Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 38: Each has its own purpose and sets off

Chapter 38: Each has its own purpose and sets off

Ning Fengzhi was helpless about her daughter's behavior.

Ning Fengzhi's original intention was just to let Ning Rongrong and Uncle Jian meet the young man. As for whether his daughter would like him, Ning Fengzhi didn't care.

She even felt that with her daughter's personality, it was impossible to fall in love with a boy with average talent.

But Ning Fengzhi didn't expect that her daughter would be so resistant and actually run away from home.

"Give me the order and send someone to follow you secretly. If Rongrong's life is not in danger, don't worry about it."

Ning Fengzhi was also determined and asked Rongrong to receive education from the outside environment.


Wuhun City, in the Pope's Palace.

"Teacher, no, I don't want Titled Douluo to follow." Cheng Rou decisively refused the teacher's arrangement.

When she thought about it, there were only a few Titled Douluo that the teacher could use.

If a titled Douluo goes out with her, then there will be one less powerful person that the teacher can use.

There are some things that only Titled Douluo can solve. Does the teacher need to come forward and deal with them personally?

Cheng Rou naturally does not allow the noble teacher to be troubled by the world.

"Xiaorou, if you don't let the titled Douluo follow, the teacher won't worry." Bibi Dong once again stated that this disciple is too stubborn.

Cheng Rou naturally knew the teacher's concern.

"Teacher, it's okay. I'm not going to the mountains of swords and seas of fire."

"Besides, not many people know me, so I'm not in danger. Otherwise, let Contra follow me and let him stay in Soto City. I don't want to have too much contact with them."

Cheng Rou gave in and didn't want to argue with the teacher anymore.

This was the first time Cheng Rou proposed to the teacher the idea of ​​going out alone, and Bibi Dong naturally would not refuse.

Although Bibi Dong had never heard of Shrek Academy, in her opinion, it might be a Pheasant Academy.

But Bibi Dong knew that Rourou's talent was the same no matter where she studied it. She had already mastered a wealth of soul master knowledge and considerable strength, and what she needed now was more experience.

Bibi Dong's eyes were soft and reluctant to give up.

But if a young bird wants to become an eagle, it must eventually learn to travel far alone and have its own vast sky.

"Go ahead and come back early if you don't get used to it." Bibi Dong gently stroked Cheng Rou's head.

"Well, thank you teacher for your help." Cheng Rou did not expect that the teacher would agree to her going out to study in another college, and she agreed easily.

Cheng Rou accidentally heard that there was an academy specifically for monsters, and after contacting her own situation, she told the teacher that she wanted to go to this academy.

Cheng Rou, who is already level 46, bids farewell to her teacher and Hu Liena, and begins her first trip alone...


On a certain official road, a man and a woman were resting.

The man was dressed simply in a blue suit. The most attractive thing about him was only a belt inlaid with 24 gems around his waist.

At this moment, he was smiling, and his mind was already thinking about how to please the girl not far from him.

But the girl next to him is so extraordinary. She has a scorpion braid made of soft and silky hair that hangs down to her calf. What will happen if her braid is untied?

The girl is taller than the boy next to her. She is wearing a pink hot jacket that wraps up her slender figure. Her waist is so slim that it can be easily grasped.

The skin on her face is actually a little pink, and coupled with her slightly round face, it is purely natural, making people feel beautiful, cute, and a bit pretty.

Her big, watery eyes are also particularly smart, making people fall in love with her more and more. Is the boy next to her so fascinated?
"Xiao Wu, sit here."

This boy was Tang San. He cleaned a piece of moist stone, then took out a piece of embroidered cloth from the soul guide and covered it on the stone.

Xiao Wu thought for a while, walked over with light steps, and sat down naturally.

"My dear, is Shrek Academy really as good as you say?" Xiao Wu sat down and was very confused. "Yes, Xiao Wu, that is an academy that only admits monsters, so it is very suitable for us to go.

The teacher strongly recommended it, and the teacher will also come to the college to teach. "Tang San was very proud.

Listening to Tang San's praise, Xiao Wu thought of Tang San's teacher.

The old guy who claims to be a master is still a level 29 great soul master. I don’t know how old he is.

On the outside, he looks wise, knowledgeable, and enigmatic, but how could a great soul master have so many soul master theories?

Where did those theories come from, and how many of them are correct?Xiao Wu has always been suspicious.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang never taught publicly in school, and no one knew about his true talents.

At least, in Xiao Wu's opinion, Yu Xiaogang is not very knowledgeable. There are many teachers in the academy who share the same opinion with Xiao Wu.

The most suspicious thing is that Yu Xiaogang can still receive wages. It is said that it has been almost 20 years, and his life is very pleasant.

In 20 years, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle.

I am now level 12 not long after I turned 47 years old. So how did the master practice?

If it weren't for the Titled Douluo watching over me, I wouldn't be in such a miserable state at level 47, following a little fool.

The cute little bunny is so difficult (˙ー˙)
After thinking about it, Xiao Wu also looked at the mistress with some sympathy, and some inexplicable thoughts came to her mind: He couldn't be that master's experimental subject...

"Xiao Wu, eat an apple, it's so cute."

Tang San was deeply fascinated by Xiao Wu's thoughtful look at this moment.

"Thank you, mistress, I don't want to eat now." Xiao Wu replied casually.

"Then drink some water." Tang San handed over the kettle.

"I have a belt, mistress."

Xiao Wu didn't dare to drink. Although she didn't spend much time with Tang San these years, Tang San would always show off some of his talents in front of her.

Xiao Wu also knew some details about Tang San from this. She didn't know where she learned the strange knowledge. She went to blacksmith every day and made some insidious weapons.

He is also particularly good at detoxifying and likes to smear poison on those insidious and small weapons.

In the wilderness, what would you do if you accidentally drugged yourself?

Little Rabbit was a little panicked, and there was a Titled Douluo following him...


On a huge [-]-meter-high tree at the junction of the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire, a girl stood gracefully on the top of the tree.

The bright black hair falls down on her shoulders. Occasionally, the wind blows by, and the flowing hair stirs up layers of ink-colored light.

Her body was tightly wrapped in black leather clothes, and her figure was perfectly displayed. How should she describe her figure?

It makes the hearts of many men bleed and makes many women of the same age envious.

Compared with her hot figure, her face is pure and cold from the heart.

Her black eyes looked towards the direction of the Star Luo Empire with determination.

Turning around in the tree deftly, she looked at the Tiandou Empire with a firm gaze. Her eyes began to change color, her left eye was dark green, and her right eye was blue. This was a woman whose taste in the world was pure joy.

She smiled slightly and disappeared from the tree...

Shrek She was looking forward to seeing what that cowardly fiancé was up to.

Also, she believed that the Tiandou Empire would definitely be able to find Su Chen...

Su Chen came to the center of Sunset Forest.

He looked at the poisonous valley in front of him and walked in as if nothing had happened.

ps, please support, please give me five-star praise
(End of this chapter)

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