slowly shook the water glass and walked towards Bing'er.

Under the shaking, the water slowly turned purple-black.

After hearing about the Gu family, Bing'er already had a guess in her mind and knew what she would face next.

In addition to practicing, she usually goes to the library to read various books.

The young man moved forward slowly with an aggressive gaze, while Bing'er slowly retreated.

The young man seemed to enjoy the girl's last struggle, "It's over, come and be happy."

The young man's purple-black hair was flying, and a similarly purple-black magic bird appeared behind him.

Bing'er looked at this scene and clenched her fists, "I'm sorry Yue'er, Su Chen, I can't accompany you anymore."

ps: ask for support
(End of this chapter)

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