Chapter 40 Dugu Bo’s Flattery
Su Chen was leisurely admiring the flowers and said leisurely: "The first method is to extract the curse that exists in your martial soul. In this way, you will no longer be in danger of the Jade Phosphorus Snake's backlash in the future, and it will be safe and harmless."

"The second one is the technique from the Mysterious Elixir Poison Sutra. This technique can effectively utilize the jade phosphorus snake venom that exists in your body. You... choose which one you want."

When Dugu Bo heard that his martial soul was cursed, he was shocked. Is this really the case?

Dugu Bo wanted to ask about the source of the curse, but he was afraid of interrupting and causing dissatisfaction, so he could only remember it silently in his heart.

When I heard that the curse could be extracted from the martial soul, I was even more excited and shocked. Is there really such a terrifying method?

But when he heard that a single exercise method could cure snake venom and could be used effectively, he didn't believe it.

However, now that he saw this technique in his hand, "Hey, it's so terrifying."

Introduction to the technique can condense the jade phosphorus snake venom or other toxins in the body into a mysterious poison source pill or mysterious poison pill.

Condensing the mysterious poison source pill can not only increase the speed of cultivation and fight against enemies, but also give you the opportunity to understand the laws of poison.

Although Dugu Bo didn't know what the law was, it sounded awesome.

And if you choose to condense the Mysterious Poison Pill, it will be more difficult to condense the Origin Pill.

Because Xuan Du Dan can be condensed continuously and appear in the hand. It can be used as a consumable against enemies. It is a powerful poisonous explosive. After use, it must be re-condensed with poison.
However, both methods can effectively solve and utilize the phosphorus snake venom, making the snake venom that has always harmed the Dugu family become the beginning of the Dugu family's glory.

"Could it be... that the lonely family, the Jade Phosphorus Snake martial spirit, will finally rise up among our grandsons?"

Dugubo thought of his mother and father, as well as Yanyan's parents, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm and he couldn't help but shed tears.
Su Chen looked at Dugu Bo who was holding the Xuan Dan Po Sutra in his hand.This technique was just created casually, but he still shed tears. He was such a sweetheart. He must have thought of something from the past.
Seeing that Dugu Bo had not responded and was still worried about something, Su Chen said: "After you have made your choice, go out first and try this technique."

"Okay, thank you benefactor. This medicine garden will be yours from now on. You have the final say on what you want to do. I, the Dugu family, are willing to go out of my way to help my benefactor without any hesitation."

After saying that, Dugu Bo turned around, jumped up, disappeared into the mist generated by the spring, and returned to the cave to study the technique.
After Lonely Bo left, the herbs and land in the medicine garden actually floated.

The herbs are separated from the soil, as if the area is being decomposed
Collecting herbs couldn't be that complicated for Su Chen.

Su Chen cut off a piece of the roots of these herbs and brought them into his space for cultivation.

Then only the herbs were left in the sky, and the soil returned to the ground and returned to its original state.

After some manipulation by Su Chen, only a few herbs and the roots of the herbs were left in the medicine garden.With the eyes of ice and fire, they will grow at a growth rate of more than ten times.

It's hard to say whether Tang San can come. If he comes, he can only think of eating shit, and it's impossible to eat dirt.
After thinking about it, Su Chen took a bath in the eyes of ice and fire.

Su Chen, who was floating on the spring water, kicked the water and said, "It feels so comfortable. It feels like I came here to take a bath with my eldest wife or Binger Ah Yin."


Su Chen walked out of the spring and called Lonely Bo.

This technique was too magical for Dugu Bo, and he wished he could practice it all the time, forgetting to eat and sleep.

Due to Lonely Bo's high strength, this technique is more like tailor-made for him. He has already used jade phosphorus snake venom to condense the Xuan Poison Origin Pill, and it is beginning to take shape.

But when he heard the benefactor's voice, he quickly stopped practicing and rushed over.

