Chapter 39

Su Chen's destination is the Ice and Fire Eyes that all Long Aotian who traveled to Douluo will take care of.

Regardless of whether it was useful or not, Su Chen naturally wanted to take care of it.

Su Chen was already strolling leisurely in the medicine garden.
There are all kinds of exotic plants everywhere, which is comparable to a paradise for plants to grow.

In Tang San's eyes, these rare plants were regarded as fairy grass, but in Su Chen's eyes, they were just ordinary spiritual grasses.

But in Su Chen's eyes, they were just weeds and of no use to him.

Only spiritual herbs can withstand the power of the medicine if it is taken orally by a person. If it is replaced by a spiritual medicine or above, it will not support the person to death?
Su Chen came to the spring water where the two colors of milky white and vermilion did not interfere with each other, and held up a ray of water with his hands as if nothing had happened.

This terrifying, cold to hot spring water that could harm the Titled Douluo was as calm as a jelly toy in his hands.

However, these grasses are super treasures for the soul masters of Douluo Continent.

Su Chen would definitely not leave Tang San's youngest son with a smile, would he?

He was also curious about what achievements Shrek and the others would have achieved in the end if they had not taken these straws.

Su Chen thought for a while and decided that these grasses would be just right for Bing'er and the others. It could not only improve their levels, but also change their talents.

Then I will cultivate some for Dong'er's eldest wife. She should become more and more curious about me.

That injured woman should slowly let her feel my kindness...

This is all because Su Chen was a loyal fan of Douluo in his previous life. He deeply liked several female characters in it and felt worthless for them. He was too obsessed with them.

Bibi Dong has become one of his favorite female characters in the Soul Beast Continent. He was ignorant in his previous life and became a faly. If there is a chance, he must give her the most beautiful scenery and care...

"Have you finally discovered it? It's too slow."

Su Chen, who was wearing a mask, had no choice but to take them all away if he didn't come back.
In a cave not far from the Binghuo Liangyiyan Mountain Col, there was an old man with dark green beard and hair, and his eyes were also radiating dark green. His face was a little stiff.

But at this moment, he was obviously angry, "Who is it! Came to my medicine garden, is it Old Chrysanthemum, damn it!"

This person is none other than Dugu Bo, the Poison Douluo who is known to specialize in poison. He is also famous for his group attacks.

Dugubo is not good at talking to others, and he doesn't like to deal with others. Of course, because of his drug use, everyone is afraid to communicate with him.

There will also be some people who are bored and use Dugu Bo as the unit of measurement to calculate the combat power of titled Douluo.

Dugu Bo rushed over and saw a masked man dressed as a Jiujianxian in the medicine garden.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Dugu Bo didn't immediately take action when he saw this man dressed as a wine swordsman.

Because he thought of a terrifying rumor about the Jiujianxian some time ago.

If this person is a wine swordsman, it will be dangerous.

"I want your garden and these weeds." Su Chen's faint voice came from under the mask.

"What, do you know who I am?" Dugu Bo tested again, but he did have murderous intent in his heart.

This medicinal garden, especially the strange spring, can help him relieve the toxicity.Many of these herbs are his hard work, and he also transplanted many precious herbs and cultivated them here.

Of course, Dugu Bo didn't know those so-called fairy grasses, so he probably treated them as weeds or poisonous weeds.

What Binghuo Liangyi can recognize in his eyes is probably the flowers and plants he transplanted himself.

If Dugu Bo realizes the effect of these fairy grasses, even just one plant, will Dugu Yan only reach level 38 when he is eighteen or nineteen years old? "Dugu Bo, a very powerful Titled Douluo, right?" Su Chen waved his hand indifferently.

But these words were like a bolt from the blue in Dugu Bo's heart: "You are the Jiujianxian himself!"

