Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 49 Tang San likes to fight Soul Saint alone

Chapter 49 Tang San likes to fight the Soul Saint alone
Dai Yubai started laughing when he saw Teacher Zhao being hit by Zhuqing and suffered a loss, thinking that Teacher Zhao was letting things go.

But then Cheng Rou and Xiao Wu took action one after another, leaving Zhao Wuji in a situation of being beaten all the time. Dai Yubai knew that things were not simple anymore.

Until now, Dai Yubai was still in shock. How could three great soul masters and one soul master defeat the soul saint so easily?

These girls are difficult to deal with, even if Teacher Zhao is careless, he is too careless to take action...

Tang San was also sluggish at this moment, the battle probably took less than 30 seconds from the beginning to the end.The attacks of the three girls seemed simple, but they were just right and effective...

Even facing this result, Tang San still felt a little regretful in his heart.

In his opinion, the protagonist he was finally testing was the one who turned the tide and led his sisters to victory.

Then we entered the academy together with the feeling of being admired and loved by several girls, but we didn't expect that we would be the one who was led to win.

Ning Rongrong was also a little confused, it seemed that it ended smoothly...

Is this the legendary Fudo Myooh?It turns out that Wuhun Palace does not have the assistance of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and it is nothing more than this when it encounters my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

"Very well, you have passed."

Zhao Wuji, who was being strangled by the neck, was ashamed and had no choice but to say these words, although it was very embarrassing...

The three outstanding girls looked at each other and smiled, seemingly not surprised by the result.

They were just laughing that they had met an opponent, an opponent that they all recognized.

This kind of competition should be very interesting...

Rongrong ran over, showing an extremely proud and happy smile, high-fiving Xiao Wu, then high-fiving Cheng Rou, and finally Zhu Qing.

Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, then raised his slender hand and gave Rongrong a high-five.

When Cheng Rou saw this scene, she motioned to Zhu Qing to give her a high-five...

While the four girls were enjoying the joy of victory, the neglected Soul Saint strongman Zhao Wuji spoke unhappily.

"You four girls passed, but he didn't."

Zhao Wuji pointed at Tang San. His hands were a little itchy now, and he wanted to find a place to vent his anger, teach someone a lesson, and beat him up.

And the young man named Tang San stood there stupidly, seeming to be laughing at him, which made him a little unhappy.

"Why? We are a team." Xiao Wu asked.

"Yes, we are a team and should pass together." Rongrong also agreed with Xiao Wu.

Although they didn't like Tang San, they were indeed teammates who had just taken the assessment together, so logically they should all pass.

Tang San was shocked. Things had turned around, so he couldn't show off.

This is what he likes to do the most!
"Why?! I make the decision based on my territory." Zhao Wuji said in a rogue manner.


"It's okay, Xiao Wu." Tang San was overjoyed in his heart.

Xiao Wu was indeed the one who stood up and spoke for me.

"I accept the challenge." Tang San stepped forward and said confidently.

"Okay, very good, half a stick of incense time." Zhao Wuji was delighted, "You agreed to it yourself, don't say I bully others."

When the battle began, things did not seem to be as one-sided as Zhao Wuji thought, like beating his son.
Tang San used various penetrating hidden weapons and kept throwing them at Zhao Wuji. The ghost shadow fans were even more flexible, making Tang San's position constantly change.

But how could he defeat the Soul Saint with hidden weapons alone? Seeing that these hidden weapons had little effect on Zhao Wuji, Tang San took out his machine-expanded hidden weapon and arrow crossbow, and kept shooting at Zhao Wuji.

Although Zhao Wuji dodged most of the attacks, he was still hit.He felt the arrow marks on his face, a trace of pain and poison! !
The two actually started fighting back and forth.

Tang San even seized the opportunity to shoot the Dragon Beard Needle, causing Zhao Wuji a burst of pain.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji was angry!

He didn't care about using the big one to bully the small ones, and directly used the sixth soul skill to teach Tang San a lesson, not sparing his hands, feet, buttocks and face, and beat Tang San until his head and nose were swollen.

But half a stick of incense time passed, and Tang San successfully entered school, but the process was quite miserable.
The middle-aged man in black robe in the dark clenched his fists when he saw this scene...

As a wounded person, Tang San was helped away by Oscar, while Dai Yubai took a few girls to the girls' dormitory.Dai Yubai looked at the women and his heart became more and more itchy.

With four stunning beauties of different styles hanging around, how could the romantic Dai Shao hold it back?

"Hello, I am Dai Mubai, and I will be your senior from now on." Dai Yubai showed a gentle temperament and smiled slightly.

However, none of the four girls paid attention to what he said, and no one responded to him.

Dai Yubai looked very embarrassed...

"Since this is a girls' dormitory, it's not suitable for you to come in." Xiao Wu immediately issued an eviction order. She was already annoyed with this person and didn't even look at him.

The other three women also looked at Dai Yubai with evil expressions.

Dai Yubai's heart trembled slightly and he said goodbye with a smile. Naturally, he didn't think that these days would be fruitful. The most important thing was patience.I will still be in the same college in the future, and there will be many opportunities...

However, Dai Yubai felt the heat in his lower body and didn't know which girl caused it. He hurriedly left Shrek and went to Soto City to find happiness.

Xiao Wu, who had just arrived at the door of the room, saw Dai Yubai leaving in a hurry and understood.

"Probably looking for the twin sisters again."

"Twin sisters?" Zhuqing was curious.

"Yes, they are twin sisters. Yesterday..."

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, there was deep disdain in her eyes. She was not satisfied with having twin sisters.

After Zhuqing listened, this moment finally dawned on him.

It turned out that my fiancé was living so happily away from the Star Luo Empire.

At this moment, Zhuqing's last hope for Dai Yubai no longer exists...

The four girls were assigned rooms just like last night, with Xiao Wu Rongrong in a room and Zhuqing and Chengrou in a room.


"Tang San, we will be roommates from now on. You are so fierce, you did that to Teacher Zhao." Oscar said in envy with wide peach blossom eyes.

"I didn't expect to be in the same room as Uncle Sausage." Tang San still didn't believe that Oscar was a 14-year-old boy.

"Uncle, let's get to know each other formally. My name is Oscar, you can also call me Xiao Ao, level 29, martial soul sausage, food weapon soul master." Oscar had a sly smile on his face.

"Several beauties have come to the school, and there are finally girls in the college. You can see my beautiful face tomorrow." Oscar seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"I'll have to show off well then. Boss Dai probably wants both of those two cold-blooded women. Xiao Wu should be your girlfriend. Don't worry, you're welcome as your friend's wife...

Ahem, that's wrong. You are a friend and your wife should not be bullied.I don't have any thoughts about that girl named Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong is so pretty..."

Oscar smiled obscenely, his throat rolled, and he swallowed...

Tang San was speechless and didn't want to talk about anything. The key now is to practice and restore his soul power.


Outside Wuhun City, Hu Liena looked surprised.

She finally saw the boy again, who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Even after several years, she could still recognize him.

"You are finally here. Are you here to propose marriage?" Hu Liena was a little shy.

But she was very happy, feeling that Su Chen came to find her.


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(End of this chapter)

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