Chapter 5 The secret of Su Chen and Xiao Wu
"Su Chen, aren't you going home either?" Xiao Wu was a little excited.

"We are all at home." Su Chen looked at Xiao Wu and smiled calmly.

"Oh." Xiao Wu thought that Su Chen had no parents anymore, so there was no home.

Xiao Wu acted like a big sister, puffed out her chest and said: "Then we will live together and sleep at night. You can't have any bad thoughts towards me, you know? Otherwise you will have a chance to taste my sister Xiao Wu's fist again. "

Su Chen looked at Xiao Wu and thought to himself who kissed me that night.

Su Chen took out the wine jug again and drank it naturally alone. It seemed that no one cared about how Su Chen produced an extra wine jug out of thin air. It seemed that everyone believed that this jug existed normally.

Xiao Wu didn't care where Su Chen took out the wine bottle, as if this matter had been set as a normal phenomenon.

Although Xiao Wu had always been curious about what Su Chen drank, Xiao Wu thought it was probably water. Su Chen was so poor that he didn't even seem to have changed his clothes. One year later, his soul power was still at level 4.

However, the playful Xiao Wu became curious about what Su Chen drank today, so Xiao Wu jumped directly onto Su Chen's bed.

"Su Chen, give me a sip of water," Xiao Wu looked proud, thinking that if Sister Xiao Wu spoke, Su Chen would obediently give her a sip.

However, facing such a naughty girl, Su Chen didn't even look at her.

Naturally, Xiao Wu didn't like this comment, but Su Chen's attitude aroused her desire to challenge. She, Xiao Wu, couldn't believe that she had lived for so long and still couldn't handle a human child.

Xiao Wu started to act coquettishly and cutely, rubbing Su Chen's shoulders and hammering his legs, but Su Chen still didn't move.

Xiao Wu was angry and took out her special move.

"Brother Su Chen, if Xiao Wu wants to drink that, can you give Xiao Wu a sip?" At this moment, Xiao Wu was even cuter and more delicate than a doll, and her voice was even more numb.

Su Chen looked at the cute Xiao Wu, but he felt funny in his heart. Don't you know that you have already been targeted by the Titled Douluo?
Su Chen directly hugged Xiao Wu, who was acting coquettishly and cutely.

Xiao Wu was stunned and did not react.When Xiao Wu noticed, a long-lost touch came to her lips. Xiao Wu found that she had been kissed forcefully, and her mouth was gently pried open. A stream of clear and sweet taste entered her mouth, flowing through every corner of her petite body and into her vagina. Soul her soul.Xiao Wu discovers that her soul keeps growing!She didn't stop until she reached her previous 10-year level, which was the level of a human titled Douluo.

Because of this change, Xiao Wu forgot that she was being hugged and kissed by a boy at this moment. Xiao Wu clearly felt the changes in the outside world at this moment, and everything seemed to be clearer in her mind.

Xiao Wu was excited in her heart. If this was the case, she would no longer have to worry about strong humans discovering her existence, and could wander around in big cities as she pleased.

But Xiao Wu immediately became afraid. She felt the aura of a titled Douluo, which was somewhere in the academy, staring in the direction of Qishe.

Xiao Wu opened her eyes, pushed Su Chen away, trembled, and hid under Su Chen's quilt in fear.

Xiao Wu remained motionless under the quilt, unable to believe this fact.She didn't know how long this Titled Douluo had been in the school, but Xiao Wu knew that her existence had been discovered and targeted by the Titled Douluo.

After a long time, Xiao Wu found that her body was being held by someone. Even though she was separated by a layer of quilt, Xiao Wu felt a sense of safety. Xiao Wu slowly poked her head out and said, "Su Chen, I'm scared, I'm so scared, I'm going to die." "

Xiao Wu looked at Su Chen with wide eyes, hoping to find a sense of security from Su Chen.

"What are you afraid of?" Su Chen said calmly.

"I" Xiao Wu seemed to have forgotten why her soul was elevated to the level of a titled Douluo at this moment.

Su Chen didn't wait for Xiao Wu to explain, and spoke out the reason first, "You don't need to explain to me, are you afraid of that Titled Douluo?"

"Su Chen, do you know about that Titled Douluo? You already know my identity!" Xiao Wu was shocked and came back to her senses. Su Chen had such magical and delicious water, how could he not know about the existence of that powerful Titled Douluo? ?It turns out that Su Chen was just pretending to be crazy, and Xiao Wu was 100% sure that Su Chen was definitely a big boss.