The Jiu Sword Immortal becomes stronger when he encounters a strong one. No one knows his specific strength. However, even though there are titled Douluo in the Gu family, they are still exterminated. Dugu Bo has no confidence in his heart. He is powerful in group battles, but alone.
"You can call me that. I won't take this herb for nothing. As compensation, I can help you get rid of the poisoning problem of the owner of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit." Su Chen spoke calmly again.

"Hmph, do you think you can belittle me just because you are a wine swordsman?"

In Dugu Bo's view, some people said that he was poisoned, which was disrespectful to his Majesty the Poison Douluo.

Can't the poisonous master in his own right detoxify himself?
If this were known to others, wouldn't it be ridiculed by all the soul masters in the mainland?
But he began to panic inside.
"Oh, really? The Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Spirit is a rare Martial Spirit. Among those of you who own the Jade Phosphorus Snake Martial Spirit, apart from you and your granddaughter, who else has this Martial Spirit?
Your granddaughter probably won't live long. You are considered to be gifted and have your own opportunities to survive until now.Aren't you willing to accept my terms of exchange?In fact, I don’t need to negotiate conditions with you. "Su Chen joked, no longer looking at the changes in Dugu Bo's face, and leisurely wandering around the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Dugu Bo's face was livid, he knew a lot about the person in front of him, he was strolling leisurely, and he was not afraid of himself at all. Maybe he could really solve the problems that the family had been having.

Moreover, his granddaughter is Dugu Bo's weak point. Seeing that his lively and lovely granddaughter who depends on him for life will also be tortured by this poison in the future, Dugu Bo's heart twists.

"If you can really solve the problem of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit, don't talk about this medicine garden, just let me call you master." Dugu Bo said after struggling.

"No need, just take what you need." Su Chen didn't dare to be interested.

Dugu Bo was shocked and looked at the Jiujianxian who suddenly appeared about one meter in front of him out of thin air. He was obviously ordinary.

But he found that his body was shaking uncontrollably, and the soul power in his body was suppressed to death.

Dugu Bo came to the conclusion, "It's easy for this person to kill me."

Su Chen looked at Dugu Bo and said calmly: "I won't talk about the symptoms of your poison. You must know that the poison comes from your martial spirit.

Every time you use your martial spirit, some of the jade phosphorus snake venom will remain in your body. It's okay to have low strength at first, and the toxicity is not fatal.

As the strength becomes stronger later on, the toxicity will increase with the strength, making it difficult for the human body to resist.You are very good, you have cultivated to the level of Titled Douluo."

Dugu Bo should be the last titled Douluo of the Dugu family in the original work.

It is indeed a unique opportunity. Otherwise, how could I have met the Ice and Fire Eyes.

In the original work, all the herbs in the garden were taken away by Tang San, and not a single fairy grass was left to Dugu Bo or her granddaughter.

Later, the Ice and Fire Eyes became the property of the Tang Sect, but the Dugu family could no longer be found on the mainland, and the Jade Phosphorus Snake Spirit disappeared.

This is too cruel. After all, they are friends who have been together for a long time, tsk tsk tsk.
Although Su Chen can take it, no one can stop him.But Su Chen also had his own principles, and it was very unreasonable to take things by force.

This medicine garden was discovered by this old man first, and it was his chance. Unfortunately, he didn't know the goods, but he took good care of the medicine garden.

His granddaughter is actually pretty good too. Dugu Yan is probably the first woman in the original novel who hates Tang San.

Dugu Yan made no secret of his dislike for Tang San, and Su Chen quite appreciated this.

But why do you hate Tang San?Was he underestimated by Tang San?I still think Tang San is too hypocritical and likes to show off.
"I don't know what the Jiujianxian has to do with this. I hope you can tell me. If it can really cure me and my granddaughter, I will definitely repay this great kindness." Dugu Bo said excitedly again.

When Dugu Bo thought of his granddaughter, he couldn't help but feel more sincere.

With such terrifying coercive power, Jiujianxian probably wouldn't be able to deceive others.


ps: Please give me good reviews, please recommend me, please support me, look at my blue and silver winding

(End of this chapter)

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