Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 53 Ning Rongrong was indeed used to establish her authority

Chapter 53 Ning Rongrong was indeed used to establish her authority
Zhuqing and the other three walked out of the clothing store with great achievements, found a shop, and started drinking delicious sweet milk.

It happened that Rongrong, who was avoiding training, also wandered here.

The four girls met again, warmly invited Rongrong, and began to sit around and chat.

"Rongrong, are you so good? You finished the race in 20 laps. I saw that the route of that lap was at least... not short."

Xiao Wu was shocked. How long had it passed before Rongrong had finished running?
Zhuqing and Chengrou looked curious, obviously not thinking that Rongrong had finished running.

"It's harmful to...Xiao Wu, don't mention it. Can my girl finish that?" Rongrong said and took a sip of the sweet milkshake.

"This dean also has a brain convulsion. I exercise regularly at home, but my father only allows me to exercise appropriately.

Our sect's auxiliary soul masters don't run like this. What's the use of running 20 laps? It will only harm your body. Running 20 laps can improve your physical strength?Can you dodge the allergic attack type soul master?Teammates still have to suffer if they are not good enough. "

"Haha, what you said Rongrong makes sense." Xiao Wu agreed. It turns out that this little princess has a normal brain.

Cheng Rou also took advantage of the situation and said: "That's true. You are now level 26, and your physical fitness is only slightly better than that of ordinary people. You can't run for a whole morning. If you finish running, you must replenish nutrition and regulate your body to avoid leaving hidden injuries. .”

"Maybe the academy only has running as a training method." Zhuqing said disappointedly.

"I think so, but Rongrong, you have to be prepared to be scolded. You should be used by the dean to establish your authority." Cheng Rou looked at Rongrong sympathetically.

"Ah, is that so? Really?" Ning Rongrong was a little at a loss.

The three girls looked at Ning Rongrong with sympathetic eyes.

"A little soul saint actually wants to use me to establish his authority?! Damn it!!"

Ning Rongrong saw the answer from their expressions and began to think secretly. There was indeed something wrong with this training. How could the new students be allowed to run like this from the beginning?

"Rongrong, you are more majestic than my sister Xiaowu before, little soul saint." Xiaowu looked at Rongrong with big eyes, as if he had gotten to know her again.

"Hehe, Xiao Wu, it's okay." Rongrong was a little embarrassed, revealing too much could easily create distance.

"But this is not your Qibao Glazed Sect. He should have decided that he could use you as a demonstration before he did this." Cheng Rou said again.

"Ah! Then what should I do?!" Rongrong also thought of this possibility. She already had a lot of weird and bad ideas in her head, and she was not stupid.

"Beat him and shut him up." Xiao Wu said the most direct way.

Rongrong gave Xiao Wu a blank stare.Soul Saint, I can defeat Soul Saint, why do I come to this rotten academy?

"Sister Rourou, is there nothing we can do?" Rongrong looked at Cheng Rou again and felt that Cheng Rou was relatively reliable.

"You are a swordsman, and I am a fish. When you already know that you are going to be established, you don't need to panic, don't say anything, ignore him, how can he still eat you?" Cheng Rou said calmly.

" can I survive in Douluo Continent?" Rongrong felt aggrieved.

Cheng Rou and the other girls looked at Rongrong meaningfully.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong seemed to have a profound realization, "I understand, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Is it right to take revenge when I have the ability?"

After saying that, he drank the sweet milk in one go.

Xiao Wu was shocked when she heard this. Is this the noble lady?What he said contains some great truth about life.

Zhuqing Chengrou was also surprised by Rongrong's understanding. Is this what we mean?

But Rongrong has already thought this way, so the three women will naturally not explain anything more. Everyone has their own secrets and thoughts, and her thoughts should be respected.

"Rongrong, we will buy some things later and then go back to the small village to practice, adjust our condition, and prepare for the evening homework.

I don’t know what strange courses the dean will teach, so you want to come with us. "Xiao Wu said, and the three of them stood up directly. "You go ahead, I'm taking a stroll. Anyway, I have nothing to fear. "Rongrong refused, very indifferent.


"in vain…"

Xiao Wu walked on the street, feeling indescribably happy.

Titled Douluo left, and finally no longer had to flatter Tang Xiaosan. With his female classmates by his side, he would not be so alone...

The girls finished shopping and bought some girls' supplies, then returned to Shrek and started practicing...

Su Chen, on the other hand, was also shocked by Ning Rongrong's words before and almost spit out a mouthful of wine.

This is probably not a similar flower, one of Xiao Huohuo from another world.

However, Su Chen couldn't help but smile when he thought about the conflicts between the four girls and the four men.

Shrek will be very lively after meeting...

After thinking about it, Su Chen disappeared from Soto City and found Ah Yin.

"You're not allowed to come up. My blue silver bed can only bear my weight." Ah Yin said shyly when she saw Su Chen suddenly appeared.

She was looking forward to that step with Su Chen but also a little afraid.

However, Ah Yin felt that he should give it a try, or take the initiative.

If I don't take this step, I will have to wait for many years after I become a little girl. If Su Chen has another woman, wouldn't he have to stay behind?
Su Chen naturally didn't believe Ah Yin's lies and sat directly on the bed. The Lanyin bed still remained the same despite bearing the weight of the two people.

"You lied to me, did you know how miserable it would be?" Su Chen threatened gently.

"Am I afraid of you, huh." She has been in love with Su Chen for so long, so naturally she won't be afraid of Su Chen's threats. No threats are serious.

The two were fussing around for a while, and it was already past dusk. After Su Chen helped A Yin tidy up his clothes, he turned around and left.

Ah Yin's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, "Smelly man, it's like this every time, why don't you give it to me..."

I have to say that once you get it, you will be greedy and want more, including feelings.

Ah Yin was helpless. She knew that she was on a pirate ship. Su Chen probably had several women outside. The most outrageous thing was that she was not allowed to be the biggest one.

However, Ah Yin calmed down and began to make the ambiguous bed.

This kind of time is very happy, that man is worth it, this is the tender witness of A Yin's heart when getting along with him...

Night is coming.

In Shrek Academy, Flanders looked at the eight academy members. Except for Ning Rongrong and Oscar, the other six were in high spirits.

Next, there was also a scene where Flanders used Ning Rongrong to demonstrate.

Flanders first praised Oscar's friendly spirit in protecting Ning Rongrong, then showed a sinister smile, sealed Oscar's soul power, and asked Oscar to run another 20 laps.

Then he explained to the confused people why he wanted Oscar to run away again: "Because Oscar lied. Lying is a bad quality. You are all still children. I don't want you to lie."

Xiao Wu suppressed a smile. This dean also has a way of doing things. Not only does his direct disciples visit brothels and harm common women, but he is also good at torturing students. Let your own son Ma Hongjun run 20 laps. He will still think about those things and have the energy to harm girls. ?
As soon as Ning Rongrong heard Flanders' words, she felt alarmed, and she really wanted to operate on me.

Flanders then began to continue to verbally output Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong listened to what Flanders said. If this was a battlefield, military law would only lead to death. The crime was unforgivable. Leaving the academy without permission and not following the academy's arrangements were all mistakes that an excellent soul master should make.
(End of this chapter)

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