Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 42 Bing'er is shocked, Tianshui team's terrifying improvement

Chapter 42 Bing'er is shocked, Tianshui team's terrifying improvement

Bing'er looked at the grass in her hand, which Su Chen called Qiluo Tulip, and was very curious.

She had never seen this kind of plant before. The strong tulip fragrance shook her mind and gave people a sense of grace and luxury. It was indeed beautiful.

Yue'er is also looking at the snow-white eight-petal orchid in her hand, which has a fairy-like aura that makes people like it very much.

"Brother-in-law, how do you eat this?"

Yue'er's name for Su Chen gradually changed.

"Chew and swallow like a cow eating grass, and then sit cross-legged to absorb it." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Ah, sister, look at Su Chen...

I'm not a cow, bah bah bah.

You are the cow. "The moon is bouncing, so naughty and cute.

"Su Chen, trick us into eating grass. If it doesn't work, we can't get around you." Bing'er also said with a smile, her bright eyes blinking at Su Chen, as if to tell Su Chen that you will feel better later.

Seeing the two slim figures returning to the backyard to absorb the fairy grass, Su Chen shook his head in interest.


Bing'er followed Su Chen's method and gently inhaled the tulip core to absorb the essence of the entire flower into her body.

At this moment, Bing'er felt that there seemed to be a strange energy in her body, as gentle as water, as if it was washing something.

Bing'er hurriedly sat cross-legged and used her soul power to slowly guide and control it, letting the effects of the medicine spread throughout her body.

Watching her sister absorb the flower core so easily, Yue'er resented Su Chen for being partial!

But now I started chewing grass...

Three hours later, Bing'er Yue'er had absorbed the fairy grass and opened her eyes.The eyes of the two girls were full of surprise and disbelief.

"I'm already level 40 now???!!!" Bing'er was questioning, but her face was filled with surprise.

"Sister, it's true. I have also broken through to level 30. And I feel that after absorbing the soul ring, I can still improve several levels!" Yue'er leaned in Bing'er's arms and was very happy.

"Sister, I... Hey, why do you smell so good? You smell so good." Yue'er said with a look of enjoyment again.

Bing'er smiled slightly, and the martial spirit appeared behind her, an ice phoenix.

His appearance has not changed in any way from before, but his icy aura has become even more domineering.

Yue'er summoned her martial spirit to resist her sister's cold energy, and quickly left her sister's arms (_)
My sister was originally calm and intelligent, but now she has a noble aura. The state of being possessed by the martial spirit gives her a hint of queenly style.

"Sister, how did you become a queen?" Yue'er said enviously.

Bing'er put away her martial spirit, regained the gentleness she used to treat her family, and looked at Yue'er's martial spirit seriously, "Yue'er, your martial spirit has become more solid and has a little tail."

"Yes, sister, I feel that my speed is faster." Yue'er is of the agility and attack system, and the increase in speed is a great improvement in her strength.

Yue'er had always had an eccentric spirit, but now after taking the fairy grass, she actually had an aura of being out of the world, like a little fairy.

The two women looked at each other, smiled, held hands, and went to the front yard to find Su Chen.

"Sister, can I kiss Su Chen? He gave me such a precious thing. This is definitely worth a lot." Yue'er said with shame.

"Fool, he's your brother too, why can't you kiss him?" Bing'er said tenderly, pinching her sister's cheek gently.

This is indeed valuable, and Bing'er also feels that her body has undergone great changes, which seems to be of great help to her future practice.

The two girls soon arrived at the front yard. Yue'er ran over, hugged Su Chen, gave him a kiss on the face, and left quickly.

"Thank you, brother-in-law. You don't know how much pressure my sister was under before. To lead the Tianshui team to achieve good results in the continent-wide soul master competition, it requires at least the top five." Yue'er said gratefully.

"Fool, aren't we a family? Why are you saying thank you?" Su Chen touched Yue'er's little head.

"Yeah." Yue'er said delicately, feeling like she was a younger sister.

Bing'er also came over and stood not even a centimeter in front of Su Chen.

Bing'er raised her head and looked at Su Chen. The two looked at each other at such a close distance, filled with sweetness and hormones.
"Bing'er, it's getting more and more fragrant." Su Chen took a deep breath and inhaled all the smell of Bing'er. "Hmph, I smelled better before than I smell now." Bing'er looked directly at Su Chen with a naughty smile.

"You won't know until you try it." After Su Chen finished speaking, he printed it on Bing'er's red cherry mouth and licked it lightly.

"S—" Bing'er said with a shy tone, gently hitting Su Chen. Anyway, there were no outsiders around, so she didn't want to hide her coquettishness.

"Sister, that's too bad, you're just lying to me." Yue'er muttered dissatisfied from the side.



"Su Chen, why do you have such a heaven-defying treasure? These herbs are magical, but they are also very dangerous. If anyone knows about their effects, we will be hunted to death by people across the continent." Bing'er said to Su Chen stopped joking and analyzed carefully.

"Don't worry, I went out to play some time ago and picked it up in a very hidden place."

"I discovered their effects after eating them by mistake. I thought of a collection of herbal medicines I picked up before. I didn't expect that these herbs are legendary rare treasures. And the effects of these herbs are very popular among those who know them. Less." Su Chen explained patiently.

Bing'er chatted with Su Chen about some details again and felt relieved.

What moved Bing'er even more was that Su Chen took out a few more herbs and asked her to give them to Xue Wu and the others.

Although herbal medicine is good, at this stage, absorbing just one plant will already benefit you a lot.

Bing'er accepted it without hesitation, and even gave Su Chen a few big kisses, which made Su Chen burst into laughter.

In the evening, after the two girls consolidated the effect of the medicine again, they returned to the academy as if nothing had happened.

Bing'er didn't hide it, and she couldn't hide it from the teacher.

With level 40 soul power, in order to continue to increase her soul power level, she must obtain a soul ring.

As for obtaining soul rings, it is safest to be under the guidance and protection of a teacher.

Bing'er used the reason that Su Chen was the lost son of Jiujianxian.In order to thank himself for taking care of his son, Jiujianxian gave these immortal grasses.

Dean Tan listened to Bing'er's story and was also very excited.

No wonder he would take action against the Gu family. I am afraid he is not protecting his daughter-in-law and raising Bing'er as his daughter-in-law.

The other girls in the Tianshui team safely absorbed the fairy grass according to Bing'er's distribution and consumption methods, and each of them has been greatly improved.

Dean Tan observed their changes, his face almost became tense, and he hid in the room laughing.

This matter became their top secret...

Dean Tan even urgently contacted his senior sister and asked her to come to Tianshui College to take charge.

These students cannot survive without the protection of Titled Douluo.

After everyone took the fairy grass, the soul power levels of Qiu Ruoshui, Gu Qingbo, and Shen Liuyu, who already had their third soul rings, increased by about 5-6 levels.

Xuewu was already at level 36 before taking the grass jelly, and after taking the grass jelly, she reached level 40.Yu Hairou's soul power was level 39 before taking the fairy grass, and now it has reached level 40.

Dean Tan knew that their talents had changed.

Immortal grass brings not only changes in soul power levels, but more importantly, earth-shaking changes in cultivation talents...

After the girls have absorbed it, the most important thing at the moment is of course to obtain soul rings for those who meet the breakthrough requirements.

They began to discuss their future plans...


After several days of traveling, Tang San and Xiao Wu finally arrived at Soto City.


I heard that recommended tickets and monthly tickets can destroy the author.Come on then, you're welcome, I can wrap around blue and silver.

(End of this chapter)

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