Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 37: Each has its own purpose and sets off

Chapter 37: Each has its own purpose and sets off

In Notting City, Tang Xiaosan was very happy.

Yesterday, he celebrated his 12th birthday in the company of his teacher.

In his previous life, he was just an outer sect disciple, without a father or a mother. In his past life, he had to support his father at a young age. How could he have experienced such warmth?

Although Xiao Wu didn't come last night, Xiao Wu gave him a lot of green fruits.

Sweet and sour, appetizing and heart-warming, it filled his heart with joy from last night until now.

Tang San was walking on the street, and he didn't know where he learned it from, but he hummed a song about a good life in his childhood: "One piece, one piece, one piece, tear gi, tear gi, grow up quickly..."

Tang San came to the place where Xiao Wu rented a house and happily knocked on Xiao Wu's door.

"Xiao Wu, it's me." Tang San said.

"You? Who are you? State your name."

Xiao Wu was speechless, who the hell are you? What if you are some weird squid?How can I know you without saying your name.

Tang San felt sweet in his heart, Xiao Wu must have known his voice, and just wanted to say a few more words to him.

"Stop making trouble, Xiao Wu, it's me, Xiao San." Tang San said happily.

"Oh, it turns out it's the mistress. You should have told me earlier."

Xiao Wu finally remembered Tang San's voice, opened the door, and saw Tang San, who was almost 170 meters tall.

But why does the more you look at Tang San, the more you feel embarrassed?Could it be that as his strength improves, his vision becomes higher and higher?

Xiao Wu had doubts in her mind.

"Mistress, what's the matter?" Xiao Wu asked in confusion.

"Xiao Wu, we will graduate in less than half a year. Don't agree to those hot chicken soul master academies who ask you to go to their academy. They are all deceptive pheasant schools.

My teacher said that there is a school called Shrek Academy that specially recruits monsters like us. The teaching there can make us stronger. I want to invite you to come with us. "Tang San was excited and sincerely looking forward to it.

"Shit comes to the shell? Xiao Sanzi, wait a minute." Xiao Wu couldn't eat anymore when she thought of this name, so she quickly went into the house and took out the Goubuli steamed buns she bought and gave them to Tang San.

"Ah, thank you, Xiao Wu, I haven't had breakfast yet." Tang San took the Goubuli bun, hehehe.

Xiao Wu could already feel the strong aura of Titled Douluo.

Besides the bullshit Sun-Tian Douluo, which other titled Douluo would be willing to come to such a place where birds don't shit?

Xiao Wu was speechless.

It's really bad, the Douluo Continent is so big, I can meet Titled Douluo even in a remote small town academy.

It won't work if I don't follow. I guess if I go to another college, Tang Ritian might catch me in a secret room halfway...

The more Xiao Wu thought about it, the angrier she became, but her face didn't change at all.

"Okay, mistress, I don't have a particular school I want to go to anyway, so I'll just go to the Monster Academy you mentioned." Xiao Wu responded with a smile.

"Okay." Tang San blurted out.

Tang San was so happy that he could study in the same academy with Xiao Wu again. I, Tang San, am so handsome, and with tenderness and a pure and sincere heart that loves Xiao Wu, wouldn't it be a matter of time before I win over Xiao Wu? ?

Thinking of this, Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with tender eyes: Xiao Wu and I, Tang San, are a perfect match...

Tang Ritian, who was observing secretly, nodded secretly.

He is worthy of being my son, Tang Ritian. He has always been devoted to this soul beast girl and has the same demeanor as I did back then...

"If the mistress is fine, let's leave it like this for now. I'm going to practice."

Xiao Wu was a little impatient, why did Tang San's eyes look so weird just now, as if he already regarded me as his private property, damn...

The sound of the door closing brought Tang San from fantasy to reality: Hey, why is Xiao Wu closed? I just thought of getting married to Xiao Wu and having children. The girl will be called Tang xx, and the boy will be called xxx.
"Xiao Wu, I'm leaving first." Tang San said happily to the door, turned around and left.


Su Chen was accompanying A Yin at the moment, and the two of them were lying on the bed woven by A Yin with blue silver grass.Ah Yin looked at Su Chen who was holding her tightly.

"It's getting worse and worse, big bad guy." Ah Yin said softly.

Su Chen responded to Ah Yin with domineering and gentle love.

In the past, I would only hold hands with her and take a walk, and she would take the initiative to kiss him every time. Recently, Su Chen started to act dishonest with his hands and mouth.

Could it be that puberty has arrived?Ah Yin was a little scared and a little looking forward to this.

Although Su Chen never expressed any intention of possessing her, Ah Yin was looking forward to it more and more...

Su Chen's life was becoming more and more promising.

Time flies like an arrow, time passes.
The Qibao Glazed Sect, one of the three sects on the Douluo Continent.

The main hall has a luxurious design with a natural atmosphere and a long and straight walkway.

No, it is a small artistic bridge made of agarwood, showing the grandeur of a large family.

Under the walkway is a pool of clear and pure water, decorated with lotus leaves and lotus flowers made of real gold.

In the most distinguished position of the hall, behind the beams supported by two tall jade pillars, two men of extraordinary temperament were arguing.

"Uncle Jian, does the boy you mentioned really have that kind of potential? To become a being that surpasses you." A middle-aged man with an elegant and gentle appearance said, but his tone was full of disbelief.

"That's right, although his soul power level is not yet level 20, his understanding of swordsmanship has surpassed mine.

Fencing with him made me understand how shallow I was before, and it benefited me a lot.

I used to focus on level breakthroughs, but I forgot that the sword is my essence. "

Sword Douluo Chenxin, who looked like an old man but had skin as tender as a baby, expressed admiration.

"Is it because of him that you broke through seclusion this time?" Ning Fengzhi asked again. It was not clear from his expression what he was thinking. It seemed that he was already very shocked.

"Hahaha, that's right, I never thought that after I gave up on leveling up, there would be a breakthrough in leveling up." Sword Douluo didn't have the demeanor of a strong man, and was giggling.

In private, he rarely showed off in front of Ning Fengzhi.

But the soul power level is not level 20 yet, so what's the use of having a higher understanding of swordsmanship.Ning Fengzhi was puzzled, but didn't say it out loud.

"Fengzhi, I have introduced you to an excellent son-in-law. After ten years of sharpening his sword, he will surpass me sooner or later. Do you doubt my vision?" Sword Douluo looked dissatisfied at Ning Fengzhi's unsatisfactory appearance.

"Uncle Jian, how could I doubt you?" Ning Fengzhi was defeated, "But Rongrong is her"

"Rong Rong? I treat her better than you as a father. Will I harm her?" Chen Xin became angry again when he heard Ning Fengzhi mention the well-behaved girl in his heart.

"Okay, I'll get someone ready right now and let Rongrong go meet and see if it's suitable." Ning Fengzhi also agreed.

However, when Ning Rongrong learned the news, he had already started his escape plan.

Finally, after several days of hard work, she escaped from the sect.

Ning Rongrong was extremely proud.

"My aunt doesn't want to get to know someone who's not even level 20. I'm going to an academy that recruits monsters. That's where I should go..."


"Forget it, Fengzhi, maybe they are not destined." Sword Douluo stopped the very angry Ning Fengzhi, "Get Rongrong back. If Rongrong doesn't want to, forget it."


ps: I suddenly became thick-skinned. I found that there were no book reviews or five-star reviews. It was still bare and ugly...

Therefore, whoever gets the second blood, I will add the essence.

First blood, ahem, I just took it, I'm sorry_

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  xdm, please vote
(End of this chapter)

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