Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 44 The coincidental encounter of 4 girls

Chapter 44 The coincidental encounter of four women

The most enviable thing is that the man in the middle actually has a woman on his left and right.

These two women are also very beautiful, with long legs and good figures. They are taller than Xiao Wu. They look about 18 years old and can be regarded as rare beauties.

But the most attractive thing is that they look exactly the same! ! !
Astonishingly, they are a pair of sister twins.

Tang San fixed his eyes, carefully looked at the two beauties, and finally set his sights on the man in the middle.

He wondered what it was that he had in having these gorgeous people that he didn't have.

The man is about 1.8 meters tall, handsome in appearance, with a good-looking face and even a bit of resoluteness. His body is strong and thick, and his long blond hair highlights his extraordinary status.

Tang San carefully compared himself with this person, and found that he was not as good as him. He was only about half a head shorter than him, his appearance was not as handsome as his, and he didn't even have the aristocratic aura that he exuded.

Tang San glanced at Xiao Wu with some worry, fearing that Xiao Wu would be attracted by such a person.

But Tang San only saw the disgust in Xiao Wu's eyes, and he felt relieved.

As expected, Xiao Wu was born out of mud and unsullied like me.

The man glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu coldly, not paying attention, obviously treating the two as an ordinary couple.

This man is none other than Dai Mubai, the representative of scumbags. In the original work, he becomes a winner in life at the end, marrying his lovely wife Zhuqing, and having a successful career and beautiful women.

Dai Mubai didn't pay attention to these two people. The twin sisters continued to move forward holding Dai Mubai in their arms, but when they passed by Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with light.

A man like him with an extraordinary appearance and aristocratic aura would be the center of attention wherever he went, so naturally he would not care about the opinions of Tang San, Xiaowu and the others.

Tang San was naturally unwilling to give up just because of a word. It had been a long time since he had slept in the same room as Xiao Wu, and he was the one who came first. How could he bear this?

The two also began to taunt each other. No matter how powerful their words were in a world where strength was the most important thing, sparks started to fly between the two of them.

"Very good, no one has talked to me like this for a long time. You two come together, otherwise don't say I bully you." Dai Yubai said coldly. (I still want to write it as Dai Yubai, please don’t disturb me, I can’t respect him too much)
On the other hand, the two women laughed heartily, without looking worried at all, "Xiaobai, please hurry up, we learned new tricks from a strange book."

When Dai Yubai heard this, the fire in his heart was instantly aroused, and his combat power seemed to be doubled.

He has experienced everything from mature women in their 40s to [-]s to girls over the years, but these two beauties left the deepest impression on him.

"Hmph, it's shameless to bring two girls to check out a room in broad daylight. They're promiscuous in daylight. Today, Sister Xiao Wu's fists will teach you how to be a good person. I'll beat you to the point where your mother doesn't even recognize you." Naturally, Xiao Wu wouldn't back down. can not watch anymore.

Is her name as Little Dancer for nothing?Are you the kind of person who doesn't fight back when someone bullies you?

Tang San also hesitated in his heart, it would be nice to be able to fight alongside Xiao Wu, but when he saw Dai Yubai's eyes looking at Xiao Wu's waist and her chest, he showed a wolfish look.

If Xiao Wu was frivolous, it wouldn't be worth the loss, so Tang San decided to fight alone.

"Xiao Wu, this is a battle between men, you don't need to interfere, I will teach him a lesson." Tang San said.

"Mistress, are you okay?" Xiao Wu was a little doubtful.

"Of course, Xiao Wu, watch." How could Tang San shrink back at this time, but he also felt that this man was a strong man.

The battle between the two was about to break out. It started with a simple close-quarters attack. Both of them felt that each other had rich practical combat experience.

Especially Dai Yubai, feeling Tang San's steel-hard fist, his right hand was already in pain.

