Chapter 52 Treasures in Soto City

The four girls stayed away from Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai.

Because Ma Hongjun let it slip and actually told Dai Yubai that he went on several dates with different girls at different places in one day, he expressed his envy.

This made the four girls sneer even more. It turned out that the two of them were inseparable.

Tang San also expressed his opinion, and even expressed his understanding of Ma Hongjun's behavior.

Because in Tang San's opinion, the cause of all this was caused by the mutation of martial souls, what does that have to do with Ma Hongjun?

It seems like he doesn't think there's anything wrong with this, or maybe ordinary girls are nothing in his eyes.

The girls also had some opinions about Tang San, and Xiao Wu even lowered her head in shame. After all, she signed up with Tang San.

Then a shaved Oscar appeared in front of the women.Yesterday, his despicable Wuhun password made several women think that this man was vulgar. Although he shaved off his beard today, he looks extraordinary and must be handsome playing basketball. He looks like a good pretty boy.

But precisely because he no longer had a beard, he could no longer hide the obscene look in his eyes.His eyes repeatedly wandered over the four girls, and finally focused on Rongrong...

Several girls also began to have some barriers in their hearts towards a few boys, but none of them were serious...

Later, they learned from Tang San and Dai Yubai that the academy's rules encouraged fighting and gambling, and the courses were free to follow the dean's mood.

Tang San shouted 666 from the side, expressing that he was satisfied with the academy's teaching style, which was very suitable for a monster like him.

How many women have raised questions about such a college?

Then the assembly bell rang, and the girls met the dean of the college for the first time.

He wears black-rimmed crystal glasses and has some hawk-like features on his face. He looks like a man in his fifties.

"This is the founder of our Shrek Academy, the level 78 Soul Saint, Flanders the Four-Eyed Cat Eagle."

Oscar introduced Rongrong with a look of wretchedness and pride in his eyes. He was probably proud to have such a dean.

Flanders also heard Oscar's words, and his eyes drifted towards Oscar, with a hint of amusement in his eyes, which made Oscar feel scared.

Flanders walked up to the eight colleges and began his familiar speech.

His voice was magnetic and hoarse, and he praised the talents of the eight people and asked them to pay 100 gold coins for tuition.

Dai Yubai was even asked to act as a lecturer to introduce Shrek to the freshmen.
As for the classes, they were scheduled to start in the evening, except for Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Because Ning Rongrong and Oscar were auxiliary soul masters, he had to train them specially.

"You guys can go rest and adjust to the best condition before dark. Shrek Academy is different from other academies. You may even be in danger." Flender said with a serious face.

As soon as Ma Hongjun finished listening, he ran out of the village without looking back.

The three women were surprisingly unanimous and did not leave. They wanted to see how Flanders would train Ning Rongrong.

Soon, the three women also got their wish.

After Flanders said a bunch of nonsense that all auxiliary soul masters knew, he asked Ning Rongrong and Oscar to run around the village twenty times.

Ning Rongrong thought it was nothing and ran away without hesitation.

After all, her father always asked her to exercise at home, and she considered running to be her strong point.

Oscar, on the other hand, felt scared because he knew the distance of these 20 circles. Even if they were great soul masters with more than 20 levels of soul power, it would still be very difficult for the auxiliary soul masters to complete it before noon. Difficult and even painful.

But Oscar could only bite the bullet and run after Ning Rongrong.

The three girls were disappointed when they saw that Ning Rongrong's training method was running. After looking at a direction, they seemed to have agreed upon it and left together.

Dai Yubai on the side wanted to keep up, but in the end he didn't take a step forward because he had hit the wall too many times. It was okay when they were alone, but they always felt a lot of pressure when they were together.Tang San was called away by Flanders.

"Oscar, how far is this circle?" Ning Rongrong was helpless.

She was full of confidence in herself before. As the most talented generation of Qibao Glazed Sect, how could she not know the training methods of auxiliary soul masters? She even seriously trained her body under the guidance of her father in the sect.

However, some time passed, and under the leadership of Oscar, Ning Rongrong began to have doubts as he failed to complete a lap.

Oscar also smiled bitterly: "This is simply impossible to complete. One lap is at least more than 3 kilometers. But Rongrong, if you are hungry, you can try the sausages I made, which can restore your strength and promote the healing of injuries."

Oscar flattery.

Ning Rongrong was speechless. Run 20 laps?Your physical strength will continue to decrease, and your speed will also decrease as a result. You won't be able to run anymore at night.

"I have a big sausage. Rongrong, this is my sausage soul skill." Oscar looked at Ning Rongrong's beautiful appearance and smiled, as if offering a treasure, his eyes full of impurities.

Ning Rongrong looked at the weird and vulgar Oscar, and felt inexplicably unhappy. Oscar's eyes seemed to have already convinced her, and he suddenly said, "I still have two thick slices of bread."

After saying that, Ning Rongrong left quickly.

Oscar froze on the spot, it was always incredible for such an elegant girl to say such words...

In the main hall of Qibao Glazed Sect, a young man was reporting something to the two people in front of him.

"Fengzhi, we know where your daughter is, why haven't you brought her back yet?" Sword Douluo's dissatisfied voice came out.

Ning Fengzhi was helpless: "Uncle Jian, you and Uncle Gu have been so kind to her. Letting her receive an education outside may change things."

Sword Douluo said dissatisfied again: "Are you saying that I pampered Rongrong? You only saw her playful side, not her obedient and filial side. You have many sons, but you only have one daughter. Are you willing to give up? We can’t bear it.”

"Uncle Jian, don't go this time no matter what. That Shrek Academy doesn't dare to do anything to Rongrong. The dean is a member of the former golden iron triangle. If he can recognize what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower represents, he will definitely Protect Rongrong."

After hearing this, Sword Douluo said, "If Rongrong needs anything, I'd like to ask you."

After saying that, he left angrily...

Zhuqing and Chengrou, under Xiao Wu's temptation, were willing to give up their training time and come to Soto City and the commercial street to buy clothes.

Without him, Xiao Wu said a piece of clothing that can make men fall in love with it, and no matter what they wear, men will not be able to take their eyes off it.

The two girls were doubtful and didn't understand why Xiao Wu knew this.But thinking about the boy they each liked, they decided to take a look with Xiao Wu. Maybe it was true?
"Well, these are pretty good, they're called silk stockings.

This is black stockings, Zhuqing is the most suitable for you, hehe.

These purple stockings, Cheng Rou, are also suitable for you. "Xiao Wu looked like a shopping guide and introduced them one by one.

But Xiao Wu herself has several styles of each color.

The two girls looked at Xiao Wu and were shocked again. These stockings felt like velvet and were indeed numb and charming. They seemed to be really good to wear.

But why did Xiao Wu buy so much? Maybe it wasn't to seduce someone.

Some pictures couldn't help but appear in the two girls' minds. After thinking about it, they decided to buy a few more to be prepared.

The three women paid in silence, and no one asked why they had just bought so many stockings.

The cashier wearing the costume of Jiu Sword Fairy was smiling, she had met a big customer.


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(End of this chapter)

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