Chapter 36 Binger Crisis

However, before Bing'er could despair for a second, she heard a scream.


This voice came from the young man's mouth.

The young man who was so proud before actually fed himself the cup of purple-black water uncontrollably and unwillingly.

"You leave here, you can't see what happens next."

This sentence came to Bing'er's mind inexplicably, and at this moment, she found that her soul power could run smoothly.

Bing'er walked out of the tent and saw the five people lying on the ground and the back of a figure wearing the costume of a Wine Swordsman not far away.

Seeing this back figure, Bing'er actually overlapped this back figure with Su Chen's for a moment, but immediately discarded this idea.

"I miss the life-saving grace of my senior. I am Shui Bing'er of the Shui family. I will repay the Jiuxianxian sect in the future."

After saying that, Shui Bing'er quickly left for Tianshui City. She was still worried about Su Chen...

Looking at Bing'er leaving, Su Chen smiled slightly under the mask and threw the five people into the tent.

Soon, a tragic sound rang out from the tent...

"Su Chen." Bing'er opened the door and shouted hurriedly.

"Bing'er, why are you back?" Su Chen stared with big eyes, full of curiosity.

Bing'er saw that Su Chen was safe and sound, the worry on her face disappeared, and she felt extremely relaxed in her heart, but she was dissatisfied: "Why can't I come back? Can't I come back to see you?"

Bing'er chose to hide it, and even she couldn't accept those things, let alone the weak Su Chen.

"Okay, it would be best if I could see you every day." Su Chen said with a cheerful smile.

Bing'er's face was slightly red, and a hint of sweetness emerged in her heart.

"Hmph, since you want to see me so much, then follow me to Tianshui College as a guard." Bing'er said with a smile.

"Ah, can you not go?"

Su Chen's pretended fearful expression made Bing'er purse her lips and suppress a smile.

"Your acting skills are so bad. You obviously really want to go. Come with me now."

Bing'er ruthlessly took Su Chen's hand and left Tianshui City for Tianshui College...

Su Chen stood at the gate of the college. Gradually, he became a sight. More and more girls came to the gate to see him...

"What, the Gu family is so bold and bullies me, Tan Qiushui." Dean Tan was furious.

"Bing'er, you don't have to worry about this. I will inform Wuhun Palace of the Gu family's actions right away. Later, I will go to the Gu family with my senior sister to seek justice for you."

Dean Tan's eyes became softer and softer as he watched Bing'er, but the anger on his face remained unabated.

"Well, thank you teacher, can my brother do it?" Bing'er said respectfully.

"Bing'er, it's a trivial matter. It's okay to let him live in the school first. Why do you want him to be a guard, silly girl. I will also ask someone to send a thank-you gift to Jiujianxian in return." Dean Tan said gently, This is her favorite student and her most beloved disciple.

"Thank you, teacher. Our college does not accept male disciples. If you let Su Chen come into the college, you will face a lot of pressure. He also likes to stay at the door. It's okay, teacher." Bing'er said gratefully.

"Idiot, I have never seen you like this. You are so kind to the brother you suddenly recognized. I will deal with these things right now."


This week, Su Chen has been sleeping in the security room. Su Chen doesn't have any resentment. It's actually quite nice to see the girls every day. Bing'er and the others will also come to see him, and someone will bring food to him every day ( ̄▽ ̄)

"Dean, is it true?" Bing'er was shocked when she heard the news the dean told her.

"Well, it's true. The hilltop where the Gu family is located was split in half with a sword. Now the Gu family has many enemies seeking revenge. It is close to destruction. It can be said that the Gu family no longer exists." Dean Tan and her senior sister I was also shocked when I went there.

"Teacher, who did this?" Bing'er was still a little confused, what a coincidence.

"I don't know. Some people said it was Sword Douluo, but Sword Douluo quickly clarified that it was not him. He is still feeling the power of that sword.

Some people also say that it was done by the Jiujianxian himself..." After hearing this, Bing'er already had the answer in her heart.

"Thank you, teacher, I can let Su Chen go back with peace of mind." Bing'er replied with a smile.

"Well, Bing'er, don't miss your training because of your feelings. It's not suitable for you and him to have a relationship other than brother and sister." Dean Tan said meaningfully.


we do not have.

I let him go home first. "When Bing'er heard this, she controlled her expression and left quickly.

Dean Tan shook his head.

No?Do you think I, Tan Qiushui, have never liked anyone before?Have you ever been in love?I don't know what your situation is.

Dean Tan thought of Su Chen. She really had an outstanding appearance and figure. Even at her age, her legs tightened when she saw her...

"Sister, why did Su Chen want to go back so soon after he came?" Yue'er was puzzled. Isn't it good to check on her brother every day?
"That's right, Bing'er." The other women asked incomprehensively.

It's fun to tease Su Chen every day. He will also write a few poems to praise them, which makes them happy.

"He said he wanted to see me every day. I fulfilled his wish. After watching him for a week, he should be satisfied." Bing'er said seriously.

The women smiled alike. Is this Bing'er declaring her sovereignty to them?
My sister eats alone.Only Yue'er is muttering...

Su Chen returned to the house he had not lived in for a week and started cleaning...

After cleaning, an ordinary bead appeared in Su Chen's hand.

"Yi, old man, you have always been with me, thank you." Su Chen entered Yi's space...

One day Su Chen opened the door and found that not only Bing'er Yue'er was back, but she also brought their teammates with her.

They all looked at Su Chen mysteriously, some with evil smiles on their faces.

In the evening, Su Chen, who was pestered by Yue'er, was finally dragged to the restaurant by Yue'er. Su Chen didn't expect that it turned out to be a cake, and there were traces of flour on Bing'er's body...

"Brother Su Chen, happy birthday." the girls said.
Su Chen was a little bit disgusted. He didn't expect Bing'er Yue'er to remember it so clearly. He just casually mentioned his birth date at that time.

There is also a red heart in the center of the cake.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish." Bing'er's eyes were full of clear spring water.

Su Chen's eyes were filled with holiness. It turned out that the world was far more interesting than he imagined...

Since then, Yue'er found that her sister went home more and more frequently, from once a month to once every half month, to once a week.

Sister's answer was that she could practice at home. Yue'er thought about it and it seemed right. Moreover, she could still see Su Chen and followed her sister home.

Until one day, on a quiet path, Su Chen and Bing'er were walking together. Their hands touched each other, and then they were pulled together tightly, and the last barrier between them was broken.

No matter whether the two of them spoke or not, they both seemed to understand each other's thoughts, and they slowly walked home holding hands.

After Yue'er discovered that the two people who had returned were holding hands, her heart was broken, and she secretly admired her sister's bravery.

It was obvious that Su Chen was not very talented and there were obviously better choices, but my sister still held Su Chen's hand without hesitation...

After Yue'er, she had to cover for her sister every time and let her go home for trysts (_)...

As winter turned to spring, Bing'er stood on tiptoes and kissed Su Chen, then turned around and went to school with Yue'er.

Su Chen's heart was also gently touched by Bing'er. Bing'er was far kinder, gentler and more beautiful than he imagined.

Su Chen looked back at the pile of martial arts knowledge books that Bing'er had prepared for him on the table, and couldn't help laughing.


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(End of this chapter)

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