Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 4 A brief summary of the tragedy in the 31st year of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 4 A brief summary of the tragedy of Tang San

"Son, get up quickly." Su Chen was very happy and said quickly.

Tang San also caught a glimpse of everyone returning to the dormitory, especially Xiao Wu among the crowd.He felt uncomfortable. How could it be as simple as kneeling down on one's knees and still have the dignity of being a human being in two lifetimes?

"I'll kill you." Tang San stood up angrily, about to take action.But at this time, a group of onlookers rushed over to stop him, especially Xiao Wu.

"Tang San, what are you doing? This is Qishe, and Su Chen has been protected by me. You bully him just because you don't give me Xiao Wu face." Xiao Wu said dissatisfied.

Wang Sheng said in a confused voice beside him: "That's right, Tang San, why are you kneeling to Madman Su when you have nothing to do? You are so strong... you can't be defeated by him, right? Are you crazy too...?"

Tang San knew that being stopped by everyone, it was impossible to deal with Crazy Su today. Killing students in school was no small matter.

Tang San couldn't explain to everyone that it was because of a hateful chicken bone that caused all of this to happen, so he was allowed to kneel. This was even more outrageous, and even truly disgraced him.

"I didn't kneel down to him. I just dropped something, come and pick it up." After saying that, a round needle appeared in Tang San's hand, shining with cold light. The surrounding temperature seemed to be starting to drop, and a chill made everyone shiver.

Tang San didn't care whether they believed it or not, he turned around and went back to his bed to lie down.

Everyone dispersed in twos and threes, and no one paid attention to Su Chen anymore.Naturally, they didn't dare to say anything. Tang San was so angry just now. He might have said a few more words, but he took his anger out on them, who were weak.

Su Chen seemed to lie down more quietly than anyone else in such a room...
As the night grew dark, the sounds of people fighting in the dormitory gradually became smaller, and only the snores from a few corners could be heard.

Xiao Wu nestled under the quilt, showing her cute head, looking curiously at her quilt friend.

'He didn't cover himself with a quilt?Is not It Cold? '

Xiao Wu was confused and slowly shrank her body under the quilt, moving towards Su Chen's bedside.
In the darkness, after some hard work, Xiao Wu moved to Su Chen's bed and slowly covered Su Chen with a quilt.
After Xiao Wu covered Su Chen with a quilt, she felt a sense of pride and moved her eyes towards Su Chen's face. Xiao Wu was surprised to find that Su Chen's eyes were open! ! ! ! !
Xiao Wu was very shy. It turned out that he was not sleeping.

But Xiao Wu soon discovered that Su Chen didn't seem to care about her and didn't look at her. At that moment, Little Rabbit became a little angry.

What does this person mean? My sister, Xiao Wu, even ran to your bed to cover you with a quilt. Since she was ignored!
Xiao Wu was unhappy and punched Su Chen in the face with his fist, but it was just a feint and did not really touch Su Chen.

Xiao Wu found that Su Chen was still staring blankly at the ceiling. Could it be that he was sleeping with his eyes open?Xiao Wu's curiosity was aroused again, and she waved her pink arms in front of Su Chen's eyes, but Su Chen never blinked.

Xiao Wu had determined that Su Chen slept with his eyes open, so he slowly moved his face closer to Su Chen, wanting to see the state of the eyes of a person who slept with his eyes open.

When Xiao Wulian slowly came closer to Su Chen, he was surprised to find that Su Chen's eyes were unusually beautiful, and he was attracted to them without any warning.

Those eyes were extremely deep and dark, and there were countless spheres radiating light in the darkness. Xiao Wu slowly sank into them, and without paying attention, her arms actually bent without any force.

On a simple bed, two faces are pressed together! ! !And Xiao Wu's lips were in close contact with Su Chen's lips.

Xiao Wu felt bitter because her first kiss ended just because of curiosity.
But Xiao Wu didn't take the initiative to separate. They kissed each other anyway, so it shouldn't matter if it lasts longer... Xiao Wu closed her eyes and carefully felt the mysterious electric shock brought by the kiss, without noticing Su Chen's eyes at all. Blinked a few times...
Under the night cover, Xiao Wu finally woke up.

