Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 3: His wife was called, Tang San knelt down

Chapter 3 When his wife was called, Tang San knelt down

A little girl with pink panties, scorpion braids, and pink skin looked playfully at the new little boy in shabby clothes. The little girl found that his face was extremely beautiful, and there was no comparison with anyone here.

Wang Sheng walked up to Su Chen and said, "It turns out that you are also a work-study student coming to Qishe. According to Qishe's rules, you have to challenge our boss and Miss Wu."

Su Chen looked at the little dance sister they were talking about and said, "My wife."

Xiao Wu was a little confused and her face turned red unconsciously.

How could someone be so bold as to call him wife when they meet?The little dancing rabbit couldn't turn its head.

Tang San also opened his eyes and noticed Su Chen coming in.

"It's you, Xiao Wu, ignore him, he's a madman." Tang San said hurriedly.

"Madman? Tang San, why are you talking? His clothes are a bit torn and his courage is a bit bold. How can he be a madman?" Xiao Wu said dissatisfied.

"Xiao Wu, he is really crazy. He comes from the same village as me. He has been crazy since he was a child. I don't even know why he can go to school." Tang San explained hurriedly.

"Then his parents won't care about him?" Xiao Wu didn't understand. Don't all humans have parents to teach them?

"He lost his parents when he was very young, and then he went crazy." Tang San said with disgust.

After Xiao Wu knew that this boy had no parents like her, she began to sympathize with Su Chen.

Xiao Wu walked forward briskly, looked at Su Chen and said, "My name is Xiao Wu, and I am the boss of Qishe now. You compete with me. If I win, Sister Xiao Wu will protect you from now on. If I lose, you will be the boss." "

Su Chen stood up and responded: "Wife."

The people in the dormitory were shocked again. They also wanted to call me wife, but they didn't dare.

Tang San was angry. In Tang San's opinion, a girl like Xiao Wu and Madman Su were not worthy of being called wife.

Xiao Wu was ashamed and angry. Human children are so ignorant. They call her "wife" when they meet. This is the second time, but they haven't agreed yet.

Xiao Wu saw the boy starting to walk towards her, and without hesitation, she used her jutsu skills to attack the boy.

Su Chen did not dodge, his neck was tightly clamped by Xiao Wu's legs, but as if nothing was wrong, he touched the clean white legs with his right hand.

Xiao Wu was furious. He actually took advantage of others in the competition. At that moment, his legs were touched all over by the boy. Without any hesitation, he threw the boy face to the ground with a backwards move, giving him a harsh lesson.

However, Xiao Wu found that the boy she threw to the ground stood up without any injuries and walked towards her again.

Xiao Wu also became serious, raised her right leg up from her knees, and instantly popped out, hitting Su Chen directly on the chin.However, Su Chen actually jumped up and grabbed Xiao Wu's feet with his body.

Xiao Wu didn't feel the feeling of the kick, because her feet were grabbed and touched again by Su Chen.

Xiao Wu was humiliated, put her hands on the ground, twisted her body, and threw Su Chen to the ground again.

This time, Su Chen lay motionless on the ground, and Wang Sheng stood up and announced Xiao Wu's victory.Xiao Wu once again maintained her position as the boss.

No one paid attention to Su Chen, who was lying on the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.Only one rabbit noticed that Su Chen had not moved for a long time, so he hurried over and helped Su Chen up.

Su Chen opened his eyes, broke away from Xiao Wu, and stood up on his own.

Seeing that Su Chen was okay, Xiao Wu walked to Su Chen and said, "What's your name? My name is Xiao Wu, Dancing Wu."

"Su Chen, dust of dust," Su Chen said with a silly smile, took out the wine bottle again, and drank.

After taking a sip, Su Chen raised his sword and started dancing around the bed, "There is no more beautiful smile in the world, leaving half of the lovesickness on the road, drifting away, becoming immortal and becoming immortal."

Everyone also understood why Tang San said Su Chen was a madman.

After dancing a few times, Su Chen lay on the bed without any movement.

Xiao Wu thought about Su Chen's figure dancing with the sword just now, but found it unusually beautiful. She thought Su Chen was an interesting person, but she couldn't ask any more questions after seeing Su Chen lying on the bed.

At this time, Xiao Wu discovered that someone had given Tang San bedding, and Xiao Wu discovered that everyone in the dormitory except her had bedding.

It turns out that the college will not distribute bedding.

