Chapter 43 Xiao Wu takes the dog to Soto City
As soon as she walked into Soto City, Xiao Wu was shocked by the bustling city and felt very happy.

Soto City is far from being comparable to a remote town like Notting City.

Soto City is one of the two most important large cities in the Barak Kingdom, located in the center of the most fertile plain.

Tang San looked at such a prosperous city and longed for it in his heart.In my previous life, I lived in the Tang Sect and never saw such a world.

From time to time, a young woman dressed in luxurious clothes walks through the street, and her charm is exciting.

There are also various beautifully dressed girls gathering together to enjoy desserts happily on the street.

After looking at such scenery for a while, Tang San withdrew his gaze.

Xiao Wu is my pursuit, Xiao Wu is the most beautiful woman.

Xiao Wu and Tang San found a random place to eat some snacks, and then started looking for a place to live.

Young talents passing by would peek at Xiao Wu tightly wrapped in pink clothes from time to time.

Although Xiao Wu's figure has no career prospects, it still does not prevent many leg lovers from liking her.

Next to Xiao Wu, Tang San seemed more like a non-existent person.

Tang San had already been obscured by Xiao Wu's invisible radiance. Even some girls on the street were staring at Xiao Wu's slender waist with envy.

Tang San despised these people.A group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world. They have never seen a beautiful woman, right?
The passers-by would never think that Tang San had anything to do with Xiao Wuwu, so they just ignored him, which made Tang San very unhappy.

Tang San bought the skewers and came to Xiao Wu. He looked at Xiao Wu lovingly and said softly: "Xiao Wu, try the skewers we just grilled. They are delicious."

The passers-by were stunned, their eyes filled with disbelief. Is this kid worthy?Don't pick it up, goddess.Passers-by were begging in their hearts.

The young people passing by seemed to have made the same choice in order to see what would happen next. They all pretended that something had fallen and began to slowly search here.

The moment Xiao Wu took the skewers, the people with low self-esteem among the passers-by were heartbroken.

The goddess actually likes people! ! ! ! !
The conceited people began to get excited. They looked at Tang San's prodding. If the goddess even accepted such a person, wouldn't they have a better chance?
Tang San looked at the eyes and expressions of these young people with disdain, and you are worthy of it.

"Xiaosanzi, you are a good person and the most gentle person. Thank you, but I am a little acclimatized today." After saying this, Xiao Wu took the skewers and walked to a stray dog.

The stray dog ​​showed its tongue, its eyes were wide open and crystal clear, and there was a bright smile on the corner of its mouth.

Xiao Wu had discovered the dog a long time ago, felt very sympathetic, and fed it the kebabs.

The stray dog's eyes narrowed, showing enjoyment, he was so happy.

When these young people saw this scene, their eyes widened and they wished they could become that dog.

"She is so caring, I am a fan of her," said a young man.

Tang San was also moved. Xiao Wu was so kind that he gave his half-eaten kebab to the stray dog.

The stray dog ​​looked confused when he saw Tang San coming? ?

It wasn't until Tang San took Xiao Wu's place and wanted to feed it skewers that it became angry, since he spat in a humane manner.

Do you still have mysophobia in your relationship?Are you an alpaca?

Tang San was extremely embarrassed, but his heart was full of resentment.Xiao Wu has a mysophobia, which makes him approach Xiao Wu and pull Xiao Wu's little hand.

"Xiao Sanzi, are you okay?" Xiao Wu said to the dog again, "You didn't do it on purpose, right?"

"Wangwangwangwang," the puppy shouted softly, endlessly to please.

"Xiao San, it said it didn't do it on purpose. Let's go. You can find a place to wash yourself." Xiao Wu observed Tang San and said playfully.

"Okay Xiao Wu." Tang San could only secretly remember this dog, hoping that he would not encounter him in the future, otherwise he would be humiliated today (_)...