'What am I doing. '

Xiao Wu quickly left and found that Su Chen still had his eyes open and there was no movement, so he felt relieved. He quickly moved quietly back to his bed, and got into the quilt with his whole body. His pink face had turned red, but the tip of his tongue was wiping the corners of his mouth. …

Time passed by, and Madman Su had spent a year in the academy.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang attacked Su Chen many times during this year, and even promoted that Su Chen was a madman and wanted to expel heretics from the school.

This also resulted in Su Chen not making any friends during this year and was always alone.But everyone found that Madman Su always seemed to be talking and laughing alone, without paying any attention to everyone's eyes.
The reason why everyone remembers the name Madman Su is that in front of all the teachers and students in the school, Madman Su called Yu Xiaogang a filial son and Tang San a filial son. He also said that Yu Xiaogang was a filial son in front of everyone's attention. Like same sex.

Naturally, everyone didn't believe it, but this incident angered the principal and Yu Xiaogang.The principal came forward and asked everyone to catch Crazy Su directly, and even whipped Crazy Su 50 times.

Everyone looked at the smoothness of the principal's braids and couldn't help but doubt that the principal and Yu Xiaogang were really having an affair. They also began to use their imaginations.
Otherwise, Yu Xiaogang has been in the college for more than ten years, eating and drinking for free and receiving salary, so why would he be able to stay if he does nothing.

But after Su Chen was whipped, not only did he not cry, but he laughed and left, leaving only one sentence: "I will make everything clear." '

"Xiao Wu is on vacation tomorrow, do you want to go back?" Tang San looked at the girl Xiao Wu who was falling more and more into his heart, very tenderly.

Xiao Wu is lively and active, always looking like she is worried about the world being in chaos.But she was cute and as delicate and well-behaved as a doll. How could Tang San have ever seen such a girl? In her previous life, she was almost 30 years old and she was still an old bachelor.

This year, Tang San attended school in the morning, worked in the blacksmith shop in the afternoon, and went to class with Yu Xiaogang in the evening. After that, he returned to the dormitory to practice Xuantian Kung. He was very high-spirited and very proud of himself.

"I'm not going back, I'm staying in school." Xiao Wu shook her head and said.

"Xiao Wu, see you next year." Tang San regretted. In fact, he wanted to take Xiao Wu home, but he was too shameless to take the initiative. His family was too poor. If he was disliked
"Yeah." Xiao Wu watched Tang San leave, and she was also curious in her heart. What kind of hatred did Tang San and Su Chen have? They always refused to deal with each other. Now Tang San didn't invite Su Chen when he came home. The old man who picked up Tang San didn't even mention Su Chen. Didn't he say that the two of them were from the same village?
Xiao Wu thought for a moment, and when Su Chen was around, Tang San always looked angry and wanted to kill Su Chen, but he always failed.

Whenever Tang San wanted to teach Su Chen a lesson, Tang San would always get hurt himself before Tang San got close to Su Chen. For example, Xiao Wu remembered that one time when she just came out of the women's room, she saw Tang San covered in blood. The yellow stuff rushed out of the men's toilet, and he was stinking all over. He jumped into the pool to wash himself, and a group of fish in the pool turned white and died.

Xiao Wu also didn't say a word to Tang San for a month because of this reason.

Later, Xiao Wu learned that Tang San and the others were cleaning the toilet. Tang San saw Su Chen and wanted to teach Su Chen a lesson in the toilet. As a result, Tang San lost his footing and the broom he was holding disintegrated. Tang San had no reservations. Fell into a manure pit...

Xiao Wu thought about the suffering Tang San had suffered from Su Chen this year, and she felt very comfortable for some reason. There was also the person named Master who now wore a mask when going out in school. Xiao Wu felt inexplicably happy. .

Xiao Wu recalled this year, and unknowingly returned to the dormitory, and found that Su Chen had not left in the dormitory.

(End of this chapter)

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