Chapter 51 The beginning of estrangement

Bibi Dong already had a plan in mind.

"Very good, you can give me the "Chrysanthemum Book" compiled by me to study, and you can take the strange velvet blue chrysanthemum." Bibi Dong said casually.

"Thank you, Pope." Ju Douluo quickly kowtowed.

Although he is already a Titled Douluo, taking the fairy grass will not have much effect on improving his soul power, but because his martial soul itself is Qi Rong Tian Ju, the effect on improving his martial soul is unimaginably huge...

When Yue Guan left, Hu Liena opened her eyes wide and looked at the teacher with envy.

Hu Liena knew that there were more than one strange velvet-flowering chrysanthemum. The teacher had already put it away.

"Teacher, this gift is too precious. Even if the Qibao Glazed Sect goes bankrupt, it can't exchange for these fairy herbs." Hu Liena was excited, shocked by the young man's generosity.

"Nana, it's just some grass. You take this Sky Fox Flower and absorb it first. After absorbing it, you don't have to worry about Rourou catching up with you." Bibi Dong took out an unusually charming flower and said to Hu Liena tenderly. said.

"Ah, thank you, teacher. Hehe, Rourou will definitely be shocked when she comes back." Hu Liena happily took it, turned and left the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong looked at the empty hall and fell into deep thought.

For a long time, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he was so beautiful...



In the Rose Hotel, Dai Yubai was enjoying a proud moment as a man, hugging him from left to right.

"Xiaobai, you are getting better and better. This time you even lasted 10 minutes," the twin sisters praised.

"Yes, Xiaobai, you are so awesome..." The twin sister's spring eyes turned spiritually and she also agreed.

Dai Yubai laughed and stood up again...

In the mountains behind Shrek, people were wailing.

The Fudo Ming King Zhao Wuji was beaten to pieces by the Sun and Heaven Douluo who appeared inexplicably.

He begged for mercy, but he had already been conquered by Ritian's powerful fist, and he felt even more regretful in his heart.

Flanders could only laugh beside him
Late at night, it was already silent in the Shrek Academy women's dormitory. Su Chen shamelessly came to Zhuqing Rourou's room.

Su Chen looked at Cheng Rou. When he first saw this woman, Su Chen felt that she was not bad, so he helped her change her talent. Unexpectedly, she had grown into such a smart, beautiful and intelligent woman.

Su Chen focused his eyes on Zhu Qing, who had already fallen asleep, and looked at her seriously.

I didn’t expect that I haven’t seen him in 2 years and he has grown up to this extent.

Su Chen held a palm against a soft ball from afar, and roughly guessed the extent of it.

Su Chen stopped playing around and gently touched Zhu Qing's face with one hand.

Zhuqing's face became emotional, as if he was dreaming, and kept catering to the gentle palm with his face.

Su Chen smiled and left.

Zhuqing opened her sleepy eyes, put her left hand on her right face, and smiled. She dreamed that Su Chen came to find her and play games with her...

In Xiao Wu Rongrong's room, Su Chen looked at the two girls in the room, and finally came to Xiao Wu.

"Little Rabbit works hard too." Su Chen showed appreciation.

But Su Chen thought about the soul beasts again. Their growth was indeed too slow, not to mention their intelligence growth, which was incomparable to the wisdom of that kind of pet elf.


In the early morning, the four girls finished their first practice at Shrek and walked out of the room.

"Morning." The women greeted each other.

"Want to have breakfast together?" Xiao Wu said to Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou with a friendly smile. "Yeah." X2

However, the women were speechless again.

Where the Shrek Academy canteen is is a mystery, so I can only wander around the village and look for any shops that sell breakfast.

The four girls also started chatting about Shrek Academy. Although Zhuqing was taciturn, he always expressed his opinions at critical moments.

"Rongrong, let me tell you, you have to be careful about Dai Yubai. When he signed up yesterday, he felt something wrong when he heard your voice. He looked at you like a wolf." Xiao Wu said.

"Well, Xiao Wu, you are the one, you are so cute, you must have been targeted, and Tang San just came to find you, is he yours..." Rongrong inquired with a gossipy tone.

"No, he and I are just ordinary friends." Xiao Wu explained calmly. She had already discovered that Tang Hao had left.

After saying that, Xiao Wu looked at Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou.

"Zhuqing Chengrou, your place is so big, Dai Yubai must have been eyeing you. That scumbag has been staring at you for a long time, and even came to our place to look at you. He said he cares about the new school girls. He must be here to catch you. "Yes." Xiao Wu analyzed carefully.

Xiao Wu and Rongrong looked at the figures of Zhu Qing and Cheng Rou without any secret.

Cheng Rou and Zhu Qing felt the gazes of the two women. They first looked at their faces, then at their breasts, and finally looked down at their own breasts, shaking their heads in frustration.

"I'm not interested in anyone except him." Zhuqing said with a hint of tenderness.

"? Oh, it turns out that the cold beauty already has a sweetheart." Rongrong joked in a soft voice.

"I also have an engagement." Cheng Rou said calmly with a hint of expectation.

"Another famous flower has an owner! I envy you so much," Rongrong said again.

"How happy I would be to have both of you beauties at the same time." Xiao Wu squeezed in between the two of them and held their arms, "I have two peerless beauties all at once, hehe."

The two girls originally wanted to break away, but saw Xiao Wu's innocent smile without any impurity and gave up the idea.

It seemed that Xiao Wu didn't have any bad thoughts and he was a classmate.And it seems to feel good like this.

In this way, they accepted Xiao Wu.

At this time, a scene appeared in front of them, which shocked the four women's outlook.

A fat man about 12 years old was pulling an ordinary girl about [-] or [-] years old, wearing simple clothes.

Listening to their conversation, if the girl wants to break up, she must fight and run away. The girl obviously disagrees and yells that the boy is not a human being.

How could the boy accept it? He planned to use force.

How could there be such a person who threatens anyone who disagrees?
The fourth girl knew that if she didn't stop him, the fat man would succeed, because the girl was just an ordinary person.

The fourth girl took action decisively and beat the fat man violently.

Because when the fat man saw the four girls trying to stop him, he actually spoke rudely and blatantly said things that disgusted them to the extreme.

He hasn't tried asking them to replace this girl and fight Sihua alone.

The fat man's eagerness to try made the four girls feel disgusted.He also expressed that Xiao Wu Rongrong's figure was too hot and not well developed, but he could accept it...

Not far away, Tang San heard Xiao Wu's voice and the fat man's words, and hurried over, wanting to beat him up with his own hands.

But when Tang San arrived, Fatty had been beaten by Xiao Wu and the girls until he couldn't take care of himself, so he knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this time, Dai Yubai also came to smooth things over, saying that he was a student of the academy and one of his own, named Ma Hongjun. Because of his martial arts and being fat and ugly, he couldn't find a soul master girlfriend, so he could only find a commoner girl, but commoner girls couldn't stand her.
This made the four girls even more disgusted. How could there be a soul master who had started harming civilian girls at such a young age, and still acted openly, rationally, shamelessly and obscenely without knowing that when he grew up to be rich and powerful? Not bad.

Moreover, what Dai Yubai meant was that Ma Hongjun would use his status as a soul master to find a commoner girl as his girlfriend every few days. Not satisfied with this, he would also visit brothels.

It's so despicable on its own, but it's the martial soul that's to blame. Wouldn't it be nice to have the energy to practice?


(End of this chapter)

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