"Su Chen, I... I'm willing to be your maid, can you protect me? You don't want my soul ring and soul bones too, right?" Xiao Wu had a flash of light in his mind, as if he had figured out something.

Su Chen didn't pay attention to Xiao Wu's words, and didn't want to answer her questions. Instead, he said to himself:
"That Titled Douluo is called Tang Hao, and he is Tang San's father. You can't die now, and it's useless for him to take you now, but it will be hard to say when Tang San grows up in the future."

"What, it's Tang San's father." Xiao Wu was shocked. She had never thought that a son of a titled Douluo would come to such a remote place to study. This was simply impossible, but now God and she had made a very big difference. Cold joke.

No wonder Tang San was so talented and born with full soul power. How could an ordinary family have such a gifted person with full soul power?

"Brother Su Chen, do you mean that I have been raised in captivity now and will become Tang San's soul ring when the time comes?" Xiao Wu thought thoughtfully.

"Brother Su Chen, what should I do now? If I run away now, he might attack me in advance and lock me up in a place." Xiao Wu was afraid of panic. It was about her life and death. She didn't dare to be careless. I can only ask for a boss who has a sense of security in front of me.

"Have you ever heard of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?" Su Chen said calmly. "Brother Su Chen, but I don't have that strength." Xiao Wu looked at Su Chen with resentment.

"Then it will be more than 10 years ago." Su Chen said lightly.

"It won't work for another ten years, another ten years, or another ten years." Xiao Wu pondered.

At this time, Xiao Wu took another look at Su Chen and found that Su Chen seemed to be very disappointed with him.Xiao Wu thought deeply and suddenly thought that his soul power was already at the level of a Titled Douluo, which would not hinder his future cultivation!

"Xiao Wu will definitely be able to become a titled Douluo in more than ten years."

Xiao Wu said confidently.

"But what should I do to prevent that Tang Hao from taking me away and raising me?"Xiao Wu was confused.

Su Chen gently rubbed Xiao Wu's rabbit ears, making Xiao Wu feel shy.

"Live like before, get close to Tang San appropriately, and let Tang Hao think that you two like each other. In this way, he will let you live well until his son needs you as his soul ring, and they will even find a way to let you sacrifice him. offer."

When Xiao Wu heard the word "sacrifice", she seemed to think of something.

Aren't there rumors that the Blue Silver King was designed and sacrificed by humans in the Star Forest?It seems that his surname is Tang. Could it be this Tang Hao? Xiao Wu thought about this and once again saw the cunning of human beings.

Xiao Wu jumped out of bed, knelt on the ground, and said seriously: "Thank you, Brother Su Chen, Xiao Wu knows what to do. Xiao Wu is willing to treat you as my master and be your woman."

Xiao Wu thought about how such a strong person could improve so much with just a sip of water. She had never heard of such a thing, but it really happened. She would definitely make money by being his woman.

However, Su Chen's next words disappointed Xiao Wu.

"No, if you want to thank me, just write a note and ask your mother to be my maid in return." Su Chen said without interest.

"Ah, but my mother is no longer here." Xiao Wu said sadly.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to sign the contract." Su Chen comforted Xiao Wu again.

Xiao Wu thought for a while and thought that Brother Chen was changing his direction to tell her not to repay him. How could he repay someone who was already dead? It would be useless even if he signed a written note.

"Okay, thank you, Brother Su Chen." Xiao Wu felt that Brother Su Chen was really kind.

Then Xiao Wu began to write down notes, clearly describing what happened today and the reasons why her mother wanted to repay Brother Su Chen.

Xiao Wujiao put her slender finger in front of her mouth and bit it, applying blood pressure fingerprints.

"Brother Su Chen has already written it, take a look." Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Su Chen looked at the documents written by Xiao Wu and was very satisfied.

"I'll give you this too. It can cover up your cultivation and soul ring."

Su Chen took out a bracelet out of thin air and threw it to Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu took it and put it away carefully. This is a good thing. This way, you don't have to worry about your cultivation improving too quickly and being found to be abnormal.

"The strength has improved too fast. You don't need to pretend, don't pretend, you know?" Su Chen said.

"Xiao Wu knows."Xiao Wu's beautiful eyes blinked.

"Brother Su Chen, it's still a long time before school starts. Xiao Wu is here to take care of you. Brother Su Chen, don't you have any clothes to wash? Why do you wear the same clothes all year round?" Xiao Wu tugged at Su Chen's clothes in confusion. asked.

It obviously doesn't stink. Does Brother Su Chen really only have one set of clothes?


(End of this chapter)

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