Dugu Bo was shocked when he arrived at the medicine garden: it didn't take long, and the medicine garden had been emptied out at this moment. The quick hands of this wine swordsman.
"This is a herb that can amplify toxins in the body hundreds or thousands of times. Some people call it fairy grass or swan. You can use it to practice with the exercises, but don't be greedy."Su Chen looked at the stunned Dugu Bo and shook his head. "Thank you so much, my benefactor." Dugu Bo was very excited.

"Don't call me your benefactor, we just get what we need." Su Chen said without interest.

"Yes, I am a great benefactor." Dugu Bo became even more happy, what a great thing.

Dugu Bo looked at the plant in the medicine garden that he had previously regarded as a weed.

He had thought it was an extremely scary poisonous weed before, but he didn't expect it to be so scary. Fortunately, he hadn't touched it before, otherwise people might have died.

But now it is indeed a great treasure for him. With the combination of martial arts and herbal medicine, he can gain huge benefits while taking advantage of it. This wine swordsman actually told
This character made Dugu Bo admire and recognize him in his heart, and he gave him too much.
"Remember this one with eight orchids, and this location, you have to protect it.

This place is called Ice and Fire Eyes. These herbs mature easily because of the existence of springs.

This eight-piece flower can be given to your granddaughter, which will make her practice faster and make her body softer. "Su Chen said seriously.

Dugu Yan's weak and boneless waist, and the title of Douluo's most beautiful tongue, I don't know if this will give Yu Tianheng an advantage.

Su Chen waited and watched for a long time during that time, which was pretty good.You have to give what you deserve, after all, you can get as much grass as you want.
I really feel that the grandfather and grandson are not worth it. I don’t know if there is a treasure in vain.Especially that strange velvet-toothing chrysanthemum, don't you have any doubt that it is very similar to the martial spirit of your old enemy and old friend Ju Douluo?
If Dugu Bo lowers his composure and pleases Ju Douluo and asks about herbal medicine knowledge, maybe you, Poison Douluo, will become the person that everyone in Douluo wants to please.
The two came to a cave.

"My benefactor, do you want a wife?" Dugu Bo drank a glass of strong wine and said flatteringly.

"Haha, I have two scheduled wives." Su Chen laughed heartily, feeling very happy when he heard the word wife.

When Dugu Bo heard about it, he realized that he was a person with a charming temperament. No wonder there were rumors that this person was not only mysterious, but also extremely chic.

"Only two? How can this be done? I don't want a wife. For a strong man like you, if you have a few more, you will be charming and suave, and you will be talked about well."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't answer, Dugu Bo said, "My granddaughter, she is not yet 19 this year. Not only is she as beautiful as a fairy, but she is also one of the few beauties in the world. How about I be your wife?"

"No need, your granddaughter should have someone she likes even at her age." Su Chen refused.

"Don't worry, my benefactor, my granddaughter's name is Yanyan. She is studying at Tiandou Royal Academy and is also a genius in the academy."

"My granddaughter hasn't been in love yet. She is getting close to Yu Tianheng from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family because they are teammates. That guy is pursuing my granddaughter now. Even if my granddaughter agrees, I will not agree. .”

"The patriarch of the Blue Lightning Overlord family, Yu Yuanzhen, is arrogant and domineering. Yu Tianheng must only obey his father's orders and dare not resist. If my granddaughter marries in, she will definitely be excluded. That boy will definitely not help my granddaughter stand up, and My granddaughter's martial spirit happens to be a snake, and their martial spirit is a dragon. If I am no longer around in the future, my granddaughter may not have a good life."

Dugubo continued to talk seriously without spilling a drop of saliva.

“And my granddaughter told me some time ago that she rejected Yu Tianheng.

My granddaughter is still sensible, hahaha, but my granddaughter is still studying in the college. How about I let her come back and meet her benefactor right away. She will definitely be satisfied after seeing her. "Dugu Bo said confidently.

It seems as if his granddaughter is the best girl in the world.


ps, thank you xmd for your support, don’t run away when you come, look at my blue silver entanglement...

(End of this chapter)

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