Chapter 50 Betrothal gift to Bibi Dong

"How is my wife lately?" Su Chen took a sip of wine, a little tenderly.

He was always so gentle when talking about his wife.

Hu Liena looked at the boy seriously again and became even more handsome.

Hu Liena blushed, jogged, and hugged Su Chen directly.

"Teacher, she is very good, but if you want to marry the teacher, you must marry me and my junior sister." Hu Liena mustered up her courage and her voice was charming.

"There is such a good thing." Su Chen smiled happily, why don't you want it for free.

Hu Liena is already 18 years old. She has slender limbs and a tall and hot figure. She also has a natural charm.

Su Chen inadvertently ran his hands across Hu Liena's back, causing Hu Liena to gasp and blush.

This was the first time she took the initiative to hug a man, and the feeling of caressing and touching from the opposite sex made her feel uneasy.

"Do you like giving for free?" Su Chen pushed Hu Liena away.

When Hu Liena heard this, her face became a little ugly, "Do you think I am a casual person?"

When Hu Liena said this, there was even a hint of anger.

The person she missed day and night actually thought she was a casual woman.

"If I hadn't liked you, would I have taken the initiative to hug you?" Hu Liena said this feebly, squatting on the ground and crying. She had not been so sad for a long time...

Am I still that attractive?Su Chen put a question mark on himself.

Su Chen looked at the crying Hu Liena and hugged her while she was squatting.

Hu Liena felt suspended in the air and opened her beautiful tear-stained eyes, but she felt super shy and sweet in her heart.

Being held in this position is really not shy and sweet.

"Put me down quickly." Hu Liena said anxiously. If someone saw her in such a super little girl-like form, she would not be able to show off to anyone.

"Are you still crying?" Su Chen whispered.

"Why am I still crying? It's obvious that I...I only do that to you. Since you say I am a dissolute woman."

Hu Liena still felt a bit dissatisfied.

Su Chen lowered his head slightly and whispered in Hu Liena's ear: "Are you just being casual with me?"

Such contact and the feeling of hot air flowing in her ears made Hu Liena's whole body feel numb, like a small electric current flowing through her body.

She actually directly completed the possession of the martial spirit, revealing a pair of fluffy fox tails that kept shaking on Su Chen's chest.

"Yes, I'm only gentle to you." Hu Liena's soft voice that could melt icebergs came out.

Su Chen felt satisfied in his heart. He actually liked Hu Liena in his previous life. He thought she was a tragic character, very tragic.

She is obviously an unattainable saint, but she swings back and forth between love and loyalty. She was deeply hurt by someone but still remains so devoted.

Thinking of this, Su Chen felt unhappy again and let go of Hu Liena.

Hu Liena landed unprepared, and the contact between her buttocks and the ground made her wake up from her satisfaction.

"You-" Hu Liena glared, "I want to tell the teacher that you bullied me."

After Hu Liena paused for a while, she thought of something again and stopped making trouble.

Su Chen looked at Hu Liena interestingly and dropped a ring.

"This is my betrothal gift to the Pope's wife. I hope she likes it. There is a kind of grass called Qiluo Tulip that can make the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda evolve into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda."

After saying that, Su Chen had left, leaving a confused Hu Liena looking at the bright ring in her hand obsessively. She really wanted to wear it on her hand as a proof of love.

Hu Liena shook her head and quickly got up and went to the Pope's Palace to find her teacher.
Bibi Dong looked at the ring on her jade hand. It was a work of art that had been carefully polished countless times. It was bright and delicate, as dazzling as a star, and deeply attracted a woman's beauty-loving heart.

Take out the things inside one by one. They are all grass.

Bibi Dong is speechless, just give me some grass? (◣д◢)

But it's really nice...

"Nana, did he say what Qiluo Tulip looks like?" Bibi Dong naturally knew the significance of turning the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda into the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.Although she did not believe that there would be such a rare object, she had always learned about some precious and rare objects from heaven and earth that could improve a soul master's cultivation.

And I also saw the strange-velvet Tongtian Ju that was the same as Elder Ju’s martial spirit.

"No, teacher."

Nana shook her head. She was also surprised when she looked at the grass.

There is no other, because I have never seen it.

Bibi Dong felt unhappy for a while. She felt that someone must have done it on purpose. The purpose was to make her submissive and indirectly pointed out that as the Pope, he was ignorant.

"Go and call Elder Ju." Bibi Dong thought for a while and said.

"Yes, teacher." Hu Liena hurriedly called Ju Douluo.

Soon Ju Douluo and Hu Liena came to the Pope's Palace again.

As soon as Ju Douluo entered the door, he saw the strange flowers and plants on the ground.

Ju Douluo blinked, knelt down directly, and punched himself several times with his fists.

After a few punches, he was still dissatisfied, so he hit his chest hard, and finally a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was not sad because of the blood he spat out, but instead felt extremely happy...

Hu Liena looked at Elder Ju's rude behavior and was speechless for a while. Why did she feel like she was crazy? Isn't it just grass?Never seen the world?
Bibi Dong was also speechless for a while, watching Ju Douluo's performance like a dreamer trying to determine whether he was dreaming.

"It's true!!! Hahaha, it's true! It's all fairy grass!!" Elder Ju lost his voice.

After making sure, Ju Douluo knelt forward directly and came to a piece of fairy grass.

"The delicate fragrance of the immortal Qiluo, the nemesis of hundreds of poisons, so beautiful." Ju Douluo was fascinated.

He came to a fairy grass again, "Fantastic velvet-flowering chrysanthemum, haha"

"There is actually the King of Flowers, the most immortal among immortals."

Ju Douluo lost his composure again and shed tears.

I am so happy. For a person who loves flowers and regards flowers as everything to him, meeting these is so...


"I, Yue Guan, am actually lucky enough to see so many immortals. I have no regrets in this life." Ju Douluo sighed sincerely.

Hu Liena and Bibi Dong kept watching Ju Douluo's performance and couldn't bear it anymore. Acting like this?Never seen the world?

Bibi Dong directly attacked Yueguan with a soul attack, hoping to wake him up.

When Yue Guan saw the soul attack, he actually chose to resist it all with his body, protecting those lives that were about to be harmed.

"Your Majesty the Pope, are all these lovely lives yours?" Yue Guan, who was injured, did not feel any discomfort. Instead, he looked respectful and cute, like a dog.

This was the first time Bibi Dong saw Yue Guan who looked like a licking dog. This was an emotion from the heart.

I knew he liked flowers, but I didn't expect that he loved them to this extent.

"That's right." Bibi Dong said majestically.

"The Pope is truly the chosen daughter of heaven. These flowers and plants are legendary things that defy the heavens. It is only through family inheritance and my own hobbies that I know that there are these magical flowers and plants in the world. Now I am even more fortunate to see them. Yes. These flowers and plants are of unimaginable help to the Pope." Yue Guang was respectful and excited.

"Oh, let me introduce the functions of these flowers and plants." Bibi Dong said calmly.


Yue Guan finished introducing these flowers, plants and strange objects with excitement.Bibi Dong and Hu Liena were stirred up in their hearts.

These fairy grasses were of no use to her Bibi Dong, but they were unimaginably useful to the geniuses of the Spirit Hall.

Then how many geniuses and loyal subordinates will be cultivated by using these herbs...


ps, what are you asking for, little star will catch it, have a happy weekend

(End of this chapter)

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