The two of them used their own special skills, each suffering injuries. Tang San used the Tang Sect's special skill of Bird-Dragon-Controlling Crane, and using ghost shadow to confuse him, and finally succeeded in knocking Dai Yubai away, creating a wave of image in front of Xiao Wu.

But Dai Yubai's fighting spirit has been ignited at this moment. "Very good. You successfully aroused my fighting spirit and forced me to use my soul power. You won. But it feels like a pity not to have a good fight." Dai Yubai, who was knocked away, seemed to be in no small condition. He stood up like a carp. He stood up with another backflip, full of fighting spirit and excitement.

"White Tiger, possessed, Dai Yubai, level 37 battle soul master, please advise." Three soul rings rose up under Dai Yubai's feet, the most dazzling of which was the purple thousand-year soul ring.

After possessing the body, there is an extra line with the word "王" between the eyebrows, the muscles all over the body become extremely obvious, and the hands are more than doubled in size. The nails between the palms, like sharp claws like blades, emit a cold light.

"Tang San, Lan Yincao, level 29 weapon soul master." Tang San was neither humble nor arrogant, and the fighting spirit in his heart was also ignited. There was no such young strong man in Notting City who could fight with him.

"Lanyin Grass, interesting." Dai Yubai raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect it to be the most useless martial spirit, Lan Yincao.

The two of them had another battle between soul skills and words. After enjoying themselves, Dai Yubai looked at Tang San with admiration.

"See you at Shrek Academy." After saying that, Dai Yubai took the twins and left. It seemed that he was going to book a room in another hotel.

"Xiaosanzi, this person is not a good person at first glance. In the future, you should have less communication with him and don't deal with him."

Xiao Wu said seriously.

Tang San smiled and said: "Xiao Wu, he seems to be pretty good. He helped us pay the rent and bear the losses. Let's go to the room and have a look."

"Not bad? Humph, it's not bad to be a slut during the day. I'll leave this room to you. Men and women can't have sex. I'm leaving." Xiao Wu said dissatisfiedly, then turned and left.

Tang San was left with a confused look on his face: I thought that my handsome performance just now would allow Xiao Wu to accompany me. What a shame.
Xiao Wu, who was walking on the street, thought that there was nothing wrong with the performance just now. The two of them had a normal conflict, and then left. After all, she was a girl.
Secretly, a man covered in black robes was observing Tang San's performance from a hidden corner and was very dissatisfied. Why couldn't he turn his head at this time?Female rabbits have their own reservations and should be shameless...


Cheng Rou left Wuhun Hall and traveled to Soto City. She saw many Jiujianxian believers safeguarding the interests of the common people, and she felt the same way in her heart.

She was once the helpless commoner girl, and she became curious about this sect that suddenly appeared, and the him who hadn't appeared for a long time.

"They said they wanted to marry the teacher, but they never took action. They never came to Wuhun City to find the teacher. The teacher said he might be dead..."

Cheng Rou shook her head helplessly, walked into a hotel, and came to the front desk to book a room, but there were three women in front of her wearing different styles.

Just by looking at their backs, Cheng Rou felt that they were extraordinary, especially one of them, a woman with an outstanding figure who was wearing black leather clothes and pants, and another pretty woman who was wearing a pink hot suit and carrying a bunny purse on one shoulder.

Cheng Rou felt extraordinary and a hint of the superior self-confidence of her peers from them.

"Can I share a room with you?" Cheng Rou suddenly said to the leather-clad girl.

When the three heard the pleasant female voice, they turned their heads and saw the owner of the voice.

She is a girl in a lavender dress. She stands elegantly and looks at them. Her calm face has exquisite facial features and an extraordinary appearance.

Her expression did not change at all because of the three women's looks, giving people the indifference of a freshly blossomed lotus.

The lotus steps moved, and she walked up to the three women, looking at the girl in black leather again, waiting for her answer.


The girl in black leather clothes was Zhuqing. She looked at Cheng Rou and could feel a sense of confidence from Cheng Rou, just like herself.


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(End of this chapter)

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