Everyone knew that Xiao Wu didn't bring any bedding and they took out their own bedding for Xiao Wu to choose from, but Xiao Wu disliked their sour and ugly bedding and resolutely refused.Finally, he looked back and forth between Tang San and Su Chen's new quilt,

Tang San observed secretly, understood Xiao Wu's thoughts, and shouted in his heart: "Choose me, choose me"

But whatever he was afraid of came, maybe Su Chen was more handsome, Xiao Wu finally chose to share a bed with Su Chen, and Tang San had no choice but to lose Xiao Wu.

Tang San saw Xiao Wu moving the bed together with Su Chen's bed, and instantly felt something leaving.

Xiao Wu was the first girl that Tang San felt was special, and he had a crush on this lively and playful little girl at first sight.

Tang San recalled his many dissatisfaction with Su Chen, and began to plan in his heart how to get rid of Su Chen.

Xiangbi School wouldn't care about a lunatic, and since he has no father or mother, who would care? .
"Su Chen, yours is so big, half of it belongs to me," Xiao Wu saw that Su Chen didn't answer for a long time, and added, "If you don't answer, you agree."

Xiao Wu didn't care, picked up Su Chen's quilt, and slowly moved it half way to his bed before he was satisfied.

During this period, Su Chen remained silent for a long time.

Slowly, dormitory students went out to have lunch one after another.At this time, Su Chen opened his eyes and found that there was a bed next to him, and half of the quilts were on the bed. Su Chen couldn't help but smile interestingly.

After a while, everyone in the dormitory who went to eat returned, and Xiao Wu was the first to enter the dormitory.

"Su Chen, are you awake? This is the chicken drumstick I brought for you." As a roommate and bedmate, Xiao Wu thought about Su Chen lying in bed all the time, so she brought him a drumstick to express her gratitude.

Su Chen frightenedly picked up the wrapped chicken drumstick that Xiao Wu placed next to his bed, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Chicken drumstick?It’s been a long time since I’ve had food.

"Arigato." Su Chen told Xiao Wu what someone who had a good life in the previous life often said.

"Arigato?" Xiao Wu repeated, not understanding what it meant, but she found that Su Chen had no intention of explaining, so she asked the male classmates next to her. In the end, no one understood it, and she could only sum it up as a madman's crazy talk.

In Yu Xiaogang's bedroom, Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San with a happy face, "Xiao San, I will take you to get the soul ring tomorrow."

Yu Xiaogang didn't expect that Tang San's second martial spirit was the Clear Sky Hammer! ! ! !

Through Tang San's narration, we learned that his father was Tang Hao, a blacksmith in a village.

Yu Xiaogang was shocked. That was the man who had beaten the Pope, and he was also his idol.

"Okay, thank you, teacher." Through Gangyu Xiaogang's explanation, Tang San also understood the importance of soul rings to soul masters, and was naturally very happy.

"Mistress, what do you think of Su Chen?" Yu Xiaogang suddenly changed his style and said unhappily.

"Teacher, he has no father or mother, and doesn't have any relatives in the world." For the sake of Tang San and his two generations, he naturally knew that his teacher was just like him and looked down on that madman, so he reminded his teacher of Su Chen's life experience.

"Oh, is that so?" Yu Xiaogang was delighted. In this case, it would be easier to get rid of Crazy Su, and no one would care about the disappearance of a civilian child or investigate a civilian child.

After gaining knowledge, Tang San returned to the dormitory and found that Crazy Su was the only one in the dormitory. He began to think about whether to cripple Crazy Su now so that he could not attend class. Crazy Su had no friends anyway.

Just as Tang San was thinking about this issue, a burst of words interrupted Tang San's thoughts.

"My son is back, why is my son back?"

When Tang San heard that Su Chen actually called him son again, he couldn't bear it anymore and rushed towards Su Chen and punched him in the face.

A beggar is more handsome than me?How can I bear this?

Tang San's punch carried Xuantian's internal energy. If this punch hit Su Chen, Tang San felt that it would break Su Chen's front teeth and cause his nose to be bruised and his face to be swollen.

However, what Tang San didn't expect was that there would be an out-of-season chicken leg bone on the ground, and he happened to step on the chicken leg bone. He slipped inexplicably, and his lower body became unstable, causing him to kneel down in front of Su Chen.

Tang San was shocked, how could a chicken leg bone make him fall down.

"Son, get up. Son, what are you doing? You are such a filial son." Su Chen laughed heartlessly.

Just then, Xiao Wu and the others who had gone out to visit the campus came back. When they saw Tang San kneeling in front of Su Chen with his head down, everyone felt incredible...

(End of this chapter)

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