Zhuqing also came to Soto City. In her eyes, such a city was just average.She passed through many villages and towns these days and saw the strength and development of the Jiujianxian sect.

But she couldn't find the location of Jiujianxian, and even heard that there was a fairy-like wife of Jiujianxian, which made her heartbroken.

But she felt relieved after thinking about it, "I already have a fiancé. Can't a person like him have a fiancée? And he also said that he has a eldest wife, maybe this is Mrs. Jiuxianxian."

Zhuqing couldn't help but think of the day they first met, the scene when Su Chen refused to treat her as his second wife. His originally cold face actually turned red and he stamped his feet, "What a big fool. How could you let someone treat you as your wife before we met?" Second wife, and I’m still engaged.”

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, otherwise how many people’s hearts would be captured
After Zhuqing found out the location of Shrek Academy, she was not in a hurry to find Dai Yubai. She felt that it would be impossible for Dai Yubai to give up on her and dissolve the marriage.

Even if Dai Yubai himself agrees to dissolve the marriage, it still needs the consent of the Xingluo royal family and the Zhu family. What role does he have as a weak prince?
After all, you have to rely on your own strength to become stronger...

School starts tomorrow, and she also wants to join a school to study. Which college doesn't matter to her.

So she decided to go to Shrek Academy tomorrow to see if she wanted to join and meet Dai XX, whom she hadn't seen for many years.

"My dear, Shrek Academy should be very big and prosperous. I'm really looking forward to it." Xiao Wu saw the prosperity of Soto City and began to look forward to the beauty of Shrek Academy.

"Yes, Xiao Wu, it should be very good." Tang San said unsurely, but it should be good.

At this time, a 3-story hotel appeared in their sight, and they were looking for a hotel.

"Xiao Wu, this hotel looks good, let's sleep here tonight." Tang San looked at the hotel decorated entirely in rose red, and his eyes lit up. He guessed that this was the legendary love hotel! ! !The ocean of love! ! !
Tang San was delighted, this is a good place, hehehe
Xiao Wu looked at the rose-red style hotel and looked at Tang San with disgust in her heart.

However, she felt that the secretly titled Douluo was still there and might be watching her, so she had no choice but to agree.

Xiao Wu thought to herself, I wouldn't be sorry for Brother Su Chen by opening two rooms.

"Let's go take a look first." Xiao Wu said without any hesitation.

"Okay, Xiao Wu." Tang San was secretly happy, it would be best if there was only one room left, hehehe.

Walking into the Rose Hotel, the tangy fragrance of roses brought with it an ambiguous stimulation, making Tang San's decades-old virgin heart begin to beat.

The Rose Hotel is also very luxuriously decorated, and the main decoration is roses.

"Give us two rooms." Tang San walked to the counter and said to the waiter.

The waiter looked at Tang San and then at Xiao Wu, with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

However, as a professional business champion, he still said: "Sir, are you sure you want two rooms?"

Tang San wondered if there were any easter eggs, "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

The waiter said seriously: "There is only one room left."

Tang San was pleasantly surprised, God help me, but he still frowned and said, "Is there really only one room?"

The waiter handed it to Tang San with a look that could only be understood but not explained.

Tang San knew very well that people were worldly, and in order to pursue Xiao Wu, he had to learn these things.

"Yes, but our room is large and well-equipped. It is more than enough for two people. And it is the school season recently, so all hotels are quite full." The waiter emphasized, especially on the big characters.

"Xiaosanzi, let's go somewhere else to look," Xiao Wu didn't like it anymore and urged.

Before Tang San could answer, a voice came over, "This room should belong to me."

Tang San Xiaowu turned around and saw three people walking towards them.


ps, please recommend, support and praise, I have prepared the blue and silver winding.

It was first read on QQ. I can’t see the comments on other platforms here. Be careful not to believe the various money-making information in the comment area and join the group information to avoid being deceived.

 Two good reviews
(End of this chapter)

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