Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 41 Duguyan is happy, Binger is disbelieving

Chapter 41 Duguyan is happy, Binger is disbelieving

Sure enough, Dugu Bo was famous for liking to give gifts to his granddaughter. In the original work, he even brought Tang San and his granddaughter together, but they disliked each other at the time.

Tang San may have disliked Duguyan and Yutian Hengsheng rice for cooking, and the rice couldn't be cooked any more.

Who told him to call himself pure and pure?

As for Tang San's disapproval of Dugu Yan's age, it's probably impossible...

At that time, Tang San was not yet 14 years old, but combined with his age in his previous life, he was already over 40 years old.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan was only in his early 20s. Did Tang San dislike Dugu Yan's young age?
"No need, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Su Chen turned around and replied calmly.

"Okay, benefactor." Dugu Bo is very sensible, nothing can be accomplished overnight.

"If I find that the boyfriend my granddaughter is looking for does not meet the requirements, I will definitely break my granddaughter's legs and send her to you to serve as a maid." Dugu Bo said cheerfully.

Tear, so terrifying!
Is this Poison Douluo going to give me his granddaughter shamelessly?Let me call him father-in-law.
Su Chen's figure slowly became blurred until he disappeared.Dugu Bo looked on with envy. How strong is this man?

"Grandpa, what's the matter calling me back?"

Dugu Yan was puzzled. Why did he ask me to come back when he was practicing well in the academy?There is also a best friend in the college who is not easy to worry about.

Dugu Bo gently rubbed Dugu Yan's head and told her about the problems with his martial soul...

"Grandpa, I...had known I was poisoned. I don't blame you. Every time I see you crying alone in a cave, I..." Lonely Yan felt sad.

Looking at the well-behaved granddaughter in front of him, Dugu Bo felt even more heartbroken.

This is his only relative in the world, and the snake venom his granddaughter will suffer later will definitely be violent.

When Dugu Bo thought about his granddaughter having to endure that kind of pain, how could he not blame himself for his incompetence?
Grandfather and grandson hugged each other, protecting Yanyan who was crying in his arms. Dugubo said excitedly: "Yanyan, don't worry, everything is fine. Today we met a noble man, he is our savior, you don't have to bear this kind of pain in the future. ”

Dugu Bo briefly talked about the benefactor, and then took out the Xuan Dan Po Sutra.

"You will take this Xuan Dan Po Sutra and study it carefully later. If you don't understand, come and ask me. It can not only solve our problems, but also greatly increase our strength. In time, our family will definitely become the best in the mainland. A top family." Dugu Bo was excited, unable to conceal his excitement.

"Grandpa, is it true?" Dugu Yan looked at the technique in his hand and was a little excited. Naturally, grandpa would not make such a joke.

She had learned about the problem of Ling Ling's martial soul from her grandfather before, and she felt a sympathy for Ling Ling.

Dugu Yan looked at her grandfather expectantly and said, "If that benefactor can help us, then can he help Lingling."

"Yanyan, you don't need to think too much about this matter, don't mention it, you know? How can a strong man help others for no reason in this world?" Dugu Boy said sincerely.

"Okay grandpa, but next time your benefactor comes to see you, you must ask me to come." Dugu Yan nodded humbly.

Looking at his granddaughter, Dugu Bo didn't know what his granddaughter was thinking. Didn't she just want to ask the Jiujianxian to help Ye Lingling?
"Okay, you can take this herb. It can wash away the impurities in your body, improve your soul power level, make it easier for you to absorb and move your soul power, and practice your skills more smoothly."

"Grandpa, this grass comes from the medicinal garden. Is it really so magical?" Dugu Yan was very curious. After staying in this medicinal garden for so many years, you are now telling me that it has such a terrifying effect?

"Yes, but the medicine garden is no longer ours. We have already gained a lot of benefits. It now belongs to the benefactor. We are just looking after it. Do you understand?"

Dugu Bo also felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know the use of Yaoyuanzi after taking care of it for so long, but he still became serious.

"I understand, grandpa." Dugu Yan nodded obediently. "Well, if that benefactor likes you, would you do it?

He is the most mysterious wine swordsman in mainland China in recent years, and he should be a young talent.But even I am not his opponent. If he can like you, it is your blessing. If you don't want to, I won't force him. "Dugu Bo said lovingly as he looked at his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, I, I, I am willing." Dugu Yan responded excitedly.

Yu Tianheng's figure flashed through Dugu Yan's mind, and finally it shattered into pieces.

Countless rumors about the Jiujianxian appeared in my mind, and I kept thinking about it. The most beautiful man in the rumors had all kinds of cool and happy deeds.

Isn't this my idol?
Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a benefactor, and even had the chance to become his woman.

Dugu Yan's face gradually became rosy and expectant.
Dugu Bo smiled and nodded...


Su Chen returned home and cultivated herbs in a space. It was easy for him to cultivate to the level of Douluo.

The space is boundless, and there is even a divine medicine garden in it, and the immortal energy is not comparable to that of Douluo Continent.
Bing'er Yue'er returned two days later.

As soon as she returned home, Bing'er fell into the arms of the man who was already waiting for her to come home with longing and sweetness.

Bing'er's face also became extremely girlish and gentle, and her eyes were full of love.

Yue'er saw her sister leaning in Su Chen's arms as soon as she came home. She was used to this scene and walked away calmly.

Sister, only in Su Chen's arms does she look like a girl who has lost her mind. Perhaps this kind of sister is the most relaxed and real.

My sister has slowly taken up the banner of the team in the academy, and the pressure on her is definitely not as easy as it seems on the surface.Yue'er thought in her heart.

Bing'er lightly kissed Su Chen's face, then gently moved away from Su Chen's arms.

"Binger, look."

Seeing two soul rings emerging from Su Chen's feet, Bing'er was shocked, covering her mouth with both hands, her eyes were full of Su Chen, my man's talent has become higher again.

Bing'er hugged Su Chen again, stood on tiptoes and whispered in Su Chen's ear: "Congratulations, you big fool."

What woman doesn’t want her man to become better and better?

"Fool Bing'er, don't you want to know why I improved so much? How did I obtain the soul ring?" Su Chen said with great gentleness.

He didn't want to tell Bing'er about his situation, maybe the relationship between the two would change.

Growing up together slowly like this, feeling her care and tenderness, was a kind of true love in the world that Su Chen had never experienced before. He was greedy.
"You must have been influenced by my love, or maybe you missed me too much, which made you advance by leaps and bounds, right?" Bing'er's water-blue eyes were wide open, and her tone was naughty.

Yue'er secretly looked at her sweet sister in the room, feeling envious in her heart
At this time, Yue'er heard her sister calling her to get out. Yue'er's heart beat. Could it be that her sister wanted to share it with her...

"Su Chen, you are getting better and better at lying. Have you deceived many girls like this outside?" Bing'er was dissatisfied. An inexplicable grass can improve you. Although the grass looks very good, you should Haven't I, Shui Bing'er, read any books?
What’s the use of good looks (ε)
Su Chen looked begging for mercy.


ps, please recommend me and support me, don’t run away when you come, look at my blue and silver entanglement
(End of this chapter)

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